The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #52 (DE:18 SE:14 Str:20 Cart:0) - 568 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Schick Proline (4)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Storybook Soapworks Midnight Embers
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Midnight Embers AS
Storybook Soapworks Midnight Embers EdP

Good morning gentlemen. I'm all about the scents this week. I don't know if that different than other weeks, but I'm certainly not being shy about what I'm choosing. Midnight Embers is a smoky scent with a sweet note behind it. Might make a little more tolerable to others?

Not sure when we're getting the keys to the new place. It could be as early as the weekend after this next one. So starting to plan to get stuff all staged in the garage to start shuttling over there. I think the last big hurdle will be the girls' rooms and taking apart and storing their loft beds. Trying to hold off so they aren't living in a construction zone for a few weeks, but the soon it's done that's one less thing on my plate.
Tough news about the in-law unit renters but I’m sure new renters will show up soon enough, it’s a good area. You could let the hospital know about it’s availability, it might help them land people that are relocating but needing a place to stay. “Hey hospital guys, I’ll the place to you for anyone you need to put in there for only $4500/mo for 6 months then renewable month to month as needed.”
I think the last big hurdle will be the girls' rooms and taking apart and storing their loft beds. Trying to hold off so they aren't living in a construction zone for a few weeks, but the soon it's done that's one less thing on my plate.
See I think them living in a construction zone for a bit is character building and impresses on them reality of what your doing for them by letting them experience stress. Let's tear that down and get ahead of the curve has my vote....... Dave walks away knowing he doesn't really get a vote but feels better defending a parents rights ...........😂🤣😂
2020 shave #53 (DE:19 SE:14 Str:20 Cart:0) - 569 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (1)
RazoRock synth
L&L Original
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Bleu de Chanel

Been wanting to get around to trying the more aggressive plates on the 6S for a while now. Saw Dave using his on a very manly 5 plate today and got to it. Just moved up to the 4 plate today and it was fine. First pass was great. Used a little caution on the last pass and ended with juuuuuust a touch of alum sting on the neck in a small spot. I think the shave is incrementally closer, but I'm also betting this bit of exfoliation will compound daily and get to be a little irritated. We'll see. I'll stick with the 4 plate again and see what happens.

Posted an unboxing of my new fountain pen. Man, I love this thing. Just about to ink it up with Mont Blanc Single Malt ink. I'll tell ya, I'm not one to shy away from using nice things. I figure if you're not using them, you're not enjoying them as much as you can. But this one I'm a tad hesitant about. I don't want a scratch on it anywhere. But use it I will.
Hokey smokes! That be some egg-spensive digs to rent! Our whole house mortgage, taxes and insurance is right at 900/mo. And that’s for a sizeable ranch. I reckon the state of my birth is outta my reach.
It has some through my mind more than once that it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to buy homes in other states as rentals and investment because it's down right affordable. I'm just not much of a risk taker and it seems like to be smart about it one should know the area first.
It has some through my mind more than once that it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to buy homes in other states as rentals and investment because it's down right affordable. I'm just not much of a risk taker and it seems like to be smart about it one should know the area first.
Rule of thumb on rentals. Don't do it from states away as you can't keep up with and see your investment......
I'll tell ya, I'm not one to shy away from using nice things. I figure if you're not using them, you're not enjoying them as much as you can. But this one I'm a tad hesitant about. I don't want a scratch on it anywhere. But use it I will.
Age old battle. I feel ya. It’s something I’m trying to teach my boys, who are just ham fisted with most everything. You can enjoy things while still exercising care! :ROFLMAO:
Saturday's sahve

2020 shave #54 (DE:20 SE:14 Str:20 Cart:0) - 570 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (2)
Oleo Humanitas
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon’s Endymion EdP

Repeated plate #4 and it's just not jiving with me. I need to be enough more careful that I'm not getting as close of a shave. It's BBS, but doesn't last as long.
2020 shave #55 (DE:20 SE:14 Str:21 Cart:0) - 571 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Tallow + Steel Boreal
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache

Hey look! I didn't pack the SS, it just got slid to a place it wasn't visible on the counter. Good times and good shave. Tried to get my haircut this morning, but there were 6 people waiting for the doors to open. I'll try to slip it in during the work week. Been a busy manual labor type of day. Got all three girls' beds taken apart and into our storage shed. Packed lots of stuff and touched up the paint in three rooms. It's kinda starting to look like we're going to move in here.
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