The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2020 shave #14 (DE:0 SE:0 Str:14 Cart:0) - 531 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Shawshank Redemption brush
B&M Cheshire
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
B&M Cheshire AS

My imitation of David Ogden Stiers reprising his role as Charles Emerson Winchester III from M*A*S*H ..... Gentlemen

Thank you, thank you.

14 straight shaves in a row and rollin'. Though, for those of you mighty and admired few that primarily use straight razors this is no biggie. I'm curious to see how many I can do, but I can hear the Vector and 6S plate 4 calling to me. I did treat myself to a couple clean up swipes with the Timeless to make the dolphins scream today and have to say I think my neck is healed up from the Weck shave.

Not a ton to report. Getting the sample pass around box ready to go. I'm terrible and judging volumes and estimated the size of box I'd need way off. I'm also wishing I had some more sample containers as I'd like to add a bunch more, but also want to send some empty containers along with it. While I type this I just realized with the world dominate powers of Amazon, I can have some new containers pretty quick. And so they will be here tomorrow. One more day delay isn't too bad. Annual review time at work now. I don't mind because all the ones I need to give now are positive. But the thermostat in my office is broken and engineering doesn't seem to prioritize things that aren't related to patients or safety. So when my door is shut people are treated to a nice sauna.
2020 shave #15 (DE:0 SE:0 Str:15 Cart:0) - 532 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (5)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Jerry Stark shave soap
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Satorial

Straight shave #200

Want to try the Jerry Stark shave soap as featured in the video (posted in the video section) for this shave? Sign up for the soap sample pass around!

2020 shave #16 (DE:0 SE:1 Str:15 Cart:0) - 533 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (1)
Stirling synth
Strike Goal Rushmore
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Calvin Klein Euphoria

First, the razor. I was really drawn to using the SS again, but have a distant memory that reminded me how awesome a shave Merlin gives. And boy howdy he did! The first pass on the cheeks was actually not as smooth as my SS shaves which surprised me. But in the end there ain't a scrap of nuttin' left and I'm feeling ultra DSBBS. Sure is satisfying.

Next the soap. Wasn't sure which to start with from the pass box so just started at the top of my random list. This was a medium soap in softness. Easy enough to scoop, but not croapy. I mentioned the tub smell to me was sweetness like apple with a pine after note. Around 4/5 strength which I appreciate. Lathering was straight forward with it taking a decent amount of water. Now, I'm far from the best latherer here, but I got what looked like a slick wet lather vs the picture perfect whipped cream lather. It could have needed more water and more work, but again I ain't the best at that. On application the scent didn't change a lot. I would go would a pine jolly rancher. I'm really curious what everyone else will say. When 4 out of the 5 soaps have a similar sweetness to me, I'm starting to think I'm just picking up one of the ingredients in a way different manner than most do. Performance was interesting. Or lets say unique. To give it a rating I'd put it at Sterling level wherever you like to rate them. What was different was I felt it had a ton of cushion, but not a lot of slickness and I don't know if I can describe it better than that. It was as if the first stroke in an area was very well protected, but then as if all trace of soap was gone after that. I did have no troubles going back for more strokes and there were no issues with irritation, but the minute vibrations in the razor felt like something I'd envision being associated with shaving an alumed area. As you saw I did get a lovely shave, no alum sting. But here's the weird part. I'm thinking this soap has no post shave residual slickness but then when I'm rinsing off, it took a lot of water to rinse all the slickness away. I don't know if this was skin food stuffs I should have left on my face. If I really needed a ton more water in my lather. We may find out tomorrow.

Personal note, it's finally the day to get my finger taken care of. I've been a big whiner about this thing. Yes, clinically it's not a big deal. But it's new, irritating, ugly and if I didn't have an appointment I'd likely soon take a scalpel to it myself to see what happens. So happy to hopefully have it taken care of, but also a little concerned why all of a sudden this sucker blew up like a balloon. Given the size of the potential incision, I was hoping to milk it a little and go home early tomorrow after an early mandatory meeting, but stuff keeps getting added to my schedule!