The Shaving Cadre

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Nurse Dave's Journal

Nice shave, Dave.

As for honorary Dave status, y'all can call me kingdave if you want to. ;-)
Or just decide on a few folks to call Dave. Like Dave Noir and Dangerous Dave. Or D B Lindsey.

Well, my middle name is David. My mother suggested it for a first name, but my father, a career Coast Guardsman, didn't want a Davy Jones in the family.
I agree. I know barber Dave gets great service from them, but he’s pretty tight with them too.
Yup...with that type of customer service...even if it is just a one off...there is no way in hell I will be buying any of their products. Sorry...I hold customer service grudges!
Sounds like SV's business has grown so much that their customer service is suffering. That's a shame. With such a crowded field now in the wet shaving community (which is great for us!), customer service is definitely something that is a deciding factor for me on whether I choose to do business with a certain company.
Truly a bummer about the brush. Let's hope you are able to fix the brush. It is definitely tough when these companies grow and just can't keep up.
Now I must say about SV maybe they have grown past where they can provide the service they should. But dang if their soaps don't rock.
2018 shave #337 (DE:125 SE:96 Str:113 Cart:3)
Parker Variant w/ Feather (2)

Sorrentino Chess Piece
West Coast Shaving Campfire
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1

2018 shave #338 (DE:126 SE:96 Str:113 Cart:3)
Parker Variant w/ Feather (3)

Sorrentino Oregon State
Grooming Dept Earl Grey Gelato
Witch Hazel
Nivea 2 in 1
B&M Cheshire AS

Last two days here. First one is on video. I'll briefly talk about the soaps. Campfire I will agree is almost all smoke, which I really dig. There is a touch of something else, just a bit sweet. Like a hot dog sitting on a table near by or a bit of mossyness. I can't place it, but there is another, weaker note to the scent. Just enough to take the sharp edge off the smoke sent. Where as the Razor Master Toivo is 100% smoke and acrid and 7 out of 5 strength. I would place Campfire at 3.5-4/5. Which makes it a little more user friendly and not so aggressive where it'll stink up your brush and bathroom for a while like Toivo.

I'm glad they added gelato to the end of the name because it's not straight tea. From the sample container I didn't get tea at all. But, on lathering it the scent came out. I equate it to B&M Cheshire. Neither one I would say earl grey, but I would say tea. I do enjoy it though, and I would say it probably out performs the B&M version.
Forgot the home news. I'm draggin'. Been running my behind off with the wife out of town and with packed after school schedules all day. Tried to get a little extra sleep last night, but was woken up by one of the kids started the shower in the middle of the night. She woke up confused and thought it was the morning already. Took care of that and really couldn't get much sleep after thinking of everything that needed to be accomplished in the next few days.

The other looming issue, is next week there is a fairly small union that is planning to strike. That wouldn't be an issue, but the RNs gave notice of a sympathy strike. No matter your opinion of unions, it sure creates havoc when these things happen. So now next week is all up in the air with schedules being made for those of us in quality to be working 12hr shifts covering the hospital 24/7 to monitor patient care. So potentially all the RNs could still come to work, but since they sent notice we have to be prepared.
I have an aunt who is a travelling nurse. Whenever nurses go on strike she is sent out. She loves it because she gets to go all over the United States. When she's not traveling she assists with a local surgeon.
I have an aunt who is a travelling nurse. Whenever nurses go on strike she is sent out. She loves it because she gets to go all over the United States. When she's not traveling she assists with a local surgeon.
Not a bad gig, they do make bank. Kudos for her to be able to roll into a new place and work. I always hate being floated to another floor in the same hospital personally.
Oh man...good luck with the union/strike biz. I hope it doesn’t come to that! I remember those kind of days when I was a part of the grocer’s union and we were in prolonged negotiations over contracts. Not fun.