The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

I agree with the 5:30 thing. I’m normally awake at that time. But awake and working are very different things.
Strikes can be nasty things. Even if they are civil...they can turn ugly quick. Hope good resolutions happen and quick!
I have been night shaving after the kids go to bed the last few weeks. Makes the mornings faster. But have a little shadow by 2pm
I have been night shaving after the kids go to bed the last few weeks. Makes the mornings faster. But have a little shadow by 2pm
\n\nI night shave during the week to save time in the morning. I usually have some shadow by about 12. My day job doesn’t require me to be clean shaven at all so it’s not really an issue, but I often tell myself I should just get up earlier and shave. Then the alarm goes off and I change my mind lol.
Well, I was here by 5. I would argue I'm already not BBS, but my biggest issue is I forgot to spray on a nice scent this morning. I have to take a shower after sleeping anyway because my hair gets greasy. But of course it did save time.
2018 shave #342 (DE:130 SE:96 Str:113 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (3)

Stirling synth
Stirling Christmas Eve
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

2018 shave #343 (DE:131 SE:96 Str:113 Cart:3)
Timeless w/ Wilkinson Sword (1)

Stirling synth
PdP 63
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

These shaves were both yesterday. Got an update text from my boss yesterday. Could I be in by 5? Here I am. Van Halen is playing

Had a good weekend. Bought a couple of things, but did less damage than we did last year so doubt we'll be asked back. Which is fine, but it's a fun thing to go to. Now we just get through this week and then it's on to Christmas!
Well, I was here by 5. I would argue I'm already not BBS, but my biggest issue is I forgot to spray on a nice scent this morning. I have to take a shower after sleeping anyway because my hair gets greasy. But of course it did save time.

Much like me. I have to take morning showers, wakes me up and helps me feel clean. I just don’t feel clean in the morning after a night shower.
Much like me. I have to take morning showers, wakes me up and helps me feel clean. I just don’t feel clean in the morning after a night shower.

Ditto that. I am basically a space heater and even in the winter i end up sweating while i sleep because if i turn down the heat my wife would freeze or something... She hates when i am on night shift. Says the entire room is colder.