The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Love your brush!
2021 shave #33 (DE:16 SE:8 Str:9 Cart:0) - 924 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Voskhod (1)
I forgot
The Holy Black Autumnal
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Philtre Ceylan

This morning started not so great with my daughter having another seizure. We think this is the 3rd, but first I’ve seen. Not something you want to experience as a parent for sure. I’m taking today off because I can see it starting to set in for her that she has no control over when her body decided to do this. Hope eventually the meds will help.

Also, I dunno what the F is up with my weight this morning. Up 2lbs from yesterday. And yesterday I walked during lunch and forced myself to do a 30min workout in the evening, though that was a mental struggle. Just ain’t right I’m tellin’ ya.
This morning started not so great with my daughter having another seizure. We think this is the 3rd, but first I’ve seen. Not something you want to experience as a parent for sure.
I found it scary, but manageable. I'd have probably handled it differently if I weren't a nurse. As our son's neurologist told us, "Seizures beget seizures," so one is often followed by another. We had a couple of long weekends, and a couple of hospitalizations before the right balance of meds was found. Hang in there, Dave! (y)
I hate to hear that about your daughter. I don’t have a medical background and I would be freaking out. Hopefully they get the meds sorted quickly.

Hey ... that’s where the 2 pounds I lost went.
I found it scary, but manageable. I'd have probably handled it differently if I weren't a nurse. As our son's neurologist told us, "Seizures beget seizures," so one is often followed by another. We had a couple of long weekends, and a couple of hospitalizations before the right balance of meds was found. Hang in there, Dave! (y)
Thanks man. Ya, medical mode kicks in during, but afterwards, that’s my kid. Appreciate hearing your experiences. On my list is looking into the local epilepsy groups.
medical mode kicks in during, but afterwards, that’s my kid.
That's exactly how we were. We're both nurses, so we know how to handle seizures, but afterwards we were nervous for him. It's so different when you're the parent, not the nurse.
Sorry to hear that your daughter is dealing with this, Dave. Hopefully the meds start working or they find the right combination soon.

Oh ya! That makes sense. All those ****’n lunges.
Lunges are the bane of my existence and comprise about 2/3 of my weekly HIT lol. They aren't so bad at the time, but work the next day just hurts.
2021 shave #33 (DE:16 SE:8 Str:9 Cart:0) - 924 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Voskhod (1)
I forgot
The Holy Black Autumnal
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Philtre Ceylan

This morning started not so great with my daughter having another seizure. We think this is the 3rd, but first I’ve seen. Not something you want to experience as a parent for sure. I’m taking today off because I can see it starting to set in for her that she has no control over when her body decided to do this. Hope eventually the meds will help.

Also, I dunno what the F is up with my weight this morning. Up 2lbs from yesterday. And yesterday I walked during lunch and forced myself to do a 30min workout in the evening, though that was a mental struggle. Just ain’t right I’m tellin’ ya.
Sorry about your little girl.. I dated a girl who had seizures and she and her family ran me through the signs and what to do at the onset of one. Like I remember if I saw her hand or hands tremor it was the start of one for her. Also years later I had a Basset hound who had seizures.. They are not fun and are physically exhausting for everyone involved.. I pray she can get them under control......
2021 shave #34 (DE:16 SE:8 Str:10 Cart:0) - 925 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Paladin Honey Oscar Noir
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch AS
Creed Viking

Looking through my soaps and I forgot I now have the scent that I think pairs with this one very well. Decided to scent bomb it today! Good shave with the SS. Had a touch of clean-up on the neckle area that I went after with a few swipes of the 6S rather than risk more bloodshed. All is well.

Staying home yesterday was a good plan. Just being around when she has questions. Have several meetings today and then had already replanned on taking tomorrow off to burn some PTO. Guess that's not bad, chip away at the week one day at a time.