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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #144 (DE:59 SE:36 Str:49 Cart:0) - 649 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (2)
Maggard synth
Stirling Agar
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Wood

Meh. Today is meh. I'm really tired of coming to work. Guess I'm hitting that slump everyone is dealing with. Feels very monotonous without any scheduled trips on the horizon. The shave was meh. I've been curious about Agar for some time. Meh. The scent is okay, but it's too sweet and flabby of a scent. It needs a sharp note added or some layers to make it interesting. The Oud Wood is as expected a great scent. It is much weaker than I expected. Now it could be the small sprays from the sample, but I added enough to make up for it I thought. This one would be a buy if it were stronger or I use it again and it has more punch.
Thanks for that Dave. I was really curious about the Stirling Agar for a while, but I too would want it strong. Nice post Dave!
For me, the Agar also came across as sweet. The scent is rather light also. The AS seemed Cedar forward when opening then eventually settled into the Agar. But I dislike Cedar, so this one is a pass for me.
Well that is a shame as Stirling Agar is one of my favs. There is some sweetness to it but in combination with the AS and a spritz of any of my Oud scents it makes a great combo for me. Sorry it was just "meh" buddy...
Thanks for that Dave. I was really curious about the Stirling Agar for a while, but I too would want it strong. Nice post Dave!
I searched this post twice for Bingo numbers LOL. I think, if I remember correctly that there is a couple of Ouds in there and that one was the weakest, however I went ahead and bought a bottle and it is indeed much stronger, Sorry about the MEH
I searched this post twice for Bingo numbers LOL. I think, if I remember correctly that there is a couple of Ouds in there and that one was the weakest, however I went ahead and bought a bottle and it is indeed much stronger, Sorry about the MEH
Did you buy the Oud Wood or Oud Wood Intense? Or both? ;)
2020 shave #145 (DE:59 SE:37 Str:49 Cart:0) - 650 days of consecutive shaving
Occam OREN w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Copper boar
Southern Witchcraft Cedar
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Dolce & Gabbana the one

Another scent sample for me. This isn't the one. Nice scent, but much too light.