The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Ya, people seem to enjoy telling us all their bad renter stories now. Believe me, we are NOT excited about renting out our house. Especially since we got it the way we like it and will be moving back into it. People will want to make it feel like their home, but in a way I want them not to forget it's ours and we're coming back to it.
Hope mine and the others stories aren’t adding stress. But for my part are meant as cautionary tales. To help you not make the mistakes I made.
it is an odd feeling having someone else inhabit your place. Reminds me of when my wife had breast reduction surgery.
We went back for a follow up. The surgeon of course needed to make sure everything was healing correctly.
But watching another man. Handle and touch my wife and ask her if she could feel him touching her nipples.
Was a difficult thing to endure.
More so than the follow up to my vasectomy.
Hope mine and the others stories aren’t adding stress. But for my part are meant as cautionary tales. To help you not make the mistakes I made.
it is an odd feeling having someone else inhabit your place. Reminds me of when my wife had breast reduction surgery.
We went back for a follow up. The surgeon of course needed to make sure everything was healing correctly.
But watching another man. Handle and touch my wife and ask her if she could feel him touching her nipples.
Was a difficult thing to endure.
More so than the follow up to my vasectomy.
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2020 shave #58 (DE:20 SE:14 Str:24 Cart:0) - 574 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (1)
RazoRock synth
Tallow + Steel Maya
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tallow + Steel Maya AS

Still rollin' with the SS. I forgot I needed to use up the blades in a few other razors to get them packed. Oh well, blades are cheap right? Well except for those darn artist club ones! I'll repeat that I really like when companies put the scent notes right on the labels. Good on ya T+S. Overall goodish type shave. I was feeling my angles were slightly off or something today and I was left with some sharp whiskers just below and to the sides of the Adam's apple. I wasn't in the mood to deal with the knowledge that was there all day and not confident enough to clean it up with the SS today so I went after about 4"sq of real estate with the Timeless. All better now.

I don't know how many times a day I've stood in the house for the last several weeks not knowing what to do next. We've packed a majority of things that are logical and group themselves into their own boxes. Now we're getting down to some of this, one of those. I'm sure in the end we'll just toss stuff in boxes and sort it out later.

I've been toying with a couple of trades I'd like to offer. I think I'll take the plunge after the move. I'll be looking for maybe a nice brush, nice scents or soaps. On offer will likely be two lots. One for the straight shaver with a smaller yet very nice straight and some other items. The other lot likely with a kamasori/brush combo. If any of these words make you curious, maybe hold off on selling something you might be willing to swap until I get it organized.
2020 shave #59 (DE:20 SE:15 Str:24 Cart:0) - 575 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Lakewood Soap Company Beale Street
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Dior Sauvage

As if cutting hair off your face with a sharp blade sliding along your skin isn't manly enough, I upped the game by pulling out the RX today. Cue Tim Taylor grunt noises. I did remember to pay attention. And I did remember to not use any pressure. And I did get a great shave. But it didn't really hit until I was sitting here at my desk and rubbed my face and heard the dolphins. It's just a good reminder that there is BBS, and then there is DSBBS. Whoooeee 6S can't touch this.

Gear will be upset. Rather than drive to Oakland for my peer group meeting and get free breakfast and lunch, I'm attending via the phone which will mean me sitting at my desk for 6hrs reminding myself that I'm on a call and should be listening while I get other work done. BTW, my quest for a good combination of man bags still continues. YouTube was of little help yesterday. You know about yesterday right @Cvargo? One of those passes for every tomorrow.
My wife got me a nice soft leather briefcase/bag thingy for Christmas last year. What features are you looking for?
I want a larger satchel for work for my computer that will also fit a smaller bag inside that I’d carry my EDC stuff. Then on weekends I’d just carry the smaller bag.
I want a larger satchel for work for my computer that will also fit a smaller bag inside that I’d carry my EDC stuff. Then on weekends I’d just carry the smaller bag.
Pretty much what I have, minus the smaller bag.
Not the best pics, but I have my laptop and charger, a few notebooks of varying sizes, and assorted letters and envelopes in the large inner section.