The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #342 (DE:151 SE:125 Str:56 Cart:0) - 483 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Voskhod (1)
RazoRock synth
CBL Cigar Shop Cowboy
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Le Labo Tabac 28

While all you guys are messing around with CBL's new soap, I went old skool today with one of the originals. Good stuff.
Turkey day shave:

2019 shave #343 (DE:151 SE:126 Str:56 Cart:0) - 484 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector w/ Schick Proline (6)
Paladin Vintage Port
Declaration Grooming Darkfall
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Video posted
2019 shave #344 (DE:152 SE:126 Str:56 Cart:0) - 485 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Voskhod (2)
Plissoft knot in Shave Revolution handle
The Club Black Birch Stout
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Marc-Antoine B683

Nice shave all around this morning. I guess if the other Dave has to go to work today, I have no complaints. A few of us here "just in case". But those morning where nobody is on the road or in the parking garage just feel wrong to be coming to work. I do have some delicious turkey for lunch today though!
Yesterday’s shave:

2019 shave #345 (DE:153 SE:126 Str:56 Cart:0) - 486 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed w/ Voskhod (3)
Stirling synth
Storybook Soapworks Elysium
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
2019 shave #346 (DE:153 SE:126 Str:57 Cart:0) - 487 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (2)
Stirling synth
Tallow + Steel Maya
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tallow + Steel Maya AS

Well lookie what I used today. Been a looong time since I’ve done an open blade shave. Things went pretty well. Close to BBS with just a touch of alum sting on my neck. Maybe I’ll be back on this horse for a while.

Dropped my wife off at the airport this morning. She’s flying to NY for business so hope the weather doesn’t interfere too much. Mr Mom duty for me.
2019 shave #347 (DE:153 SE:126 Str:58 Cart:0) - 488 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Stirling synth
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS

Took another swing with the SS. Just like riding a bike I'm picking up from where I left off when I was using this earlier. BBS is easy on all but the lower neck which caused me some alum sting and a little redness today. Probably would be smart to not push for BBS for a little while. But I do love the smell of Hook. I need one of the Tom Ford leather scents to pair with stuff like this for sure.

Well, after a few delays my wife got to NY and said the last 30min of the flight was the worst she's experienced. Just got a weather warning stating they are declaring a state of emergency for NY and are activating the National Guard. Ugh. Summers and winters both getting worse. I'll try to avoid either on the east coast I believe.
2019 shave #347 (DE:153 SE:126 Str:58 Cart:0) - 488 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Stirling synth
Storybook Soapworks Hook
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Hook AS

Took another swing with the SS. Just like riding a bike I'm picking up from where I left off when I was using this earlier. BBS is easy on all but the lower neck which caused me some alum sting and a little redness today. Probably would be smart to not push for BBS for a little while. But I do love the smell of Hook. I need one of the Tom Ford leather scents to pair with stuff like this for sure.

Well, after a few delays my wife got to NY and said the last 30min of the flight was the worst she's experienced. Just got a weather warning stating they are declaring a state of emergency for NY and are activating the National Guard. Ugh. Summers and winters both getting worse. I'll try to avoid either on the east coast I believe.
Glad she arrived safely at least! Staying stronk with the Feather...good job!
What in tarnation is going on up there? State of emergency? Am I living under a rock or just underestimating how bad that storm really is? Hopefully she can get back without too much trouble.
Feather SS with a ProGuard blade is probably still my favorite set up, and one I used almost exclusively for months.
2019 shave #348 (DE:153 SE:126 Str:59 Cart:0) - 489 days of consecutive shaving
Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (4)
Stirling synth
Stirling Texas on Fire
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Stirling Texas on Fire AS
Stirling Texas on Fire EdC

Video posted everyone. Update to the video. This is a STRONK aftershave. I did one spray of the EdC just to see what the scent was and didn't add any more. An hour later in the car I was too strong for myself and rinsed my face as to be socially appropriate at work. About 4 hours later I think it's getting much weaker and I could maybe use the EdC now. I would use one or the other of these babies and I need to see how use of just the EdC is.