The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #43 (DE:12 SE:11 Str:20 Cart:0) - 559 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (1)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
CBL Oud Minerale
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

I'm dying to get back to the SS, but wanted to try out the Wizamet in the 6S before it gets lost. Thanks to @Dave in KY for letting my try some out. It's really going to be tomorrow that decided my ultimate opinion on these VS Feathers. They are for sure up there with Feather and I'd use them ahead of any other blade than Feather. The shave is making the dolphins scream and while not magical it was pretty smooth. I think it likely will tie with the Feather if it doesn't win. Good stuff.

I now make the daily back of the hospital stop looking for cardboard boxes for packing. Making some progress I guess makes things better in general, but the suckiness of it all still hit through out the day and can be overwhelming. I guess I was getting to that point in my life where it felt like little things were coming together and every day I would notice little things here and there that would make me happy and someone threw a stick of dynamite in the middle of it all. Just gotta keep moving forward and try to find peace when it all settles out.
I need to revisit feathers myself. Glad they're at least up there for you. Try to focus on the good things in your life. When trouble/difficulties pop up we can be run down by focusing on them. If we while enduring a trial can consciously think/dwell on what IS good and blessings in our life, which we all have, we can endure easier. Hang in there !😎
Good and well timed advice sir.
What a glorious view from the new (if temporary) digs! A view of the Bay! I’m sure it will work out great. Weird trials have a way of doing that.
Wizamets rival Feathers huh? I may have to try one. I’ve seen a lot of guys here talking about them but I never put a ton of thought into blades...maybe I should haha. I see Try A Blade has some in stock, maybe I’ll grab a few.

Like that Southern Dave said, focus on the positives and it’ll make you negatives a little duller...more dull? Neither sounds right. It’ll make the negative stuff suck less! 😎
2020 shave #44 (DE:13 SE:11 Str:20 Cart:0) - 560 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Wizamet (2)
Paladin Brush of Shame
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Murphy & McNeil Gael Laoch AS

I agree, the Wizamet is a good blade. 100% on on this is at least as good as Feather. And if it's consistent with today's shave I would say this edges it out on smoothness. From what I remember the best way to buy these things is in large quantity. If anyone has been thinking about splitting up a purchase let me know.
2020 shave #45 (DE:14 SE:11 Str:20 Cart:0) - 561 days of consecutive shaving
The Holy Black SR-71 w/ Israeli Personna (2)
Sorrentino Oregon State
A&E Uno
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Louis Vuitton Ombre Nomade

Sad days. Slowly packing up the shaving stuff. Using up blades loaded in razors one at a time. To pick me up I decided to go for a big scent. I love this stuff. I assume it makes me that guy all day long, but Don says it's okay.
To pick me up I decided to go for a big scent. I love this stuff. I assume it makes me that guy all day long, but Don says it's okay.
It's absolutely ok to be that guy!

Whew, sorry to hear about the difficulties and the move. I hope things go smoothly.