The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

“Pretty”? You don’t call a K9 that either. You are a hot mess. So if you were in a gun shop. You’d tell the guy “I want a pretty pistol. That takes those 9 millimeter thingys”? 😱
I’ll make sure I install screws centered up from now on. And you work on using more macho words🤪
uhhhh Good Reads and the Acosta Azurra is one I now own It really comes on after about an hour. As to the Dogs...

2020 shave #151 (DE:60 SE:37 Str:54 Cart:0) - 655 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Oz Shaving purple brush
Stirling Piacenza
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Only trouble being on an open blade kick is that makes one less area I get variety in. I really need to pick up a sweet shavette or Feather DX at some point. Nice little shave. I didn't hit the home run so I needed a couple clean up swipes on the neck with the RX. Things are nice a smooth now! Plus yes, I smell great.

Semi busy week at work as committees are starting to meet again and projects starting to move. It is a bit of a bummer with all these virtual meetings I end up sitting at my desk pretty much all day anyway. Two 4 day weeks back to back. I have Cadre Friday this week and then a holiday on Monday. Whoo, I think we'll go....nowhere! The big top deck at the house has all sorts of dry rot, so they are supposed to replace the whole thing starting tomorrow. Only supposed to be 2-3 days they say. I do hope that's the case because it would suck not having it over the weekend.

Today's missions are prep for this committee I have tomorrow that I have done nothing for. Then intensive research on little card holder wallets.