The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

2019 shave #316 (DE:143 SE:118 Str:56 Cart:0) - 468 days of consecutive shaving
The Holy Black SR-71 w/ Feather (3)
Custom synth
CBL Barber's Chair
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
TOBS Jermyn Street Edwhater

Trying out another of my new CBL soaps. The rest of you guys need to tell me what you think of this one? I do like the lather of the new base better than the super soft stuff. The scent on this one was pretty much the same as Bergamot & Lemon to me. Even while lathering, I simply got the smell of Strop Shoppe soap base. But then, at the very end, just while I was doing my final rinse I got a whiff of Jermyn Street. Where did that come from? Dude, if you can duplicate Jermyn Street, turn up the strength and it'll be a huge winner. That of course prompted the scent for today.

A little potential excitement this morning. Our oldest became a woman's soccer fan given the success of the USA team this year. We would seriously hear about Megan Rapinoe multiple times a day for months. It's tapered down to maybe a couple times a week. Visa happens to be a sponsor of said team. And given the position my wife is in at Visa was able to score a Team USA ball signed by someone from the last Olympic team. That'll be the Santa present this year. We also got a Rapinoe jersey for another present. Well, turns out Miss Megan Rapinoe will be right outside my wife's desk this morning to support something there. Needless to say the kids are being taken to school by the grandfather so she can go in early to be there with ball and jersey when this all goes down. Fingers crossed.
Was curious about the soap scent, thanks for spelling it out!

Awesome Christmas score! You guys are going to be the beat parents ever for a couple days, at least!
By the way...I heard that all those soap opera folks you saw being celebrated last weekend...all got fired lol :ROFLMAO:

At least I think so...oneof those long running soaps taking indefinite hiatus.
2019 shave #317 (DE:143 SE:119 Str:56 Cart:0) - 469 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (5)
TSC Legacy
CBL Smoky Mountain Cedar
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Replica Jazz Club

So I don't get any smokiness from this soap. To me it smells exactly like The Close from A&E's The Club, which is a Aventus knock clone. It is pretty sweet and if you know it should have a cedar note, I think you can pull one out of the background. But this is mostly sweet cologne to me. Which isn't bad, but not what I was expecting given the name and description. The scent is again lighter than the first big group release of CBL soaps. Those would range between 4-6/10 for me. These last ones I've tried have been around 2/4-10.

Decided to dig around in the drawer and use up some scent samples. I'm really loving this Jazz Club and it actually goes with the soap well. I know the last Replica scent I tried didn't have staying power, so hoping for better from this one.
Yea, I felt Money and SIR Fougere tonsorials were right on the nose with scent strength! Maybe the lightness of the scent is a keep the soap a bit more simple thing, like the vintages.
I agree totally that the Smokey man cedar is a sweet cedar but I love it. I’m bummed you found it lightly scented because I’ve not lathered it recently and I really like that one. Barbers chair is pretty strong to me, stronger than it first let’s on especially if you let it sit on you face for any length of time.
other than the liMe and balsamic Oud all scents are scented at or above the levels the premium soaps are it’s just that the premium soaps superfat and oil blends play a role in how the fragrance is protected during the whole process and delivered on lather. Soaps with meadow foam oil have even better scent retention.
Oddly enough the beta pucks had the same concentration, money actually had LESS because that one can be obnoxious as all get out.
I eagerly await your opinion on the oud minerals like scent...
2019 shave #320 (DE:144 SE:120 Str:56 Cart:0) - 470 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (6)
Paladin Brush of Shame
WCS Campfire
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Storybook Soapworks Midnight Embers AS
Imaginary Authors Cape Heartache (2 sprays)
Storybook Soapworks Midnight Embers EdP (4 sprays)

Been looking forward to this shave in all its smoky goodness since Dave sent me the soap. Figure I needed to get a couple of these in before my pine tar soap in the shower runs out. I even got creative with the scents at the end and added a touch of pine to the smoke for that authentic camping experience! If nothing else, at least the day started off well!
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I tried that soap when it was first released LONG ago (in its very first iteration as a solid little puck in a tin) and it was very much like a campfire, almost like coals more than roaring fire but definitely campfire. The scent was very fun but the soap was HOR-I-BLE. I understand WCS has changed the vendor who makes their soap so the soap may not be horrible any more fact since you didn't say anything about how bad the lather was I am confident they updated the vendor. I don't think there is a better campfire scent out there, if they added any depth to it when they changed vendors they might have THE best possible campfire experience possible.