The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Smattayu said:
Nice shave and read, Dave. There are times when those stubble islands appear, and it seems that nothing can be done about it without taking most of the skin off.

True, what's up with that???
2018 shave #103 (DE:15 SE:38 Str:52 Cart:2)

Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (6)
PdP 63
Stirling 26mm synthetic pro
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave blam
Penhaligon's Malabah

This was a better shave. I was able to get to what I'm sure would have been a BBS after dry down, but then used a few swipes of the Q-Shave to make it a wet and slippery BBS. I found that weird angle again. I guess yesterday I was only close to it, but today I ended up with my arm crossing over right in front of my face, so I must have nailed it. So I'm telling myself to continue with the SS for a while to get consistent. We'll see how well my patience holds up.

Ahhh, the contortionist returns! Nice shave with the SS...before you know it, you'll be wondering how you ever shaved without all the "strange" contortions!
Great shave Dave. Who would have thought that you would have to become a contortionist just to get a good shave?
Dagwoodz said:
Ahhh, the contortionist returns! Nice shave with the SS...before you know it, you'll be wondering how you ever shaved without all the "strange" contortions!
Majorrich said:
I sometimes find I hold the razor like a lollipop
Quijote said:
Great shave Dave. Who would have thought that you would have to become a contortionist just to get a good shave?

You know what would make this a lot easier? They could put these things on a handle! Then, while you're at it, they could put a little guard in place so you're less likely to cut yourself. I could make millions!
It sounds like you are a single winger like myself. When I go the the left side I often use my X-Ray vision to get those cheek passes done. Like I said, I have taken to holding the blade like a lollipop by the end of the tang to carefully get those passes done. It's a band-aid fix that I could fix by working on my off hand grip, but I've done it too long and am too right handed to change.
Majorrich said:
It sounds like you are a single winger like myself. When I go the the left side I often use my X-Ray vision to get those cheek passes done. Like I said, I have taken to holding the blade like a lollipop by the end of the tang to carefully get those passes done. It's a band-aid fix that I could fix by working on my off hand grip, but I've done it too long and am too right handed to change.

I try not to be, but when it comes to the neck and needing extra fine control, I don't have the same feel for it using my left.
2018 shave #104 (DE:15 SE:38 Str:53 Cart:2)

Feather SS w/ Feather Proguard (7)
Stirling 26mm synthetic pro
Witch Hazel & Alum
Nivea post shave blam

Another pretty successful run. Even did a 2nd XTG pass on the cheeks to get that extra DSBBS up there. Next was pretty decent. We has some stuff happen to the house last night (more on that later) and part way through my shave I hear a chirping. Like a low smoke alarm battery, but not the same. My wife wasn't getting out of bed to investigate, so I just did three passes on my neck and then a quick Q-Shave clean-up to end with BBS.

Last night out power started wavering. Not ever off, but lights getting dim, then bright, then dim. Hear some poppings. Then things stabilized with some lights in the house dim and some staying very bight. Power company came out and did work on a pole and things seemed fine after. But I still smelled ozone in the house. Found it blew two of the wine fridges and have no power to the furnace. So back home I go to wait for the power folks and fill out a claim for some wine chillers.
I have to echo Chad...NOT THE WINE FRIDGES!!

On a serious note, hope everything turns out ok. Nice shave today with some stellar equipment and software!
Cvargo said:
Dagwoodz said:
I have to echo Chad...NOT THE WINE FRIDGES!!

On a serious note, hope everything turns out ok. Nice shave today with some stellar equipment and software!

Heh, glad you guys have your priorities straight like I do! Luckily the weather isn't too warm here. I do have an off-site place I can take some of it to, and there is a claim form for damaged appliances I'm hoping will take care of it. Don't tell my wife, but I see this as an opportunity to upgrade ;)
Nice read Dave, sorry to hear about the power issues. At least you have a plan for the wine.
very nice shaves Dave. like I said earlier practice with the SS sans the blade and get in the hang of the positions. it helped me tremendously.
Great read, shave, and picture Dave!

Bummer about the power issues!

Majorrich said:
Does wine suffer from being cooled then warmed like beer does?