The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Nurse Dave's Journal

Wanna borrow one?

Let's see....a while back, Dave lent me some sort of replaceable blade contraption that I still have a scar at the moment! But thanks!!
2018 shave #125 (DE:21 SE:39 Str:62 Cart:2)

Schone w/ Feather (3)
L&L After the Rain
Plisson synthetic 24mm in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
L&L After the Rain balm
L&L After the Rain AS

Today I needed to be a little gentle on my neck as it was sore all day yesterday. And I go three and out with my DE blade
s, so I figured I'd hit #3 with this one and put the razor away. After the Rain was the first shaving soap I ever used. I started using this while I was still using carts. Well, back when we were young, brother TJ had sent me a bottle of the AS. Murphy and the Postal Service decided that bottle wouldn't reach me. Just recently I bought the soap, balm and AS collection on a BST. I know TJ is on the fence about the scent itself, but I dig it. The balm was different than most others in that it was super thick. It did spread well and I only need two little dots on each side to get good coverage. My skin isn't greasy, but it feels moisturized. I'm pretty dedicated to Nivea balm, but I'll use this one with the soap for sure.

Shave itself was meh. I thought I got a BBS, but there are about three hairs I think that downgrade me to DFS+. This weekend I'm hoping my neck is ready for another straight shave.
Hard to go wrong with L&L/DG soaps....nice shave even if it was downgraded retrospectively.
I don't know how you guys use those Weck contraptions!

Well, so far it goes kinda like this for me:
- Start the first north-to-south stroke on the left cheek
- Remove about two inches of lather
- Stop because the toe of the blade gave me a gash across the last inch.
- Curse a blue streak
- Inspect the damage
- Rinse the blade
- Try to finish the pass with no more blood (likely failing)
Well, so far it goes kinda like this for me:
- Start the first north-to-south stroke on the left cheek
- Remove about two inches of lather
- Stop because the toe of the blade gave me a gash across the last inch.
- Curse a blue streak
- Inspect the damage
- Rinse the blade
- Try to finish the pass with no more blood (likely failing)
LOL! Aaaaand you're off the committee to write the newbie shaving handbook.
Well, so far it goes kinda like this for me:
- Start the first north-to-south stroke on the left cheek
- Remove about two inches of lather
- Stop because the toe of the blade gave me a gash across the last inch.
- Curse a blue streak
- Inspect the damage
- Rinse the blade
- Try to finish the pass with no more blood (likely failing)

Good one!

Bummer about the "meh" After the Rain. While the scent of that one doesn't "wow" me, I've always had great performance from the L&L/DG soaps.
Well they can't all be Grail Worthy shaves, what would be the fun in that?

Nice read Dave!
Well they can't all be Grail Worthy shaves, what would be the fun in that?

Nice read Dave!
Crazy but true. When I was stuck in my RX phase, I think I shaved with that every day for at least three weeks. Every shave was great, but then in got routine and I needed to change it up even if the shaves weren't as good.
There's a newbie shave committee??? When we get a member that joins that is brand new to wetshaving no experience whatsoever. I almost feel bad for them because they run the risk of being completely bombarded with information. All good but a LOT!
There's a newbie shave committee??? When we get a member that joins that is brand new to wetshaving no experience whatsoever. I almost feel bad for them because they run the risk of being completely bombarded with information. All good but a LOT!
Heh, very true. Even questions from more experienced folks get 5 different answers. Nature of the beast I guess. More opinions or options to chose from rather than specific answers.
2018 shave #126 (DE:21 SE:39 Str:63 Cart:2)

CBL's Frameback
TOBS Jermyn Street
Plisson synthetic 24mm in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
TOBS Jermyn Street AS

I decided to spend sometime with my shaving stuff last night. Changed around what I kept in the bathroom vs the overflow and comm
itted to a straight shave in the morning. So I took my pic early, stropped it up a little and that was that. A little more stropping in the morning and I went for it. I'm not sure if I could have ruined the edge with my stropping, I'm sure I could have, but the blade felt much duller than last time. I just wanted to accomplish my shave and concentrate on less pressure to see if it would help with my blade stalling. I got two passes in, and finished with a 3rd pass from the Q-Shave set on 2. I didn't want to ruin my neck as I had a board meeting this morning. While I felt like I was scrapping the heck outta my face, I didn't seem to have my blade stalling issues. And the oddest part was, I had NO alum sting at all when I was expecting my face to be on fire. So I'm left with really not knowing what to take away from this shave.

Happy the weekend is coming. I've been slowly making progress on getting rid of the grass on the front lawn and have some edging being delivered from Amazon today. I think I should be able to finish up removing the grass and getting edging down. Then have to decide on wire mesh under the black landscaping fabric or not. We do have a gopher issue, but without the grass, I'm not sure if they will still be around. And from what I've learned, what really works for gophers isn't the cheap chicken wire stuff, but a closer knit mesh that is on the expensive side. Either way, I'm happy to be close to seeing major progress this weekend.
Good shave Dave!

You’re having the opposite lawn care issue as me. I’m in an old section of Sacramento and we only have one water spigot for the whole outside property. We moved to this house just over a year ago but getting grass to grow and stick around has been a challenge. Right now it’s about 70% grass, 25% well trimmed weeds, and 5% bare spots.
Good shave Dave!

You’re having the opposite lawn care issue as me. I’m in an old section of Sacramento and we only have one water spigot for the whole outside property. We moved to this house just over a year ago but getting grass to grow and stick around has been a challenge. Right now it’s about 70% grass, 25% well trimmed weeds, and 5% bare spots.
Well, and it IS a touch warm up there. I put in a new lawn several years ago, but we also don't have a sprinkler system, so it took remembering to put out the sprinkler, move it etc, etc. Too much of a pain.
Interesting shave. I am glad that it turned out well. Good luck with the gophers and the yard.
It can be frustrating with all the different advice for sure. I always keep in mind that everyone is giving advice based on their experience. Your face and beard is different from mine. So all one can do is say this works for me. Just keep with it and one day, probably when you least expect it, you will have that A-Ha moment.
Sorry to hear the shave didn't go as planned Dave...but sometimes it happens.

As far as the grass wife always says that if it's green and mows then it is grass. Her philosophy and mine on lawn care are very different. She wants beautiful flowerbeds but as long as the rest of the yard is trimmed and green she don't care. Good luck with the yard.