The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #354 (DE:121 SE:95 Str:137 Cart:0) - 856 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (7)
Razorock synth
A&E Grecian Horse
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
A&E Grecian Horse AS

Well, I thought I had one more shave in this blade, but I used up my 6 yesterday. I sure did feel it with my neck getting lit up. Switched to the Rockwell 6S for the 3rd pass.

Good day, yesterday. Had the kids help a bit in the prep. The TJ's turkey breast was "okay". But it was the right choice to not have to deal with a whole turkey the three days previous. Kids ended up wanting to play a game on the TV that uses their cell phones as well. It was the first time they did something they enjoyed as a group for quite a while. It was good to see.
2020 shave #358 (DE:124 SE:96 Str:137 Cart:0) - 860 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Schick Proline (1)
Paladin Honey Noir Oscar
CBL Screaming Dolphin Butt
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Over the next few weeks, I need to get my SE shaves up to the triple digits just to make the report more symmetrical. The shave from this Vector is pretty smooth. Any other of you guys try it out?

After today the first semester will be done. Just finished something for school I was a bit offended by. For one of the classes today we have to give a small group presentation related to technology and healthcare. The instructor had everyone fill out a form listing who did what for the assignment and how much of the total time they contributed. I already didn't like the thought of that, but the kicker what a note that encourages to NOT give equal percentages to each person. It really made me feel like he was encouraging people, to at least making it welcome to throw someone under the bus. I'm sorry, we're all professional adults at this point. If someone feels another student didn't pull their weight, we're perfectly able to bring this to his attention if we can't deal with it on our own. My form got turned in with "we did it as a team" in the % column. I'll take the point loss if he feels it's necessary.
I have to make a few tweaks to my drone. The missus said something about roasting the turkey.

How did that not set the woods on fire?!

we're all professional adults at this point. If someone feels another student didn't pull their weight, we're perfectly able to bring this to his attention if we can't deal with it on our own.

I came to hate group assignments - there was always a person or two who didn't pull their weight, so the rest of us picked up the slack It was frustrating, but I wasn't about to let a lazy nurse impact my GPA.
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Regarding the group work, giving individual feedback is important. If one person-A says person-B undercontributed and did basically nothing, while persons-C+D says person D carried their load, then the prof will discard Person-A's assessment of person-B as being most likely a personality conflict.. The "we functioned as a group" assessment is achieved by providing feedback on who did what; the time-spent shouldn't factor in that much as a weighting parm, as some folks work faster than others.

In one of my groups, we had a great young lady overcoming many issues in life and coping with some mental and physical challenges. It took her a lot longer to get her work to me (as compiler and mini-PM) and it needed a solid bit of tweaking/re-work, but I graded her as a full contributor because she worked hard and gave it her best effort. For 2 other projects, I totally slammed some participants for not showing up to the meetings and basically doing what looked like a 20 minute job on a project worth 30% of the term. Profs need to know who did what; most of my Profs had a good idea as to who was serious about class and who were not.
How did that not set the woods on fire?!

I came to hate group assignments - there was always a person or two who didn't pull their weight, so the rest of us picked up the slack It was frustrating, but I wasn't about to let a lazy nurse impact my GPA.
Not sure, not my drone.
Regarding the group work, giving individual feedback is important. If one person-A says person-B undercontributed and did basically nothing, while persons-C+D says person D carried their load, then the prof will discard Person-A's assessment of person-B as being most likely a personality conflict.. The "we functioned as a group" assessment is achieved by providing feedback on who did what; the time-spent shouldn't factor in that much as a weighting parm, as some folks work faster than others.

In one of my groups, we had a great young lady overcoming many issues in life and coping with some mental and physical challenges. It took her a lot longer to get her work to me (as compiler and mini-PM) and it needed a solid bit of tweaking/re-work, but I graded her as a full contributor because she worked hard and gave it her best effort. For 2 other projects, I totally slammed some participants for not showing up to the meetings and basically doing what looked like a 20 minute job on a project worth 30% of the term. Profs need to know who did what; most of my Profs had a good idea as to who was serious about class and who were not.
To that point, I did list out what responsibilities each person had in the appropriate area. I felt like that was adequate.