The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #236 (DE:85 SE:62 Str:87 Cart:0) - 741 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (1)
Custom synth
Siliski Citrus
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Atelier Cologne Vetiver Fatal

Most my razors had blades that needed to be changed so I went with by favorite of the guarded blade razors I have. I'd like to get in more straight shaves, but this morning thing hasn't been happening at the right time for me lately. Beautiful smooth shave with the OREN of course. Hey, I went past 2 full years of shaving without skipping a day. Not shabby. Still kicking myself for that day skipped 2 years ago.
If only mornings could come later...

BTW, my daughters both think your avatar is just the best thing since sliced bread whenever I'm on TSC and they see it.
One of the few if not the last remaining animated gif avatars left here. I’m still kicking myself for being the guineapig that changed mine to test things after that new site was published.
2020 shave #237 (DE:85 SE:62 Str:88 Cart:0) - 742 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (1)
Stirling synth
L&L After the Rain
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
L&L After the Rain AS
Prorasso Mint and Rosemary talc

Ooooo what a good shave from the ole SS. Neck BBS and everything. I did more stretching and thought of the neck as a cylinder instead of flat surfaces. In other words, remembered on a curve only a very small section of the blade is making contact so use more stroke to cover an area instead of trying to get more of the blade to make contact. Worked like charm. -- Pardon me while I shake my booty to WMRK -- I had forgotten this AS had menthol in it, but I lived through it and smell lovely.

Started my reading for school though it doesn't start for two weeks. Sweet mercy the changes because of age just don't stop. In my first round of college I would have rock music blasting in my headphones to drown out the dorm noises. Well I know that's not the case any more. I don't want to be stuck downstairs by myself for the next two years, so I brought up a small amplifier I put next to a comfy chair in the living room. Figured I could wear headphones and still be able to get reading done with others around. Started with light jazz. Nope. Quite piano? A little better. I ended up with a white noise channel and listening to the inside of an airplane. Instead of my booty I am now shaking my head at my sad situation. I think downstairs might end up being my hole.
You wait until writing exams, er... tests, er... "evaluation documents" nowadays, when you know how to build a better sentence than your instructor and answer the question they asked rather than the question THEY thought they asked. Had that happen in economics and wrote a page and a half of calcs based on the question rather than a simple table based on his intention. The paper said the "rate of change" remained constant over time, whereas what he meant was the "quantity of product manufactured" increased by the same amount each period.

We had a good laugh afterwards, as he said something like like "I just looked at how much work you did, figured there was a reason for it and gave you full marks." :ROFLMAO:
Oh, I should also add: Be prepared to be totally exhausted all the time.
And that's a different kind of tired than you get from working 60-70hr weeks. Been there, done that. At least with work tired, you knew what you were doing and why it was important to do it.

Having to learn and/or memorize a bunch of things with the sole reason for doing so being for testing purposes, is so very different than learning new things at work where you actually see the need/application of picking up the new information/skill. With school, you have no idea what's important for tests or not. It could be a reference made in a book's footnote. "If it's in the text or discussed in class, it's fair game for testing." I hated that. Most of my profs were great, but there's always a few who feel better about themselves by being able to show the students how stupid they are (i.e. low test scores).
If I can add a point from an analytical should not set about the road you're on trying to "prove your theory or thesis"...your mind will always find a way to justify what you put into writing or any given situation. Set about only to disprove everything you acquire in your research...what remains IS bonafide findings and what the dissertation will soundly stand on. That completely speaks to Bruce and Sam's points. You'll be tired. Also the wienies Sam refers to are on tenure and like to write work everyday...not same-same. ;)
Q: Is your Masters programme thesis driven or the newer format option where you simply* take a bunch of extra courses?
If given the choice, take the latter.
More clinical hours?! What a load of crap! What are they having you do during your clinicals? Surely it's almost purely admin stuff?
More clinical hours?! What a load of crap! What are they having you do during your clinicals? Surely it's almost purely admin stuff?
I have to do public health nursing, no idea what they'll assign for that. Then the last semester is the main clinical hours. And of course my hope is my normal work can be written up to quality.
I have to do public health nursing, no idea what they'll assign for that. Then the last semester is the main clinical hours. And of course my hope is my normal work can be written up to quality.
Gross! Sounds too admin-y! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. It'll be stupid if you had to basically keep two full time jobs for a couple of months.
2020 shave #238 (DE:85 SE:62 Str:89 Cart:0) - 743 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (2)
Saponificio Varesino 2.0 two-band 26mm Manchurian High Mountain White Badger knot in Ziricote handle
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo AS

Figured I'll get warmed up for a new SV brush. Did the ole face lathering with toooo much water and there was lather everywhere. It was like a @Majorrich video up in there! Nailed the shave again. And I love the smell of Cosmo. Did two applications and it's taking some time for it to sink in all the way.

I don't have much to report any more it seems. Groundhog day syndrome. I got my last kit of my solution to EDC yesterday I believe. Loaded it up and I'll use it for a few days before possibly finally posting a video of it all. I was looking for some preroasted coffee to start using with the intent of going basic and inexpensive. I fell victim to an email timed perfectly and ordered a couple of blends made for Michelin star places. But should be good as we've enjoyed it at those places. And the weather has been bumming me out. Too grey and cool/windy to enjoy deck time after I get home. I need to visit my pipes soon!