The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2018 shave #144 (DE:28 SE:45 Str:68 Cart:2)

Merkur 38c w/ Voskhod (2)
Shannon's Soaps Valley Parkway
RasoRock Plissoft 24mm
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
L&L After the Rain

Similar shave to yesterday to check out another of Shannon's scents. This one was supposed to be woody/floral/green grass. I didn't get that. I got metallic. As I was mixing I even looked into my bowl looking for little spots of rust, because it smelled just like that. Go figure. I'm used to soaps not smelling like the description, but at least they need to be enjoyable. This was just, interesting.

The blade did mello out a bit from yesterday. I would have to compare them close to each other, but I think I'd still rate the Wilkinson as smoother. I still ended up with a
little rough patch behind the jaw angle, but to be fair, I didn't check for BBS after the 3rd pass and didn't do any clean up. There was no alum burn again, so all in all, I'm happy I revisited these guys. I may or may not pick some up. Having Russian blades is still pretty cool, but I'm not sure that I have a slot in my shaving wheel that needs filled.

Funny, I'm finding I get more little stuff done around the house when my wife is gone. I'm thinking it's because I don't have anyone just to chill out with. But maybe it's because I want to be sure she doesn't come home and think I just sat around the whole time!
2018 shave #144 (DE:28 SE:45 Str:68 Cart:2)

Merkur 38c w/ Voskhod (2)
Shannon's Soaps Valley Parkway
RasoRock Plissoft 24mm
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
L&L After the Rain

Similar shave to yesterday to check out another of Shannon's scents. This one was supposed to be woody/floral/green grass. I didn't get that. I got metallic. As I was mixing I even looked into my bowl looking for little spots of rust, because it smelled just like that. Go figure. I'm used to soaps not smelling like the description, but at least they need to be enjoyable. This was just, interesting.

The blade did mello out a bit from yesterday. I would have to compare them close to each other, but I think I'd stil
l rate the Wilkinson as smoother. I still ended up with a little rough patch behind the jaw angle, but to be fair, I didn't check for BBS after the 3rd pass and didn't do any clean up. There was no alum burn again, so all in all, I'm happy I revisited these guys. I may or may not pick some up. Having Russian blades is still pretty cool, but I'm not sure that I have a slot in my shaving wheel that needs filled.

Funny, I'm finding I get more little stuff done around the house when my wife is gone. I'm thinking it's because I don't have anyone just to chill out with. But maybe it's because I want to be sure she doesn't come home and think I just sat around the whole time!

I'm also revisiting the Voskhod blade this week. So far it's a pretty good match for my Fatip Grande. Pretty smooth for me.

I'm the same way when I'm home alone and for pretty much the same reason. I get more done, mainly so the wife doesn't come home and yell at me for sitting around doing nothing while she was gone haha!
I'm also revisiting the Voskhod blade this week. So far it's a pretty good match for my Fatip Grande. Pretty smooth for me.

I'm the same way when I'm home alone and for pretty much the same reason. I get more done, mainly so the wife doesn't come home and yell at me for sitting around doing nothing while she was gone haha!

I'd be curious to see how you think it stacks up against the Wilkinson
I'm the same way when I'm home alone and for pretty much the same reason. I get more done, mainly so the wife doesn't come home and yell at me for sitting around doing nothing while she was gone haha!

Lol, that makes 3 of us. If I did do something it better have visible results. The first question I usually get when she comes home after any significant portion of the day out is, “So what have you been doing?”
I'm the same way when I'm home alone and for pretty much the same reason. I get more done, mainly so the wife doesn't come home and yell at me for sitting around doing nothing while she was gone haha!
Lol, that makes 3 of us. If I did do something it better have visible results. The first question I usually get when she comes home after any significant portion of the day out is, “So what have you been doing?”
LOL, so yesterday I got several little chores done that had been kind of lingering for quite a while. I'm making sure the dishes don't stay in the sink. Cleaning up here and there, stuff I normally wouldn't be too concerned about. Finally sit down for the evening and get a text "what are you guy up to?". Instant panic! I'm not about to say "just relaxing" even though she wouldn't care. So up and go to organize a bit more. It's a plot!
LOL, so yesterday I got several little chores done that had been kind of lingering for quite a while. I'm making sure the dishes don't stay in the sink. Cleaning up here and there, stuff I normally wouldn't be too concerned about. Finally sit down for the evening and get a text "what are you guy up to?". Instant panic! I'm not about to say "just relaxing" even though she wouldn't care. So up and go to organize a bit more. It's a plot!

I know that panic well!

LOL, so yesterday I got several little chores done that had been kind of lingering for quite a while. I'm making sure the dishes don't stay in the sink. Cleaning up here and there, stuff I normally wouldn't be too concerned about. Finally sit down for the evening and get a text "what are you guy up to?". Instant panic! I'm not about to say "just relaxing" even though she wouldn't care. So up and go to organize a bit more. It's a plot!

Women are evil geniuses! They know exactly what they're doing haha!
Nice shave today careful about setting the bar too high on the little chores around the house. That will become the standard...then there'll be more that has to be done!
Your wife didn't leave you a list of items to get done while gone? LUCKY!
Nice shave today careful about setting the bar too high on the little chores around the house. That will become the standard...then there'll be more that has to be done!
Heh, don't worry, the place isn't spotless ?
Just got caught up. Glad you enjoyed the Hawk.
Thanks, good to go back from time to time.
Your wife didn't leave you a list of items to get done while gone? LUCKY!
Yes, it was #1 make sure the kids get to school. #2 make sure the kids get home.
2018 shave #144 (DE:28 SE:46 Str:68 Cart:2)

RazoRock Hawk V2 w Feather Proguard (2)
Shannon's Soaps Lit and Woodlands
RasoRock Plissoft 24mm
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

Two more Shannon's scents today. I started with Lit, which was supposed to be smoky, but I again only got green weeds. Obviously there is something that she uses that hits me with that weedy note and I just can't smell past that. I had this lathered up, but was so disappointed in the smell that down the drain it went. I was expecting the same from Woodlands, but it was actually different. I did get some outdoor smells, mostly dirt. I guess the base she uses just doesn't agree with my nose some how. Shannon's Soaps is my tumbleweed. I think I have one more to use and then I'll let someone else give these a shot. Plenty of sample still left of each for many shaves.

Shave itself was okay. I spent a little more time on the angles of the jaw and still had just a little rough sandpaper feel back there. Maybe it's time to share the Hawk with someone else. I don't see the need for it with the RX waiting in the wings.

Wife gets home tonight, so this is my last morning of getting into work late and needing to get the kids ready in the morning. It wasn't too bad, but it sure is a different feel without another adult in the house to get some relief from the tweens.
Interesting how we discern scents differently from person to person. Kind of makes you wonder if the green you see is actually what I consider red? hmmmm....
....Shannon's Soaps is my tumbleweed....

Now that there is hilarious!