The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Glad you have your power back. Years ago I drove a generator half-way to New Hampshire for my best friend's family. They were all sold out up there. My friend was kind enough to send me a check and to name the generator after me. Larry the Generator lives in NC now, fyi.
No higher praise than that!

I do have to say, that we have it better than many people around here. One of our hospitals is in the fire zone and needed to evacuate over 100 patients and 4 other hospitals were running on emergency generators because of the shut downs.
I was thinking about the hospitals in your area. I would imagine some things can’t be used when on auxiliary power. Most high powered imaging equipment comes to mind right away. I’m glad you have a solution coming! It will serve you well if these outages become routine.
Where exactly are you @NurseDave?

Not to rant too hard, but man when I go back to CA the one thing I really have noticed as the years go by is basic upkeep of infrastructure is lacking, at least compared to here.

One very cool thing here, is visible power lines are very unusual to see, everything is underground.

Sorry for what you guys are going through. It was my mom a couple of years back, the Thomas fire was within a few blocks, and they were prepared to evacuate the facility she's in. Thankfully it didn't come to that but it was touch and go.

The air quality was dreadful as well, that's got to be tough to deal with too.
Glad you’re back up and running for the time being.

Hospitals being out of power!? No bueno.
2019 shave #304 (DE:135 SE:111 Str:56 Cart:0) - 454 days of consecutive shaving
Psycho w/ Feather (2)
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo
Siliski Santa's Pipe
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
V's Barbershop Tonic

This morning I ended up just looking through the bathroom drawers for a soap. Ran across Santa's Pipe and thought @Spider tribute shave!! And so it was. The razor choice for a @Spider shave was a no-brainer. Poor fella will be flipping out about Christmas in his shave, so I used what to me is an old school scent since KJ is an old school shaving kinda guy.

At home we avoided the power outages that happened yesterday. Why we are at risk one time and not another I don't know. I know the Governor is laying into the utility pretty hard so maybe they were a little more judicial in who they included.
That would have been pretty cold blooded to turn on your lights for a day or so then whack you again. Spouse unit tells me all of her department would be closed because they are not critical care. Their equipment won’t run on auxiliary power.
Psycho w/ Feather (2) - Nice Razor and blade!
Paladin Vintage Port Cleo - Paladin for the Win!
Siliski Santa's Pipe - What the Crap?!?!
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
V's Barbershop Tonic - Love this stuff! Still have the sample you gave me. Really need to get a bottle or two.

Happened to about 500,000 people
That's like the entire state of Wyoming....
I keep waiting for Kyle to come figure all this out.

yeah its insane what is happening in CA right now and that you are having to deal with it.

From what i understand the reason these outages are so big is that they are being forced to kill out the major transmission lines that carry the power over long distances. If what i have heard is correct this is largely the fault of legislators and not the actual power companies. They made it near impossible to keep the areas around the transmission clear of over growth and then made it so that if a power line goes down/arcs into said overgrowth and a fire results, then the power company that owns the line is 100% responsible for the costs of fighting said fire. they pretty much have no choice but to shut things down to avoid getting nailed if a fire starts.

I haven't done my own research on a lot of this but the people i heard it from Should know what they are talking about.
Given politics doesn't always make it out from closed doors, I've never heard any reports other than PG&E was delinquent on line maintenance for years. This is also a company that was responsible for a gas line explosion that killed 8 and left a big crater. They would found to be delinquent in their gas line maintenance as well and falsified safety records. So their word carries little weight around here any more.
2019 shave #305 (DE:135 SE:112 Str:56 Cart:0) - 455 days of consecutive shaving
Asylum "The Doctor" RX w/ Feather Proguard (3)
Saponificio Varesino 2.0 Two-band Manchurian High Mountain White Basger
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Saponificio Varesino Cosmo AS

Let's get yer SV on!!
While shaving today with king of all SE razors I figured it out. The Vector is like a race car with an automatic transmission, compute monitoring and active suspension. The RX is a sports car with a bigger engine and manual transmission. Watch your acceleration out of turn #2 boys!
Got a few pages behind Dave but I'm caught up now. I had no idea the power situation in CA was that bad. I rarely watch any national news on account that...well nobody is actually reporting news. So I haven't kept up with what is going on over on your side of the world. Here in LA...we are definitely no stranger to power loss for various reasons...but I think you all are experiencing something almost diabolical.

It's always good to have some sort of preparation in mind for events like these. But after what you have been going through...I am sure I don't have to tell you anything.

Here in Louisiana, all new construction has underground lines for power. And all of the lines above ground have planes to go underground as well. There are exceptions some of the main transmission lines. But since we have had an unusual amount of catastrophic storms over the last 20 years...the power infrastructure in South Louisiana has been drastically updated. I know parts of Texas are doing the same. Hopefully the politicians and the power companies can realize the negative effects of their actions!
Friday’s shave

2019 shave #306 (DE:135 SE:113 Str:56 Cart:0) - 456 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector “Merlin” w/ Schick Proline (1)
RazorRock synth
Oleo Humanitas
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1
Saturdays' shave:

2019 shave #307 (DE:135 SE:112 Str:56 Cart:0) - 457 days of consecutive shaving
Blacklands Vector “Merlin” w/ Schick Proline (2)
RazorRock synth
A&E Spartacus
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2:1