The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Lookin forward to seeing the new acquisitions! Still getting some good use out of the Pilot VP?

Hope it’s a quiet Sat for ya!
Ya, the VP is standard in my shirt pocket when I wear dress shirts. With my new EDC there’s a pen holder so I moved it to there.
2020 shave #242 (DE:87 SE:63 Str:90 Cart:0) - 746 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
Tallow + Steel Sicily
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
TOBS Eaton College EdC

Mellow morning. I didn’t pay enough attention to the pressure with the RX and got some alum sting in return. There is no forgiveness for the slightest pressure with this one.

Yesterday was grand. Lots of stuff done. Nice weather. Took the oldest for an hour of driving training. Didn’t realize how stressful that was until I got home and my stomach was sore from stress. I mean heck, she was only an inch from hitting another car twice.
2020 shave #243 (DE:87 SE:63 Str:91 Cart:0) - 747 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (4)
Copper boar
Nuavia rossa
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade - 1 Vasili

Wait, the weekend is over?? Video posted.
Good Shaves Dave and who you kidding these are actually Scotch Snifters aren't they
I’ve seen some fancy looking things on YouTube videos that look like blown glass rods to add water to whisky. I need to research those.
2020 shave #244 (DE:87 SE:64 Str:91 Cart:0) - 748 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Kai Pink (3)
Maggard synth
Razor Master Toivo
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc
Le Labo Patchouli

I’m working from home today and if all goes according to plan I should be on the deck the majority of the day. So it seemed like a perfect time to pull out the most intense smoky scent you can shave with. @BarberDave suggested I get a bespoke scotch scented soap/AS combo. Why when there is already shaving’s version a Laphroaig? So with the manliest of manly soaps, I then chose the fairy’s magic wand of razors and got me a great shave.

Busy day today with work meetings and two school orientations. So I figured why not just stay home and do everything while working on my tan?
Toivo smokier than T+S Morocco? Isn't that the birch tar one?
I do not know. I went down to give you an answer but I don’t have that one. My stack of T+S soaps is 8 tall though. I was surprised I had that many. I’ll tell you though, unless Morocco is straight up smoke it won’t win. I was loving that I could smell my lather sitting on the counter when while taking a shower.