The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #46 (DE:15 SE:11 Str:20 Cart:0) - 562 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (3)
Custom synth
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Wizamet. I need some.

I was looking for my Christmas Eve this morning after seeing @GearNoir use it this week. No die. I can only look through about half my soaps without making toooo much noise in the mornings. I ran across GTB and figured it was a good time for GTB Friday since I don't get to join in Cadre Friday.

Big shout out to @Dave in KY. I was dragging and couldn't believe there was still another work day to get through. Watched his video and I was rolling. Funny stuff! Thanks for taking the time brother!
2020 shave #47 (DE:16 SE:11 Str:20 Cart:0) - 563 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (4)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Stirling Texas on Fire
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Stirling Texas on Fire AS

Went looking for Christmas Eve this morning and found Texas on Fire. No where close to the same scent, but at the same level of scent love from me. Video posted of the shave with a few Cadre shout outs.

I hit a new low (in weight) this Monday, which was great to see. I've been weighing myself every morning for a while now and am used to seeing it bounce around from day to day which is fine as long as the overall trend is down. I would take some sort of action if it ever when hit 5lbs above what the low is in that moment of time. I've been eating a bit more this week out of stress more than anything. Really just not wanting to put up with the hunger feelings. But except for last night (called out by @MntnMan62) it's all been good foods. Extra lunch salads, more nuts etc. I guess the body develops a new set point and I just need to buckle down because each of the last 3 mornings has been a little higher than the last.
@GearNoir well I know one is in my back-up box. I just want to use one at a time. And that one is likely going to be part of a PIF I have an idea for.
2020 shave #47 (DE:16 SE:11 Str:20 Cart:0) - 563 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (4)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Stirling Texas on Fire
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Stirling Texas on Fire AS

Went looking for Christmas Eve this morning and found Texas on Fire. No where close to the same scent, but at the same level of scent love from me. Video posted of the shave with a few Cadre shout outs.

I hit a new low (in weight) this Monday, which was great to see. I've been weighing myself every morning for a while now and am used to seeing it bounce around from day to day which is fine as long as the overall trend is down. I would take some sort of action if it ever when hit 5lbs above what the low is in that moment of time. I've been eating a bit more this week out of stress more than anything. Really just not wanting to put up with the hunger feelings. But except for last night (called out by @MntnMan62) it's all been good foods. Extra lunch salads, more nuts etc. I guess the body develops a new set point and I just need to buckle down because each of the last 3 mornings has been a little higher than the last.

I definitely wasn't calling you out Dave. For what it's worth, I absolutely love all of the foods that are terrible for me. Fench cooking? Died and gone to heaven. Pretty much literally. Well, the died part isn't true and I doubt heaven will have me in their club.
No shave yet. To save some dollars got out of the house early to get some free gas in the car. This will be a more frequent occurrence since after we move I’ll lose my fast charging at home.

We worked pretty hard yesterday. We’re storing all of our larger art works at my FIL’s house and took the last big load of that that over. Then sorted out our two sheds to decide what just stays stored at the house for the next few years vs gets moved. That was a big task to get out of the way. Lastly the refrigerator. Ours has a off and on groan that we’ve tried to have fixed and have just lived with. We realized that a tenant wouldn’t be as tolerant and went refrigerator shopping. Long story short was found a $1600 fridge that had a dent in the door for $640. Manager helped us and was anxious to get it out of his store. Free delivery and my wife talking him down to $500 has it coming to the house today. So the rest of the afternoon was emptying our old one, moving it to be the back-up in the garage and cleaning it.

Looking forward to getting a nice long shower, shave, pot of coffee and then getting to it again.