The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #82 (DE:33 SE:18 Str:31 Cart:0) - 596 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (4)
Stirling synth
Stirling Piacenza
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo Patchouli 24

Went into the shave with a near BBS and came out with the dolphins screaming. And no @Maryland998 I don't smell like hippies, this patchouli scent smells smoky. ;)

Back at work. Ready for bed.
2020 shave #83 (DE:33 SE:18 Str:32 Cart:0) - 597 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
SV 2.0
SV Opuntia
Thayers Lemon
SV Opuntia AS

Decided to take an extra 5min this morning to have a lovely shave while I watched Rich's last video. Successful run with the SS and BBS all over and smelling awesome.

I'm trying not to obsess about how terrible the next 7 days will be. This week as all been 11-12 hour days. This weekend will be 9 hour days followed by another week of what I hope will only be 10-11 hour days. I used to count the weeks since I had a calm week. Before the move, before the staffing crisis. Now it's just too overwhelming to realize how exhausted I am and knowing things are going to get worse yet. Got a great bunch of people I work with. Everyone is putting in these types of hours or more. No choice, what's happening now and what is to come is scary as hell. Last week one of the kids mentioned something about learning about the black plague in school. It was sobering to know we're smack in the middle of something that will be in the actual history books at the same level. I just wish everyone realized and stayed the F home so it stops spreading.
Good morning David,
My wife works in the ER or I guess you guys call it the E D now . She works for the Cleveland clinic in the Fairview hospital in
She is amazing as all you front line people are . Thoughts and prayers My Friend.
Here in this area they are trying to plan for what is to come . And like you said if we can get everyone to stay home it will help immensely .
My wife is so funny, she won't even let me go in the grocery store as I sit here in the parking lot waiting for her to come out.
Her logic is if she has to go out with work and such, I should not have to. So here I sit :)
Dave really enjoyed your video the other night.
Be safe Dave
I know you are overworked my friend...but what you are doing, many cannot do. Look at it this way, THIS is YOUR AFGHANISTAN / IRAQ. You are on the front line. You are in the trenches! You are on that push to repel the enemy! Keep your wits. Rest when you can. And tend to your spirit. You will come out from this a better person and a nation will be grateful for it! Love you man! And stay safe!
Thank you for all the comments and support. Made it through the day a little easier than the last two. But like you hear the news the number of ventilators is starting to worry the docs already. It’s not just the number of people that will need them, it’s that they can be on them for weeks.
2020 shave #84 (DE:33 SE:19 Str:32 Cart:0) - 598 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (6)
Sorrentino Oregon State
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Thayers 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS
Tom Ford Tuscan Leather

Up early for my first morning of both Incident Commander and Administrator on Call. Went with what I knew would be a winner without needing any concentration. And picked a scent which wouldn't be overpowering but should display manliness plus sophistication. Right??

Got in around 5:30am and rounded on the staff in the nursing units before getting to work. I think while frustrated, as the whole country is, they were happy to have someone listening to them. It is HARD on these folks. Just doing that helped me settle into my role and gave me more a sense of purpose and "I got this".