The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Sunday's shave:
2019 shave #308 (DE:136 SE:112 Str:56 Cart:0) - 458 days of consecutive shaving
KJ's 7 o'clock 1/2 razor w/ Feather (2)
Stirling synth
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Wholly Kaw Agrumi in Estate AS

Did my stunt shave with the no base plate razor. It started off better than I expected and slid quickly downhill. I think the overall issue was applying more than appropriate pressure to reduce some chatter and get it to cut through the tougher whiskers. I thought I ended up with a less than smooth shave, but I got a nice and smooth BBS, but my neck showed the price that was paid. Video posted.
2019 shave #309 (DE:139 SE:114 Str:56 Cart:0) - 459 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Voskhod (2)
Stirling synth
The Club The Novelist
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Penhaligon's Opus 1870

Well, how little growth there was this morning is testament to how much pressure I guess I was using yesterday. It felt like after a Vector shave. Just did a little mild two pass shave to give the neck a rest.

Had a productive weekend, which is good, but a little more laziness would have been okay. Hit up the homecoming game, Stanford vs USA women's basketball, Ikea and Costco. Whew!
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Saturdays' shave:

2019 shave #307 (DE:135 SE:112 Str:56 Cart:0) - 457 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector “Merlin” w/ Schick Proline (2)
RazorRock synth
A&E Spartacus
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Back to calling it Witch Hazel................I'm sorry to the Thayers Executives I emailed.........
Ikea and Costco? Slip in some Home Depot and you have the Trifecta. Don't know if you have enough time... 🤪
2019 shave #310 (DE:140 SE:114 Str:56 Cart:0) - 460 days of consecutive shaving
Timeless w/ Voskhod (3)
TSC Legacy
Chiseled Face Cinnawood Boroka
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face Cinnawood Boroka AS

I guess I can go ahead and update my journal. Did the ole 2 pass shave again today and I'm regretting it. Scruffy face is making me feel rough. We'll fix that tomorrow.

Busy week this week with Flat Spider here. Wife has a big event at work so I'm taking the kids to school today and tomorrow. Throws everyone off with them getting to school a bit earlier than they would like and me getting to work quite a bit later than I usually do. And my daughter leaves Saturday morning for a school trip to the D.C. area to learn about the civil war and civil rights. Hope she has a great time, but more so hope the weather isn't terrible for her.
2019 shave #311 (DE:140 SE:115 Str:56 Cart:0) - 461 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (3)
Custom synth
Chiseled Face GTB
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Chiseled Face GTB AS
Chiseled Face GTB EdP

Now we're talking boys. I was ready for Merlin to do his thing again. I actually did pay attention to the pressure and such this time. I normally don't have to with the Vector, but didn't want to test fate with the neck irritation. The dolphins are silent today, but I did get a BBS. Much better than yesterday. In a couple days we'll push it to super smooth.
2019 shave #312 (DE:140 SE:116 Str:56 Cart:0) - 462 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (4)
RazoRock synth
Tallow + Steel Madagascar
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Hermes Vetiver Tonka

Gentlemen, settle in and lets talk about this shave a bit. I got this soap from @Spider's mystery box. Kinda took a flier on it because T+S soaps are among the most polarizing I believe because they aren't "safe" one note scents and they crank the scent strength up to 11. You have to be in the correct mood for this one for sure. Ready for something a little different and thoughtful. The scent notes are Ylang-Ylang, Katrafay, Vanilla, Rose Geranium, and Ravensara. Not that it tells you anything. And here's their description:
Madagascar is a wonderland of shifting landscapes forgotten by time—trek beneath the green canopy of the tropical rainforests, or relax in the long shadows cast by the majestic baobab trees.

Using essential oils sourced directly from Madagascar to reflect the island’s rich and unexplained biodiversity, this floral scent centers around some of the finest ylang ylang essential oil produced on the island. Combined with a sweet geranium rose oil, these floral notes will slowly subside making way for flora endemic to Madagascar - spicy ravensara, and green woody katrafay. Ever-present during the aromatic journey is a touch of the intoxicating scent of the island’s famed vanilla – prized for its warmth, and rich liqueur-like sweetness.

I wouldn't say it's floral to me. It's a rich, dark scent with maybe some unusual floral notes. Anyway, it's different for sure. I won't mind using it when the mood strikes, but won't be getting the aftershave. On to the shave. I was going to pursue ultra smooth tomorrow, but decided not to wait and went for it. Not only did I use Merlin and the best blade match for him, but I did skin stretching that I use with open blades. Boys, after 2 passes I was a very nice BBS. But did we stop there? Heck no! The Dolphins could be heard playing already, but lets get them all stirred-up! 3rd pass it is. ATG with some counter traction. Can you hear them screamin' dolphins now!??!! Boooyah!

Decided since we were already out on the high wire with scents, I'd use a sample that I got some time ago and at first blush decided wasn't in my wheel house. Happy to report it dried down a nice middle of the road vetiver with a touch of sweetness to it. Not bad, but I'd need a bigger dose to know if it's something I'd buy and would last on me. It seems to be disappearing pretty quickly.

Back on the ranch, work is getting a bit nuts. The strike activity is still heading down the tracks. So all the work that goes into keeping the hospital running during something like that is piled on top of all the other work that needs to be happening anyway. The strike itself would have been okay to deal with, but the RNs announced they would have a sympathy strike. So that's a different ballgame and if it happens all of next week will be a mess.
I felt it was a lot more spicy than floral, and I agree that it's a mood type. I liked it, but not enough to keep it or go out and buy a tub.

Good luck with the strike nonsense.
Sympathy strike? Oh brother. Maybe you should start sympathy lunch meetings for management...whenever someone “has” to have one, so does everyone else.

Whip those minions into shape Dave!
Awesome shave there. I've often thought of trying their Sicily but never pulled the trigger. Nice soap base aside from scent ?
Awesome shave there. I've often thought of trying their Sicily but never pulled the trigger. Nice soap base aside from scent ?
Ya, it made a really nice lather. I was thinking about the shave more than the soap, but it was a top notch performer.
2019 shave #313 (DE:140 SE:117 Str:56 Cart:0) - 463 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector "Merlin" w/ Schick Proline (5)
Stirling synth
CBL Earl Grey
Thayer's Lemon
Nivea 2:1
Tom Ford Oud Minerale

Well you know what kind of day it's going to be when everyone is in earlier than normal and scrambling all over the place. The strike prep and a couple other issues that can't be posted on the interwebs are crazy making. To top it off, we fly out this evening for Burbank to do the Disney Studio tour tomorrow. I'd personally rather not have the pressure of getting out of work on time right now, but it is what it is. Don't know if I mentioned, but we also kinda screwed up. My daughter is leaving early Saturday morning for a week long school trip to the D.C. area. It wasn't on the calendar and we scheduled this over night not knowing it meant we wouldn't be able to take her to the airport ourselves. Feel bad about that.

The shave it self was good. Hardly had anything there after yesterday's shave, so I just did a one pass ATG shave. Feeling it now, I probably should have just whipped out all three. Since we're leaving just overnight, I'm not taking any shaving stuff so we don't have to check the bag and I'll just shave when I get home. I smell awesome though.