The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #183 ( DE:66 SE:46 Str:69 Cart:0) - 692 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Kai Pink (3)
Sorrentino Blonde Vixen
Signature Soap Eboracum
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's English Fern Talc
Hermes Poivre Samarcande EdT

A few new things here. Saw on my numbers that SE shaves are trailing behind so it was time to give the OREN some love. Tried another soap from @Brianh this morning. This one was mint. A lot of mint. There's a gum that smells just like this. I like it. The scent was stronger on lathering than from the sample. A good 4-5/5. Lathered up no problem and I had none of the stickiness on the razor that I had with the other soap. So I don't know if it was something from that soap or something else entirely. He does make good soaps, that's for sure. The notes for this one are peppermint and cedar. I don't get any cedar and the mint is more spearmint I think? Something a little sharper than peppermint. I'm a woods guy so would be interested in smelling a cedar note along with it. I applied the talc with a modified technique that didn't create the famous cloud, so I think I'm on the right track with that. Lastly pulled another sample from a bag I ran across. I'm assuming it was fairly old or something because I get next to no scent from it. Thought it might be my sniffer broken in the den, but still nothing now. Bummer because the scent notes are something I think I'd like. Interesting one ingredient is chili pepper.

Other stuff. A few weeks ago I applied for a program through work for grad school. I tend to work my way up into jobs that I don't have the education to support. All this COVID stuff and the cost drain on hospitals has me a bit paranoid and figured it was time to make myself marketable just in case. I was accepted into the program and they'll pay 80% of the master's program. Now I'm just waiting on one more transcript to finish my application to the school itself. It's the right thing to do, but I also can't imagine going back to school with a full career and family. Though I know it's done all the time. I'm just not a big fan of structured education.

I did schedule Cadre Friday this week!
Back to college! Sounds like a good deal to me. I'm interested in that mint Signature soap. Might have to pick that up.
2020 shave #184 ( DE:66 SE:46 Str:70 Cart:0) - 693 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (3)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
Eufros Park Avenue
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Histoires de Parfums 1740

Jammin' to WMRK this morning. Had a good shave. Spent a little extra time around the Adam's apple and it paid off with no alum sting. So far the Histoires de Parfums scents have been interesting. I like the scents, but there's something that just doesn't punch them into the full bottle buy category yet. Though, selling smaller sizes might get them a few purchases from me in the future. 1740 is a powerful one. I almost had to roll the window down on the way to work. This one could be moving up the list of my favorites.

I'm starting to work my way through the whiskies. Glenmorangie up first. I'm doing a moderate glass each night. I should probably be taking more notes, but just drinking it and deciding if I like it better than others. 2 nights ago was their Original which is a 10-year old single malt. I would say it was ok. I could drink it and probably my enjoyment would be on the level of the Johnnie Walker Black I had. Last night was The Lasanta which is the same scotch as their Original, but then finished in 2 more years in a sherry cask. This one was much better to me. Smoother and one I likely could pick more enjoyable notes out of. Instead of just being able to drink it, I liked drinking this one.
2020 shave #184 ( DE:66 SE:46 Str:70 Cart:0) - 693 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (3)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
Eufros Park Avenue
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Histoires de Parfums 1740

Jammin' to WMRK this morning. Had a good shave. Spent a little extra time around the Adam's apple and it paid off with no alum sting. So far the Histoires de Parfums scents have been interesting. I like the scents, but there's something that just doesn't punch them into the full bottle buy category yet. Though, selling smaller sizes might get them a few purchases from me in the future. 1740 is a powerful one. I almost had to roll the window down on the way to work. This one could be moving up the list of my favorites.

I'm starting to work my way through the whiskies. Glenmorangie up first. I'm doing a moderate glass each night. I should probably be taking more notes, but just drinking it and deciding if I like it better than others. 2 nights ago was their Original which is a 10-year old single malt. I would say it was ok. I could drink it and probably my enjoyment would be on the level of the Johnnie Walker Black I had. Last night was The Lasanta which is the same scotch as their Original, but then finished in 2 more years in a sherry cask. This one was much better to me. Smoother and one I likely could pick more enjoyable notes out of. Instead of just being able to drink it, I liked drinking this one.
Groove on!!
