The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #91 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:34 Cart:0) - 605 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Oz purple
Razor Master Toivo
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm
Stirling Texas on Fire EdT

Video posted.

Good coffee and hot breakfast to start the day. Then a work call, shower shave. And a bit of grocery shopping. Got the first nap out of the way. Now what?
Now what?
2020 shave #92 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:35 Cart:0) - 606 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
Graydog Quilt
Sudsy Soapery White Sage and Lime
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm

Early afternoon here. Started the morning with a repeat of yesterday. Then a few chores around the house and a little cleaning. There’s a little break in the rain so I’m sitting outside streaming the SFO tower communications while watching a fraction of the normal traffic taking off and landing. It’s interesting with less traffic the communications are a tad bit loosened up with some well wishes thrown in. After this my wife remembered we had spotted watching Succession for some reason. So will get back into that and get the steaks into the sous vide for tonight.
2020 shave #93 (DE:38 SE:20 Str:35 Cart:0) - 607 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Strop Shoppe Austin
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm
Penhaligon's Satorial

I think this one should qualify for Don's manly shave thread. Ain't nothing more bad a$$ than the RX. Plus a soap company with the name of a strip of leather. Took things back to the basics and let the razor's weight do the work.

What a morning it's been already! I asked @Dave in KY to be on the lookout for an OREN razor for sale since he's the "Red" Redding of TSC. Within a day he's tracked down the perfect one so hopefully that will play out. Then I won the writing PIF from @dangerousdon. And then, just as I was going to post a "nevermind what was I thinking reply to my ask to borrow a DE shavette, @Spider replies. Well, maybe that one isn't a positive note, but should make for an entertaining video.
2020 shave #94 (DE:38 SE:20 Str:36 Cart:0) - 608 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
Stirling synth
TOBS Jermyn Street
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
TOBS Jermyn Street

Jermyn Street is a lovely scent. I forgot how good it is. I haven't been grabbing for it because in my mind I'm thinking of it as a more mild scent. This isn't true. It's not peppery or polarizing. But it is NOT weak. Took my time this morning to enjoy the shave and didn't roll into work until 7. We have a leader from the regional offices stopping in for a visits so it was shirt and tie today for the 30min tea we have with her. But then I brought a change of clothes to stop at the house on the way home to maybe pull some ivy and spray some weeds if the rain holds off. Then tomorrow is kind of cadre Wednesday for me. In theory it's a day off to compensate for the hours and having to work this coming weekend. But there are still 5 phone calls to be on so how much of a day off it is can be debated. At least I'll be getting a hot breakfast and a pot of coffee.
Jermyn Street is a really nice scent. TOBS scents are consistently good overall. Hope you enjoy the “day off” lol.