The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #89 (DE:37 SE:19 Str:33 Cart:0) - 603 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Feather (2)
Stirling synth
The Club Black Birch Stout
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm
Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade

Dunno what's up with the psycho. Maybe I got a bad blade that I should send to Chad. Last 2 shaves with it have been less than stellar. I end up with BBS, but it's not a smooth journey getting there.

Home stretch! Yesterday they changed a call so it ended up being a 13hr day. 2 more to go!

I've had some bent techs, you might check if that's the problem. It makes for a rough shave for sure.
2020 shave #90 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:33 Cart:0) - 604 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (3)
Sorrentino Sea Foam
Shaver Heaven The Lodge
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm
Imaginary Authors Camp Heartache

Well, my renewed vigor as Gear put it is gone. I think my body is giving out one day before I need it to. Think I have a head cold that's going to knock me out. I can feel the swollen glands, my head is heavy and I just want to curl up on the floor and go to sleep. 10 more minutes until the cafeteria opens so I can treat myself to a breakfast burrito. Then when the pharmacy opens I'll see if I can get away to medicate myself. Really hoping I don't need to spend my days off being sick. But such is life. The numbers at our hospital took a jump overnight so this weekend could be a rough one. I can't give specifics, but it's interesting watching you guys posting testing and positive cases knowing that our hospital has more than some of your counties do. And we're a fairly small hospital.
Sorry you are coming down with...well, something. Hopefully you will get over it quickly. In the meantime...get your self that breakfast burrito and some meds...and then get as much rest as you can before the next shift. Keep up the good fight Dave!
I am sorry that you are wearing down Dave.
It’s always darkest before the dawn.
You may know more than the rest of us
I am listening to and watching for any news that is backed up by real reporting
I was very encouraged by watching the presidents press conference yesterday.
The female doctor gave some factual information on numbers and the hot spots.
More facts less hype is what I am looking for.
now they may have a point of service test that if it is good. Will be very good news. So many things are being worked on concurrently. And a lot of it is not being reported on. The more I dig the more positives I find.
And tend to be very pessimistic usually.
But there are so many brilliant people in this country working the problem from every angle. I can’t help but think we are going to succeed quicker than many people think is possible.
Not saying we should not take precautions and keep vigilant. Just let facts keep emotions in check. My $.02
Hope it’s just something like allergies Dave
Be well.
I wish I had some good insight. I do have some things I'd like to share, but maybe after some rest tomorrow as the may not come across in the right way today. All I know is that you see happening in New York is real. And every major city needs to be preparing for the same. It's the whim of the virus if it occurs. We have some control, but I don't see most cities taking it as seriously as they should be and that is really maddening. We see more younger people being sick enough to come into the hospital than we thought would. So the risk is not just the "at risk" and elderly any more. Everyone hopes the worst doesn't happen, but there's enough of a chance of it that we truly do need to prepare for it.
I am sorry that you are wearing down Dave.
It’s always darkest before the dawn.
You may know more than the rest of us
I am listening to and watching for any news that is backed up by real reporting
I was very encouraged by watching the presidents press conference yesterday.
The female doctor gave some factual information on numbers and the hot spots.
More facts less hype is what I am looking for.
now they may have a point of service test that if it is good. Will be very good news. So many things are being worked on concurrently. And a lot of it is not being reported on. The more I dig the more positives I find.
And tend to be very pessimistic usually.
But there are so many brilliant people in this country working the problem from every angle. I can’t help but think we are going to succeed quicker than many people think is possible.
Not saying we should not take precautions and keep vigilant. Just let facts keep emotions in check. My $.02
Hope it’s just something like allergies Dave
Be well.
Fluffy write poetry so well! 🤪

Dr. Deborah Birx is a ROCK STAR! She gives very factual information in a way most people understand. She is also a veteran and a lot of people don't know she has been doing AIDS research and administration since the 80s. She is pretty awesome right now.
I wish I had some good insight. I do have some things I'd like to share, but maybe after some rest tomorrow as the may not come across in the right way today. All I know is that you see happening in New York is real. And every major city needs to be preparing for the same. It's the whim of the virus if it occurs. We have some control, but I don't see most cities taking it as seriously as they should be and that is really maddening. We see more younger people being sick enough to come into the hospital than we thought would. So the risk is not just the "at risk" and elderly any more. Everyone hopes the worst doesn't happen, but there's enough of a chance of it that we truly do need to prepare for it.
That is some pretty good insight right there. Thanks Dave for sharing.
Maybe being sick will net you an extra day off or two? Wouldn’t that be nice! Anyway, sorry you’re not feeling well Dave!
2020 shave #91 (DE:38 SE:19 Str:34 Cart:0) - 605 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Oz purple
Razor Master Toivo
Thayers Lemon
Nivea post shave balm
Stirling Texas on Fire EdT

Video posted.

Good coffee and hot breakfast to start the day. Then a work call, shower shave. And a bit of grocery shopping. Got the first nap out of the way. Now what?