The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Wow, just catching up here. So sorry to hear. I can’t imagine.
Thank you all for the kind thoughts. It’s been a rough few weeks, and not over yet, by a fair margin. But at least for now, things are taken care of, waiting for burial dates, and other matters to start happening. So there’s a little clear space.

Thanks especially to the folks who PM’d, it did matter to me, a lot.

There’s no point in saying much, it’s a very bad thing that happened. One we’ll live with, but I’m so grateful our last phone call was nothing but expressing love.

Anyway, no pics, but a nice shave today. I’ve using the Gibbs more again, yesterday, I was a bit shaky and dropped it! So wanted to use it today to see if it was ok. Thankfully seems to be, but the blade is at the tail end, so time to notch a new one and try it tomorrow. There is something special in the Gibbs for me. How it manages such blade feel, without roughness, I don’t know, but it does, and is a true best of both worlds razor.

Soap wise, I’m working to finish T&S Kyoto, so probably hit that 4 times a week now. Today finishing with Myrsol Formula F/Extra. I’m not sure what that Extra means, but I’m going to say extra good. Has my nose gotten better after starting to collect more fragrance? Whatever it is, this AS has come to life for me over the last few months, and gets top scores for classic masculine barbershop scent for me. The perfect moss sage lavender balance, that just seems better every time I use it.

Elsewhere in life, Apple had the event that got me. I’ve been wanting to upgrade the iMac 9 years of use is showing now, but Apple have been slow in rolling out the new chips. I’ve also been thinking that the way I tend to work, do I actually want a desk top. I rarely sit there and have our TV as a second monitor.
Maybe a laptop would be better? Apple convinced me with the new release, and the machine we ordered should hopefully last another 9 years. An utter and complete beast.

Maybe will get a low end iMac as our ‘media’ machine later. In any case, delivery of the M1 Max MacBook Pro won’t be till late November early December. In the meantime, we’re trying to totally upgrade the living room, which has become pretty dysfunctional.
Hi Cole. I'm Charlie.

I just read about your Mom's passing. I'm so very sorry. May your heart be filled with many sweet memories.

Prayers for you and your family.
Glad to see you on your journal!

careful with the Gibbs!

As far as computers go - it is amazing that Apple’s can almost get you a decade!
Sorry Cole...I have been wrapped up in my own life. I am just getting around to your journal and found out about your mom. This is heartbreakingly sad. And even though weeks have gone by I just want you to know that your family is in my prayers.

Great shave today! Tallow and Steel makes a pretty darn good shave soap and their scents are always interesting.

I've never really been an Apple guy. The last Apple computer I used was an Apple 2e back in the 80s (I think). Recently, the wife and I switched from Android to a iPhone and really have been pleased. I am definitley considering one of the laptops.

Have a great rest of the weekend.
Great update Cole. Still in my thoughts and prayers 🙏

Good to know about the Myrsol…I haven’t really heard much about that one and their names don’t really give me any clues either 😂
Today's shave:
Gillette RFB
Paladin Chief
T+S Kyoto.
Myrsol Don Carlos 1972
Nicolai New York Intense

It was great to break out the RFB, haven't used it in a while. IMO one of the best Gillettes and least in terms of smoothness.

Feeling a bit of extra space in life to do some extra projects. With the MacBook Pro coming, I want to put it to use. I started a Day of Eating video today. Just filming my daily meal prep and talking a little about it.

Man today's tech just makes it so much easier to do. It's still a job, but not impossible for a one man show with limited experience to get passable results.

Since I'm on a cut, and just want our clients to see an example of how it looks irl. The cut has been going really well. In spite of it. I have my daily meals on rails, and taped the daily menu in a cabinet door. So I just don't think, eat what's on the menu and get on with it. Yesterday I dropped my third hole in my weightlifting belt, which was a total surprise, as I haven't had a chance to really think about it at all.

One thing I feel "good" about is not having missed any workouts, and keeping to the menu.
Keep up the good health work Cole!

Are you posting to YouTube or is this a special video for subscribed business clients?
Keep up the good health work Cole!

Are you posting to YouTube or is this a special video for subscribed business clients?
Thank Chris, I'm not sure yet, depends on how embarrassingly bad it is I guess.
Right now I'm getting footage, the computer, with Final Cut Pro installed, won't be here to December if you can believe it.
Right now I'm getting footage, the computer, with Final Cut Pro installed, won't be here to December if you can believe it.
It'll be worth the wait. I swear by Apple products. I got a small 12" MacBook (not Pro) in 2015 and have used it for everything since. I won't give up on it till it's nonfunctional, or so far out of date it can't accept the newest OS. I only use MS systems when I need to; my work laptop is MS. Android phones have been ahead of iPhones with some features, but I could care less. My phone does everything I need it to do.

If I ever hit the lottery, Apple will be very pleased with me. Enjoy your new toy, Cole!
It'll be worth the wait. I swear by Apple products. I got a small 12" MacBook (not Pro) in 2015 and have used it for everything since. I won't give up on it till it's nonfunctional, or so far out of date it can't accept the newest OS. I only use MS systems when I need to; my work laptop is MS. Android phones have been ahead of iPhones with some features, but I could care less. My phone does everything I need it to do.

If I ever hit the lottery, Apple will be very pleased with me. Enjoy your new toy, Cole!
You sound like me Bruce. My iMac is actually 2 OS's behind, but I've been waiting for the M1 versions to come out before buying.
I think I got my first Mac in 2010, give or take. It was an iMac, back when they still had CD drives, and now my daughter is using it.

I had enough of Windows when Vista came out, and I've just never had any interest since.
Since silence may infer acquiescence, for the record I hate all things Apple. The hatred really began c.2005 when customers at my bar found themselves accidently deleting their iTunes libraries while Android users had no problems sharing music (legally in Cambodia for the record).This hatred was reaffirmed most recently when I tried to utilize my long standing but mostly unused Apple/iTunes ID to purchase an Apple TV subscription for the sole purpose of watching the Springsteen and Velvet Underground documentaries. Nope, not possible without an Apple device which I don't own, despite Apple TV being available on Windows and Google TV devices I do own.. Had to use my daughter's MacBook to do it. Ridiculous. Owned two early iPhones, never again. Hate. Carry on.

Sent from my Pixel 5a using Tapatalk
Since silence may infer acquiescence, for the record I hate all things Apple. The hatred really began c.2005 when customers at my bar found themselves accidently deleting their iTunes libraries while Android users had no problems sharing music (legally in Cambodia for the record).This hatred was reaffirmed most recently when I tried to utilize my long standing but mostly unused Apple/iTunes ID to purchase an Apple TV subscription for the sole purpose of watching the Springsteen and Velvet Underground documentaries. Nope, not possible without an Apple device which I don't own, despite Apple TV being available on Windows and Google TV devices I do own.. Had to use my daughter's MacBook to do it. Ridiculous. Owned two early iPhones, never again. Hate. Carry on.
Ok? Not sure my journal is the place for such a rant, but it's the internet.
The Gibbs has been calling my name again. Seriously, it's just a great smooth and efficient razor.

Tried my Rocket HD after a long hiatus. Lat time I used it, I was still working out the Apollo, and that really colored the shave.

The Rocket is a strange one, it's smooth as silk if you get it right, but There's a lot of blade feel, the wobbly, old jalopy kind, if you are off a bit. The smoothness is deceptive, almost feels like a Tech, but this is the razor that bites me the most, and has delivered my worst cut. Still, find the sweet spot, which isn't hard, and it just feels like a dead simple shave.

I'm very curious how the #66 Aristocrat will compare.

Also I'm liking short handles a lot again, so much so that I put the bar handle from a NEW on the Apollo this week, just to see. Very different feel, the light weight was nice, I felt like I applied the pressure vs the weight of the razor. But at the end of the day, the results were basically the same. So not sure how often I'll repeat the experiment.

T+S Kyoto is in it's final stages, and there's a whole lot more T+S ready to take it's place :)

Life: Still waiting on a burial date for my mom. It's been a much more challenging thing to organize than expected.

Training: Taking an easy week, and eating 'normally' this week. Then a final push on the diet for a month. That will be a good time to take a real break, and change my training to a strength orientation.

I somehow mustered the courage to go back to ballet. I'm not interested in a debate or your differing views on this, but even with the vaccine, I'm still super uncomfortable out in public. I still get panic attacks when it's crowded out etc. I wear a mask a lot, but more and more there are situations where it's not practical.

E.g. my glasses are out of Rx to the point that it's hard for me to see the screen now. I pretty much had to take the mask off to get glasses. Thankfully not a lot of customers, so it wasn't so bad for me. But they older proprietors, were asking me, and other customers to take them off so the glasses would sit right etc...

Going to ballet, they already told me that basically no one is using them. Thankfully my old teacher has an 8 pm class that's not too full. And the room is spacious with high ceilings. I decided to give it a go. Still not sure how I feel, or if I'll go back. Men's dressing room is tiny, and when someone came it, I literally held my breath and went in out, where there's a lot more room to finish getting dressed.

Yeah, I'm weird, it's been a weird time. Still it felt good, to go, it was like putting on an old favorite pair of shoes, felt like I hadn't been away. Though today I can feel it. Not used to jumping and such. If I go back, like it or not, I need to take it easy on that part till I adapt to it again.
Good update Cole. Glad you’re finding ways to get back to things and still not compromise your safety/comfort too much 👍