2020 shave #344 (DE:120 SE:91 Str:132 Cart:0) - 846 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Siliski Toasted Almond
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683
Hello, men of a gentle nature. Been a minute since I posted my shaves. My daughter is still going through a rough patch and dealing with some things. So that means I, and to an extent, the whole family is going through a rough patch and dealing with things. Been worried about my friend Rich. Thought for him and his (oh so tolerant) wife. And may Rich score some cute nurse assignments.
Started getting the Christmas lights up outside. This dumb house only has one electrical outlet in the front and one in the back. This means I need to buy super long 2-prong extension cords and indoor timers so it's taking a bit while we figure it out and order supplies for each step. And creeping up on the end of the school semester. Which means I'm down to just a few things to turn in, but my procrastination has more weight to it. I think I'm still a bit ahead of the game, but I'd like to be done. And I need to jump on bingo today before I get too far behind!
Shavewise, ain't nothin' new. I think I'm set for hardware for a long time coming, though I'd still like a DX or at least try one. Software is a fickle mistress. I'm bored when I look in my closet with an embarrassment of riches. I want to use new things, but tell myself how ridiculous it is to buy more. I do have about six soaps from Pinnacle in my cart, but I've had them there for a week without pulling the trigger. So far so good.