2018 shave #124 (DE:20 SE:39 Str:62 Cart:2)
Weck w/ Personna (3)
A&E Grecian Horse
Plisson synthetic 24mm in Shave Revolution handle
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave balm
A&E Grecian Horse AS
I'm really wanting to see if I can master the straight, but still not ready for the added maintenance on a work morning. Then I remembered I had the Weck! This was closer to my frameback than the SS. Well, with my limited 2-3 shave experience with it. This was a frustrating shave that started off awesome. I say awesome, because the first pass on my cheeks was like butter. I could hear the hair being cut, but I swear I couldn't feel the blade on my face at all. BUT, I also could tell I still wasn't feeling the slickness I have with any other razor and knew I couldn't repeat strokes in the same area often. The rest of
the shave I again was having some blade chatter. I didn't have actual stalling, but it felt as though I was shaving without soap almost. I had thinned my soap down on advise of counsel, could see my angle was pretty shallow. I really am baffled as to why this happens every time with the Weck and now the straight I have.
I smartly decided, and stuck to, only doing three passes and then following up with the Q-Shave on 1. There was enough hair left on my neck after the three passes that I only got a DFS out of it and plenty of alum burn. My neck is still feeling a bit touchy. I'm left with not really knowing what else to try. I can shave just fine with the SS and have it glide repeatedly over areas.
Side note, many of my pics include lathered up soap because I can't plan ahead. Sometimes I've decided on one razor when I get my soap out and change my mind by the time I'm done lathering. So I figure I need to wait until my mind is set with what I'll use.