The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Well at least whatever's been percolating will come to a head so. you can move on. Enjoy the rum.
Thanks for the thoughts guys. There is now one less person working here and that's about all I can say. I'll get outta here soon and hit up what I hear is a store with a great deli selection for some cheese and salami for tonight.
Nice job with the SS! That razor with the ProGuard might be my favorite combination, though the Rockwell6c/Wizamet could be closing in.
Saturday's shave:

2020 shave #11 (DE:0 SE:0 Str:11 Cart:0) - 528 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
I'm sure I used a brush
And some soap
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
2020 shave #13 (DE:0 SE:0 Str:13 Cart:0) - 530 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Lakewood Beale Street
Thayers Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Luis Vuitton Ombre Nomade

My neck recovered ok enough to have to resort to a DE shave. Going to hit that 200th straight shave before they chop on my finger Thursday afternoon. This is my first time using Beale Street or and Lakewood soap. Soap performed fine good lather with okay slickness. Probably Stirling level. The scent was okay too. I get notes of honey which is probably supposed to be tobacco. Ended with some neck stinging left over from yesterday, but it's an accomplishment to be able to do a straight shave while healing up.

Out department has been running 1 person down since my promotion last year. Is 2 people down given last Friday and soon will be a total of 3 people down. Next few months will be a scramble as we try to hire and get things covered. This weekend was good! And I say that from a productivity point of view. Stronk work on the garage on Saturday and various projects done or had a chunk taken out of them Sunday. Gear update: No free lunches this week, but two free hot breakfasts.