The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Yesterday’s shave

2020 shave #70 (DE:26 SE:17 Str:27 Cart:0) - 585 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Stirling synth
The Club Wake the F Up
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Ya, I’m a bit behind. No shave yet today. No fast charger at the new house so ran out to charge the car and stop by the old house. New house has cable and internet now so we can interact with the world. Handy guy comes today to do some stuff. And I need to find some place for my 4 boxes of shaving stuff and 2 boxes of shoes.
Ya, I’m a bit behind. No shave yet today. No fast charger at the new house so ran out to charge the car and stop by the old house. New house has cable and internet now so we can interact with the world. Handy guy comes today to do some stuff. And I need to find some place for my 4 boxes of shaving stuff and 2 boxes of shoes.
I got room for the shaving stuff for you.......not the smelly shoes 😉
2020 shave #71 (DE:26 SE:17 Str:28 Cart:0) - 586 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Stirling synth
Siliski Frankincense + Myrrh
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Soap wasn’t as slick as it should have been so I ended up with 2 passes from the SS and 3rd with the 6S. Ended up pretty good then.

Back to work tomorrow and it could be a bit crazy. Slowly getting the new house together. Been plucking away at getting all the wine settled and finally got the last bottle done today. Been working on the kitchen and living areas which means the bedroom and shaving stuff is still on the list.
I’m surprised they wouldn’t agree to that...that’s just an extra renting/selling point... :unsure:
Well, I suppose I could ask if we paid for it, but I know it would be $$$. Not the optimal situation at all, but actually not totally unusual in the Bay Area. Lots of folks that live in condos and apartments that can’t charge at home.
2020 shave #72 (DE:26 SE:17 Str:29 Cart:0) - 587 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
TSC Legacy
PdP 63
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Decent shave this morning, but routine is off. Forgot to go back for a scent again. Going to have to start replanning my shaves and setting things out I guess.

First day back at work. Zzzzzzzz
Wow! I’m wrapping my skull around the scale of the charge network since you got yours. The Hospital my wife works at has at least a few at her location and there are even a few in my lil hometown Alma Mater, but not super chargers.issues of plug standardization etc.. have come into my head as I think it trough.
Wow! I’m wrapping my skull around the scale of the charge network since you got yours. The Hospital my wife works at has at least a few at her location and there are even a few in my lil hometown Alma Mater, but not super chargers.issues of plug standardization etc.. have come into my head as I think it trough.
We recently bought a Prius Prime, which has a battery that gives you about 20-25 miles of all electric driving before going into "normal" Prius mode. It plugs into a standard 110v outlet and charges overnight. While it's wimpy compared to many all-electrics as far as both range and charging speed, it's good for our needs. About 2/3 of the time, I drive all day on electric. I suspect that this may be the way things go for most people in the future - either with a smaller 110v range or with a relatively inexpensive upgrade to a standard 220v outlet (like the ones for dryers) in the garage.