The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Saturday's shave

2019 shave #314 (DE:140 SE:117 Str:56 Cart:0) - 464 days of consecutive shaving
Super Speed Israeli Perssona
Paladin Briar PK-47
A&E Cafe au Lait
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Video posted where I talk about the Disney Studios Tour. We make it there and back just fine. Though we flew into a small airport and took South West for the best scheduling. Stresses me out to not have an assigned seat and the chairs themselves I'm pretty sure they got used through a garage sale from another airline. And I was able to talk to my daughter who made it to D.C. just fine and sounds like she's enjoying herself so that was good.
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Sunday’s shave:
2019 shave #315 (DE:140 SE:118 Str:56 Cart:0) - 465 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline ((4)
Paladin Neptune El Dorado
Beer Soap Brewing Company Le Habana
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Gave this soap from the mystery box a shot. I like the smell so I was worried that performance might be lacking. Nope, I think this is pretty good stuff! I like the smell and it is a touch sweet to me, but not total honey. I’ll certainly be using it.
Sunday was a day mostly just filled with errands and cleaning. I’m ready for a weekend!
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2019 shave #314 (DE:141 SE:118 Str:56 Cart:0) - 466 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Voskhod (4)
Stirling synth
CBL Bergamot & Lemon
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1

Had a ton of new soaps to choose from today. And I picked the one I was most curious about the scent of. I wasn't getting much from the tub when I sniffed it out yesterday and wanted to see how it was lathered up. I think Chris down played this one too much. I get no lemon at all. The scent of the soap reminds me exactly of Strop Shoppe. Strop Shoppe soaps are old enough that many of them smell mostly of their base and this matches that scent. Otherwise, the soap is good. The label is true that it gets a nice rich lather. I dig it because it's not so hard I can't scoop and bowl lather.

Well the ups and downs of the labor union world. We geared all up for a nurse's sympathy strike last week, only to be told Friday afternoon they called it off. Sunday morning our CEO passed away. So the original striking union called theirs off and the associated sympathy strike by the engineers. It's sad news about our CEO. He truly was a good man. I heard him speak a couple of weeks ago and liked him a lot. Down to earth, funny, but full of vision and reaching out to help our under served communities. He worked for affordable healthcare not only in our local area, but for everyone through the politics in D.C. It's a true loss.
Truly horrible news about your CEO, saw that last night. That’s going to be a real shock to the entire system before it’s all over I’m sure. young too.
Now about your daughters trip to DC, I think her ending up having to fly out without you sending her off is icing on the “growing up” cake. Sure it’s hard for all involved but I remember when I went to DC when I was a kid, nothing went right and that was what made it SO great. I ended up flying into Dulles when my receiving party was at an entirely different airport all together. Combine that with the fact that they merge onto the freeway from the left side and I totally thought they were out to kill me before I ever made it to my destination. By now she’s figured out the legal drinking age in Maryland is only 18 and her fake ID works just fine. She’ll come back a little more mature than she left. ...and you’ll look really good with that extra grey hair.
2019 shave #315 (DE:142 SE:118 Str:56 Cart:0) - 467 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)
Razorock synth
CBL Fresh Lime
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Lime EdC

Just in the mood for a mild shave today so in went the Wilkinson blade. From the tub I was wondering why Mr was being so stingy with the fragrance. But on lathering it was a dead ringer for T&H West Indian Lime which is a good thing. He is correct, it's a nice fresh lime scent. None of this artificial sweetness and junk. I did get just a touch of tingle at the end of the 3rd pass, but nothing to worry about. Had to pair it with it's matching scent in the end after all.