The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I get this everytime something new shows up lol. She says, "why don't you use up the stuff you have before you order anything else?" haha.

Nice shaves!

Hence my push to shave daily...and take part in the occasional PIF!

”But I did use it up dear.”

”But I didn’t have to spend a single penny dear.”
2018 shave #146 (DE:29 SE:47 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Shannon's Soap Lady Luck
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Al Haramain L'Aventure EdP

It was time for a house call from The Doctor. Moved the blade over the Hawk because it has a few good shaves left in it. This is my last Shannon's Soap and this one didn't smell like green weeds! This one is listed as amber and vanilla. Maybe? I got more of a floral note with some fern that took over as the shave went on. At the end of it all, if I didn't have two fern soaps, I would certainly order Shannon's, but the rest really didn't hit the mark for me. Again, I more think there's something in her base that hits my nose a little off, rather than an actual problem with them.

Shave was great. Took my time and even went for a wee touch of clean up. DSBBS my brothers. Oh that feels good on the final rinse when your hand is just sliding around. I hit up the L'Aventure and was a bit surprised. I got a light citrus. Well, it hit hard and then very quickly dissipated without the warm notes that I seem to recall from Aventus. I could be wrong, I only smelled it once. But I am surprised that it's now an hour later and I really need to have my nose right next to my skin to smell anything. And I was worried because the atomizer really let out a pretty good dose and I did three sprays. Maybe this just needs a lot of product?
Great read and shave Dave!

The L' Aventure preformed well for me. I'll have to pay more attention as to how much I used the next time. Was it one vasili or 10?
Great read and shave Dave!

The L' Aventure preformed well for me. I'll have to pay more attention as to how much I used the next time. Was it one vasili or 10?

Awesome! From Dave’s post I was worried it was a no go.

Dave, after that first hour you said you had to have your skin up close to smell it, was that just you adjusting to the scent? Was it still projecting to others or did it really not project that long?
Hence my push to shave daily...and take part in the occasional PIF!

”But I did use it up dear.”

”But I didn’t have to spend a single penny dear.”

After all the generosity this community has shown me, it’s only right to PIF. I’m working on getting one out there soon.....then I can start buying again haha!

But I am surprised that it's now an hour later and I really need to have my nose right next to my skin to smell anything. And I was worried because the atomizer really let out a pretty good dose and I did three sprays. Maybe this just needs a lot of product?

This happens to me after I use the same scent a few times. I become “nose blind” to it. I’ll usually smell it at full strength when applying, then after a few minutes the scent will fade and I’ll only catch whiffs of it here and there.
Great read and shave Dave!

The L' Aventure preformed well for me. I'll have to pay more attention as to how much I used the next time. Was it one vasili or 10?
Awesome! From Dave’s post I was worried it was a no go.

Dave, after that first hour you said you had to have your skin up close to smell it, was that just you adjusting to the scent? Was it still projecting to others or did it really not project that long?
Couldn't tell you for sure. They guy I share an office with isn't one I would ask about that. I change scents daily, so I'm used to be able to pick up the scent for hours after. In the cases of something like Penhaligon's, I can smell it myself all day.
I don't know if i would dare to ask my wife to visit a shaving product shop. I would be too afraid she would notice the items i already have and the retail price of each. I admit, so many of the products i have i was able to pick up for less than retail ...but the risk is real. My last visit to the Groomatorium I took my daughter and let her pick out a soap for herself, She picked TOBs Almond. I had to swear her to silence when she saw the bill for that trip.

Congrats on the DSBBS.
Nice shaves, and congrats on SWMBO enabling you and grabbing some TOBS! I don't think I'll have the same luck with mine, LOL. Chris's strategy of blaming new acquisitions on PIF's and trades is a good one...
I'm sitting here at work and looking forward to getting home to play a little Far Cry 5. Thought I'd give a shout out to those gamers that haven't tried this one yet. This took me much longer than say COD to finish and is the only game I can remember that I'm starting over to play again. The open world is great and you really can choose what you with only few missions having to be completed before others. Even without official missions, just happening upon things while you wander around can keep you busy. I almost thought of sneaking home for an hour to get a little time in. But I'll wait....
I'm sitting here at work and looking forward to getting home to play a little Far Cry 5. Thought I'd give a shout out to those gamers that haven't tried this one yet. This took me much longer than say COD to finish and is the only game I can remember that I'm starting over to play again. The open world is great and you really can choose what you with only few missions having to be completed before others. Even without official missions, just happening upon things while you wander around can keep you busy. I almost thought of sneaking home for an hour to get a little time in. But I'll wait....

Sounds good! I’m a big fan of the Bethesda/Elder Scrolls open world/sandbox gameplay.
Sounds good! I’m a big fan of the Bethesda/Elder Scrolls open world/sandbox gameplay.
I enjoyed that one too. Talk about a game you can play forever. I never did finish that one. Wish they would come out with an updated version of it.
Yesterday’s entry

2018 shave #147 (DE:29 SE:48 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
TOBS Eaton College
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
TOBS Eaton College EdC

Time to try the new stuff. I like it, but even after lathering I wish it was stronger. Nice citrusy stuff though, so it will be kept and put into the rotation.

More outdoor work work on Saturday. I bought a power washer almost a year ago and all it’s been used for a friend painting their house that borrowed it. I’ve been itching to use it for no particular reason so I finally did. Just started with the driveway, then started on the weeds between some paving bricks. This lead to me deciding that the bricks were uneven enough I should just take them all up and replace them nice and level like. So a trip to landscape store and 7 bags of concrete sand and I was ready for Sunday.

No kids at home today, so the wife and I decided on a date night. Went all out and took Lyft into the city so we could enjoy cocktails with dinner. It was a very nice evening. Great drinks, great food in a place we’d seen reviewed on TV.
2018 shave #148 (DE:29 SE:49 Str:68 Cart:2)

Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TOBS Jermyn St
Plisson synthetic in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
TOBS Jermyn St EdC

Same shave as yesterday, but with an even better scent.

Today was was a day of manual labor, but actually a project I got finished in one day. Bricks picked up, cleaned off, sand laid, bricks leveled and sealed with more sand. Whew! Tomorrow might be a day of relaxation.
Great couple of TOBS shaves! Sounds like you got quite a bit done around the house this weekend...always a good thing!
Nice shaves. You got a lot accomplished this weekend. Hope you had a great date night.
Nice shave today careful about setting the bar too high on the little chores around the house. That will become the standard...then there'll be more that has to be done!


Nice Reads Dave and the picture of the Opuntia is one of your Best Ever!!! Very nice!!