The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #355 (DE:157 SE:127 Str:61 Cart:0) - 496 days of consecutive shaving
Rockwell 6S w/ Feather (3)
Razorock synth
Oleo Soapworks Rush Strett
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Imaginary Authors Every Storm a Serenade

Everything was clicking into place for this shave. Woke up a little later than I should so I grabbed the workhorse 6S to get things done quicker than a straight shave. Good stuff all around. Hit the right angles and pressures and had a no sting BBS that was just very satisfying. Decided to roll the dice with the scent today and find a sample of something to use. I was kind of bummed because I had a Spice Bomb Fresh sample that I guess had evaporated or something. But then stumbled upon my IA samples. Stab in the dark and turned out a winner. Only wish it was just a notch or two stronger because I think it might peter out before the end of the day. But it's an enjoyable fresh and slightly sweet scent.

Danish Spruce
Baltic Sea Mist

SYNOPSIS: When Stina, a burgeoning writer, decamps to her mother’s summer house for the winter to write a book, her trip overlaps for one day (and one steamy night) with a brawny fisherman named Ulv. While she struggles to gain traction with her novel, her fixation on the mysterious seafarer results in countless unsent letters, the contents of which chronicle the spiraling psyche of lust and longing. Set on the desolate west coast of Denmark during the tourist off-season, Every Storm a Serenade is a meditative masterwork that will lull you with its well-designed sentences and intimate tone.

WHEN TO WEAR THIS FRAGRANCE: Don’t be detoured by perceptions of ambergris, this is an everyday scent for those with discriminating taste.
Dave’s into dime-novel fragrances now!
If only the cost were closer to a dime. Just checked and it's almost disappeared now. I'm on the fence about buying given the cost. I'd just be hoping with a little denser sprays it would be lasting longer.
Tesla tidbit-
Thought I’d share something else cool about a Tesla. Unlike other cars, when you buy it, it’s the worst it will ever be. There are ongoing updates that add features or even tweak performance that keep improving it.
Got an update last night.
2019 shave #356 (DE:157 SE:127 Str:62 Cart:0) - 497 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
SV 2.0
SV 70th
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
SV 70th AS

Video posted because reasons
Tesla tidbit-
Thought I’d share something else cool about a Tesla. Unlike other cars, when you buy it, it’s the worst it will ever be. There are ongoing updates that add features or even tweak performance that keep improving it.
Got an update last night.
View attachment 13074
Do you pay for its update connection? Or does it just work off of WiFi when it can?
A couple of nice set ups, Dave. I like just about everything I've smelled from Imaginary Authors, though Every Storm a Serenade was a bit more of a acquired taste than most of the others. Memoirs of a Trespasser and A City on Fire would be my two choices if I ever pull the trigger on a frag(or two) from them.
A couple of nice set ups, Dave. I like just about everything I've smelled from Imaginary Authors, though Every Storm a Serenade was a bit more of a acquired taste than most of the others. Memoirs of a Trespasser and A City on Fire would be my two choices if I ever pull the trigger on a frag(or two) from them.
Interesting, I thought it was more common place than some of the others. I do wish you got more volume for the money with them though.
2019 shave #357 (DE:157 SE:127 Str:63 Cart:0) - 498 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
TSC Legacy
The Club Wake the F Up
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Creed Du Portugal

Allow me to document today's shave for all of posterity. Same plan as yesterday with the same result, which is good by me. Don't know why I took such a long break with the SS. It does take a few minutes longer, but there is a different sense of accomplishment after it. A bit of taking on the challenge I guess.

Busy days these days with several things happening after work. Already thinking about packing up the presents for the drive up to Christmas. I'm on an all day conference call today. A chunk of tomorrow for the department Christmas party. Then only one week of work left!
Nice job with the SS. The Proguard is my favorite blade with that razor so far.

Interesting, I thought it was more common place than some of the others. I do wish you got more volume for the money with them though.

True, though I think they pretty well make up for it with beast mode performance and longevity in most of their frags. Still tough for me to pull the trigger, but it will happen someday lol.
Great shave with the SS for the ages! For me the SS is like my comfort straight. that means it rarely goes into the cabinet. It’s always on deck if something goes awry. I’ve only recently started using unguarded blades for the extra thrills.