The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Sorry Dave from now on I may have to question your sniffer as well. Since according to you. Tabac smells like old ladies and ashtrays. 😱
Sorry Dave from now on I may have to question your sniffer as well. Since according to you. Tabac smells like old ladies and ashtrays. 😱
To clarify. I said it smells like old ladies that smoke. It doesn't smell like smoke. It paints the picture of....well who's got that old lady picture?
To clarify. I said it smells like old ladies that smoke. It doesn't smell like smoke. It paints the picture of....well who's got that old lady picture?
I don't have it handy but never understood why the old lady had to be a smoking one unless they were saying it smelled like smoke. Just overly floral to me. Not bad, just not something I'd reach for.
2020 shave #176 ( DE:63 SE:45 Str:66 Cart:0) - 686 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (6)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Strop Shoppe Austin
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Histories de Pafums 1969

Boom! Great open blade shave! Neck is a dolphin screaming BBS. Nailed it. I normally swap out an AC blade after 6 shaves, but might give this one just one more go. Yesterday's scent was still there at the end of the day, so I'm hoping that bodes well for the longevity of the rest of them. 1969 smells like citrus and @HMan. It's an interesting citrus with a few notes that make is a darker and richer scent. I'm hoping that will help it linger longer than most citruses.

As you probably have seen, I've decided to explore Scotches. Likely more out of the lack of things to do outside the house. So in the diving in neck deep style of the Cadre I'm in the middle of binge watching YouTube video and listening to podcasts.
Histories de Pafums 1969

Yesterday's scent was still there at the end of the day, so I'm hoping that bodes well for the longevity of the rest of them. 1969 smells like citrus and @HMan. It's an interesting citrus with a few notes that make is a darker and richer scent. I'm hoping that will help it linger longer than most citruses.

Lol, not sure you really want to smell like me.

1969 and Ambre 114 have great longevity. I wore Ambre 114 yesterday and still smelt it this morning. For me they are kind of like cousins.
Dave’s taking the plunge into the hard liquors! After so much wine and that questionable rum recommendation...I say it’s about time! 😜