The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

I tried that soap when it was first released LONG ago (in its very first iteration as a solid little puck in a tin) and it was very much like a campfire, almost like coals more than roaring fire but definitely campfire. The scent was very fun but the soap was HOR-I-BLE. I understand WCS has changed the vendor who makes their soap so the soap may not be horrible any more fact since you didn't say anything about how bad the lather was I am confident they updated the vendor. I don't think there is a better campfire scent out there, if they added any depth to it when they changed vendors they might have THE best possible campfire experience possible.
It's the junk in the tin but worth it for the scent. I'd get an acceptable lather from it.
Yesterday’s shave:
2019 shave #321 (DE:145 SE:120 Str:56 Cart:0) - 471 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson (2)
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
2019 shave #322 (DE:146 SE:120 Str:56 Cart:0) - 472 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Feather (1)
Sorrentino Oregon State & Sorrentino Sea Foam CBL Oud Minerale & CBL Agarwood Minerale
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Comparison shave between two soap bases for scent comparison. Video posted.
Errands this morning. Then I installed a Ring doorbell. I’ve been thinking about one for a while. They get mixed reviews online, but the two people I know that have them do like it. Costco had a sale on them a week ago so figured I’d give it a shot. Very nice day out today. So now I’m sitting outside roasting up another big batch of coffee beans and enjoying a stogie I got from the mystery box.
2019 shave #323 (DE:147 SE:120 Str:56 Cart:0) - 473 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)
SV 70th
SV 2.0 brush
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
SV 70th AS

I keep grabbing other SV soaps when I go to use one, so decided to give the 70th a little love today. I realized that the essence of this scent is along the same lines as Oud Minerale. With a little cologne thrown in. That's why it's so awesome. Shave itself was good. Needed a nice mild one after roughing up my neck yesterday.

So quite a few of the cadre have been on the weight loss journey. I'll add myself to that list. Since the beginning of Sept I've been on a low carb diet. For reasons. And I know I've been losing weight but not how much until this weekend when I actually bought a scale. Mostly to monitor that I don't slide backwards because I really don't care what the number actually is. But I'm down around 28lbs so far. But I sure do miss me a dinner full of pizza!