The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

What did you get?

I like from the standard line -
1725, 1740, 1828, 1899

and from the other lines -
Ambre 118 or 1969, similar to me, 1969 seems to be my wife's favorite on me.

I also like Rosam, Irreverent, and Petroleum, and of course Noir Patchouli.

Fidelis and Veni are pretty good too, so basically, it's a you can hardly go wrong situation.
I got the 16 vial collection plus a Venti sample
Hope the test today comes back negative.

The mayor of downtown SLC had a 1 week stay home order in place from 8PM to 6AM. Apparently she is lifting that today. Been protests every day since Saturday. Thankfully for the most part aside from day 1 they have been relatively peaceful. With protesters actually tackling the ones trying to cause damage and handing over to the police.
2020 shave #170 ( DE:63 SE:44 Str:61 Cart:0) - 680 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (1)
Graydog Quilt
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Well, I needed a tub for the clown puke and there was one shave left on this so I moved up its death date. I was sure this was one soap I’d replace when it was gone, but now I’m pondering that. There’s so many soaps out there, why repeat one?

Daughter and everyone had a good time in her graduation parade. Lots of honking and people around the city cheering them on. Bummer part of the day is we got a call that there was a problem with her swabs yesterday and she had to go get them redone. I had the director look into it and apparently one of the tops wasn’t on tight and leaked over all of them. She’s a trooper though and we got that done. Now just hanging our til her graduation dinner.
Dude, that's not cool at all, but at least she took it like a champ.

2020 shave #171 ( DE:63 SE:44 Str:62 Cart:0) - 681 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Kai Pink (2)
Paladin Honey Oscar Noir 28mm
Jerry Stark
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhalion's Cornubia talc
Louis Vuitton L'Immensite

Is it hald a cadre Friday if you're working from home? Pretty good shave. This is my 2nd run with the Kai in the SS and it has mellowed out after the first shave. Maybe just the slightest less sharp than a Proguard, but it's a good shaver. Ended up doing well on the neck today too. Looked around in my sample drawer and came up with this LV scent. I like it, but I guess it's from a different manufacturer than the scent I have a bottle of. It's not beast strength and is somewhat more common. Similar to Sauvage. So for the price, just get that.

Work has been weird these months for sure. I need to be a physical presence in the hospital, but realistically with 90% of our meetings being online I could do it from home. So it feels weird going into work to just sit in my office all day. And on the flip side it feels weird not seeing people when I work from home. But dang, the whole shorts thing is nice.
Nice post Dave, what are your thoughts on the new talc?
Enjoy your semi-Cadre Friday!
Well, if you're a grandma and enjoy your floral scents, this is perfect for you. It'll look nice on the shelf next to the others and only get pulled out on hot days.