The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Getting caught up. I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend.
Nice shaves. Sounds like you are having a great weekend.
Great couple of TOBS shaves! Sounds like you got quite a bit done around the house this weekend...always a good thing!
Nice shaves. You got a lot accomplished this weekend. Hope you had a great date night.
Great couple of shave Dave!
Getting caught up. I hope you enjoyed the holiday weekend.

Thanks all. I must have hit it just right. I could have done more, but I did do a decent amount.
Monday's shave:

2018 shave #149 (DE:30 SE:49 Str:68 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (1)
Lisa's Amber & Tobacco
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Too Sexy

I guess just like I have the urge to challenge myself with shaves at times and learn new things, I seem to be on a kick for just simple shaves for a while. Pulled out the Lisa's and while it's a good performer, I think I'd use it more if the SOS was a bit higher. Simple shave, with a little clean up and BBS. During the shave I was noticing that one side seemed to have more blade exposure than the other. I looked and it appeared the same. And I opened and closed it to make sure it was seated properly. Everything seemed in order, but one side was certainly more aggressive than the other.

This was another later in day shave. I woke up sore and had planned on not doing much today, but then I got to feeling like I needed to be productive. I went out to power wash the other side of the driveway and the weeds out of the bricks on that side, but I was saved from a couple of neighbor's cars parked too close and I would have hosed them down with mud and flying rocks. So I puttered a bit cleaning up our courtyard and the garage a bit. Then relaxed the rest of the afternoon. Not a bad weekend.
Monday's shave:

2018 shave #149 (DE:30 SE:49 Str:68 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (1)
Lisa's Amber & Tobacco
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Too Sexy

I guess just like I have the urge to challenge myself with shaves at times and learn new things, I seem to be on a kick for just simple shaves for a while. Pulled out the Lisa's and while it's a good performer, I think I'd use it more if the SOS was a bit higher. Simple shave, with a little clean up and BBS. During the shave I was noticing that one side seemed to have more blade exposure than the other. I looked and it appeared the same. And I opened and closed it to make sure it was seated properly. Everything seemed in order, but one side was certainly more aggressive than the other.

This was another later in day shave. I woke up sore and had planned on not doing much today, but then I got to feeling like I needed to be productive. I went out to power wash the other side of the driveway and the weeds out of the bricks on that side, but I was saved from a couple of neighbor's cars parked too close and I would have hosed them down with mud and flying rocks. So I puttered a bit cleaning up our courtyard and the garage a bit. Then
relaxed the rest of the afternoon. Not a bad weekend.

Good shave!

I must admit, power washing is a ridiculously fun chore...
2018 shave #150 (DE:31 SE:49 Str:68 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (2)
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Wholly Kaw Fern Concerto AS
Penhaligon's English Fern

Another simple shave. It almost feels like these DE shaves aren't worth mentioning any more, but I do like seeing what everyone else is using. I went for the ferny trifecta, ending with the all day long English Fern. I find fern scents to be very clean smelling yet distinctive enough they don't disappear.

Started my morning catching up on the video's from a few of you cadre brothers with more stage presence than myself. I am thinking about that hot towel prep. I have been feeling like my face gets too dry between shower and the start of the shave.
Just got caught up, Dave. Sounds like you are getting some great shaves and also getting a little soap experimentation in there. Good stuff.
Good stuff Dave. Just waiting for your video.
Good Shave Dave, and that is exaclty how my day started today, and still yet to shave, LOL
That's the wonderful thing about this can get as simple or complex as you want! Sometimes simple is what the Dr. ordered!
Simple shaves have their places too. They are great for the days when you are too distracted.
Just catching up on the last few shaves Dave. Good stuff! Sounds like you're having a pretty good run of productivity around the house as well!
2018 shave #151 (DE:32 SE:49 Str:68 Cart:2)

Parker 76R w/ Israeli Personna (3)
Strop Shoppe Via dell'Ambra
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Nameless by Mark Buxton

Fly-by post. As I was entering yesterday's journal entry we found out the state showed up for our unannounced survey. They will be here all week and we also have a survey of our stroke program today. Busy week at work.