The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

My fellow 5:30ers...those early morning minutes are indeed precious! I’ve taken to getting as much as I can ready the night before to I can take my time in the AM.
2021 shave #42 (DE:18 SE:13 Str:11 Cart:0) - 933 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector Schick Proline (6)
Graydog Quilt
Declaration Grooming Trismegistus
Humphreys Citrus
Nivea 2:1

Whoop! Here it is @MilkCrate at @MarkB. Happy TGITMF!

View attachment 47209
He did it!! Look everyone! HE DID IT!!!!

Outstanding! You switched to Humphreys? I’m still working on getting your sponsorship with Thayers! Cant go wrong with the Graydog, ant that ones a beauty! Have a great long weekend. I’ll be with ya tomorrow fora Friday shave.
Outstanding! You switched to Humphreys? I’m still working on getting your sponsorship with Thayers! Cant go wrong with the Graydog, ant that ones a beauty! Have a great long weekend. I’ll be with ya tomorrow fora Friday shave.
Not switched. Found a super cheap bottle and decided to try it. I really don’t like the scent. So as soon as I’m not too lazy to find my back-up Thayers I’m going back.
2021 shave #43 (DE:18 SE:13 Str:12 Cart:0) - 934 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (7)
Paladin Honey Noir Oscar
Fine Platinum
Humphreys Citrus
Nivea 2:1
Yardley Equity talc
Dior Sauvage

Didn’t get out of bed until 7! Ended up with a great SS shave despite forgetting the blade was due for a change. Now having a cup of Ethiopian coffee from Stirling while I consider marking mushrooms and eggs for breakfast and possibly getting my homework for the weekend done. I’ve been waffling on buy CoD for weeks now. I might also need to do that.