The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Guess now you’re just the smart one in the group.
Apollo Mild today, with T+S Canadian Wilderness.... soap

Nice shave.

It's been a busy week, and likely to stay that way for a bit, definitely feeling the diet at the end of the day, but the needle on the scale is starting to move again, so that great.

Now it's time to finish up some spreadsheets for folks.....
It's been a busy week, and likely to stay that way for a bit, definitely feeling the diet at the end of the day, but the needle on the scale is starting to move again, so that great.
Sure is a good feeling when that happens though! Payoff for all the hard stuff!
Great shave today with CBL Dragon’s Blood and Gibbs adjustable.
Nothing leaves my face feeling as smooth as the Gibbs, and experience with the Smart Helix is starting to filter over to how I’m using it. Today there was very little redness.

First week of the cut is over, I’m feeling it in the evenings, but strangely also feel more energetic, in that I’m doing more odds and ends around the house, and getting more work done in general. Let’s see how long that lasts!

Anyway, a mostly relaxing rest of the Sunday planned, and less internet time as well, just making Indian style chicken and some solo war gaming, I’ve got a. Normandy invasion game on the table now, that I generally am able to get to once or twice a week.
a mostly relaxing rest of the Sunday planned, and less internet time as well,
Relaxing Sunday planned here as well. And I am thinking you are on to something with the limited internet. I'm finding that other than TSC...the internet is not my friend lately.
Great shave today with CBL Dragon’s Blood and Gibbs adjustable.
Nothing leaves my face feeling as smooth as the Gibbs, and experience with the Smart Helix is starting to filter over to how I’m using it. Today there was very little redness.

First week of the cut is over, I’m feeling it in the evenings, but strangely also feel more energetic, in that I’m doing more odds and ends around the house, and getting more work done in general. Let’s see how long that lasts!

Anyway, a mostly relaxing rest of the Sunday planned, and less internet time as well, just making Indian style chicken and some solo war gaming, I’ve got a. Normandy invasion game on the table now, that I generally am able to get to once or twice a week.
Enjoy your Sunday my friend!
Cool. It has been many a year since I have played tabletop. I think I have Advanced Squad Leader stashed away somewhere.
Been on a mini incense bender, CBL Dragonsblood yesterday and DG Harmony today.
Both nice takes on 'New age store' incense and lovely shaves.

Monday's are my waist measurement day, down about 1 cm from last week, and just under a kilo, which is right on track, and makes the misery feel wroth it. Well it's not really that miserable, though I can feel it from time to time over the day.
Training is still going well, which is one of the big indicators, and just feeling motivated in general.

The highlight of the day though, came this evening, I got the notice that the package from Le Galion came in, so I went down and piked it up. I cleverly waited till after 8 to avoid the crowds, and it was a ghost town. Put a mask on to go in anyway, and kept it on on the way home, it was cold and windy, those things are great for keeping warm! It took a bit, but I've gotten good at bending the wire so my glasses don't fog, at least not yet. There are days here where they fog without a mask, yuck.

The Le Galion sample set may be the best I've ever gotten. They even threw in an extra that I asked for. Just opening the bottles to get a quick whift says - this is great stuff!
Can't wait to start getting it on skin, it may be a new favorite house, and nice to get some French perfumery after a long stint of Italian.


I saw this street art on my walk back home, and liked it


It's time to go do some curls and eat, have a good one all!
Yesterday I did an experiment putting an RFB head on the Apollo handle, and I can say it was a rousing success. The RFB is super efficient and I finished my shave in roughly half the time, but it lacked the evenness I'm getting from the Apollo heads. Still the RFB really is a remarkable razor, and getting a little heft in the handle really brought it to life for me.

Today, the aggressive Apollo head, and I think it was my best result yet. What I keep appreciating about this guy, is how little irritation it gives me even with considerable buffing.

I'm really enamored with the samples from Le Galion, my Christmas list is growing. Some really winners here for me. I'm not sure how US availability is, so sorry for always going off on these houses that are available here. Well I guess it goes both ways though right, a lot of US stuff is out of reach for me, due to the crazy shipping costs alone.

Training is going well, though it's feeling tough already this week, but going according to schedule, need to be careful next week, so I can make it to week 4 before taking a week's break and getting a little more calories, and then another push.

I decided to spring for a cadence meter for my spin bike, just a little something to keep the motivation to pedal faster up, as the sluggishness kicks in. I'll probably need to spend a bit more time on the bike next push, so I don't have to reduce too many more calories. Carbs are already pretty low, as in half a slice of rye bread for lunch low.
This week's shaving highlights

Feather Blades. I've yet to get the ideal shave from the Apollo, though I love the razor, no irritation, A1 shave experience, and overall great shaves, but not that super close, true BBS feeling we all know and love.

I remembered a friend gave me a tuck of Feathers and I decided to pop one in on the mild plate yesterday, and it immediately felt like the razor was made for a Feather.

Today I put it in the 'aggressive' plate and viola, true BBS. Needless to say it's time to order some.

Second highlight was another 'rediscovery' I've had B&M Vespers sitting on my self for a while. Getting low on Tallow and Steel, I've been using those shelf soaps more, and my god is this a total winner and a half. Performance is great, I'm not a huge lover of lanolin in soaps, but in this instance it feels like it just belongs. The scent is spot on the perfect prototypical with class and flair shaving soap scent.

Which leads to the rant of the week,
Work week has been challenging in new ways, as always can't get into it, but I really hope it turns to something productive, and not more spinning of wheels.

Rest of life is the same, training, fighting Apple Music until I find a really great album, eating (but not very much) and being generally grumpy about it, which my wife rightfully called me out on this morning. I just wish she'd let me drink my coffee before starting, but thankfully it ended well, and was a productive conversation.

Cheers all!
Wow, Cole. Sounds like a pretty severe diet. Best of luck to you with your training.
It's only stage two bad right now. Last year's major cut had me eating like 5 chips in the evenings. Of course, there's plenty of protein on top of that bread, but yeah, it's not a lot, and that's my first carbs of the day too.