The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Mail Call!


West Indies is my staple soap, but all the other scents are new to me. Boreal, might be a lot like Morning Coffee in the Canadian Wilderness, so more of a deepest winter scent for me. Sicily is just a great cologne like scent, and Shikoku is like a eating sushi wearing that cologne. Great stuff!

That's all off the puck, so let's see when I get them lathered up.


I've been bum deep in researching TV's. We're getting ready to do some update to the living room. It's been an on again off again thing, because of Helena's work situation, but I guess it's on again now. I've made up my mind, Sony again for me, I just really like the picture quality. Has to be Full Array LED, can't risk it with OLED because I use the TV as a monitor. Working from home, and with sitting too much in a chair aggravating my back, it's been a lifesaver.

Like my iMac (2013) our TV is ancient, even more so, a mere 32". I'm looking at 65" a huge change, but it might be a hard sell for Helena.

Got the iPad Pro 12.9" last week, with the fancy keyboard and AirPods Pro. Wow, I really like it. I knew the limitations going in, but it's a MASSIVE improvement the v1 Pro with a folio keyboard that sometimes worked and mostly not. For my needs it's ideal. I never wanted laptop for some reason, I just prefer the desktop / iPad combo.

Tallow and Steel West Indies oh how I’ve missed you! This is the longest I’ve had it out of my den, and it was a pleasure to use today. I just love the stuff, though I know it may not be everyone’s bag. I just find it comforting and somehow it works with whatever else I through with it.
Myrsol Anetsol today along with Le Galion Whip, which is actually a lot like Aqua Velva with a bit of spice and powder. Lovely stuff!

Just grinding it out here otherwise. First week back on the diet after a break, and training like before, feeling a bit rougher than I‘d anticipated, but we’l get through.
Sad day here, I found out my mom passed after an unfortunate accident on Friday. She was 79 and in good health.
Being so far away is rough, I wish I could have been there for her at the end.
Deepest sympathies for the pain of this tragic and untimely loss.

My prayers for the strength of those affected.
Thank you all for the kind thoughts.

It's been a very rough week.

We all wish for our parents to go easily and quickly, for them to feel as little pain as possible, and to have positive thoughts of their final moments on this earth.

Sadly, tragically, and heart wrenchingly for me that wasn't the case for my poor, sweet mother. The facility she was in put her in harms way. As unbelievable as this sounds, she was run over in a car, by a staff member driving into the staff parking lot. I still can't process it, or get the image out of my head. I suppose you never do with these things.

So it might be a while before I'm up for jokes and memes again, but I really, really appreciate the thoughts and support.