The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Today's shave

Smart Helix Apollo Light - both plates
Super Iridium Blade
T+S Kyoto Soap
Paladin Winston Brush
Myrsol Don Carlos 1972 + Kyoto AS

Now that I'm getting to be a few weeks in with the razor, I've come to the conclusion that even the aggressive plate is too mild to get me really close on the neck. The rest of the shave is SO good however, that I'm ok with that. Again the precision around the face that this razor delivers is second to none for me so far, so it's a fair trade off.

I cut a shim and put it on the aggressive plate for the clean up pass, and I think we've solved the problem. Yesterday, I'd used the Gibbs for clean up instead but that feels WAY too fiddly and lots of razors all over. So I'll mess around with this for a bit. But definitely a nice BBS shave today.
Can you tell the difference between the Pol Silvers and the Wizamets?
Yes, but there's not a lot in it. I wouldn't seek the Pol Silver (Brown Box) out specially, they are rare and expensive now I just have a couple of boxes myself, from back when I was trying all kinds of blades out.
You know how subjective blades can be at this level, and there so many other variables: Razor, how many uses, how strong the morning coffee was......
Smart Helix Apollo Light - Aggressive plate
PolSilver (Brown Box) Blade
Tallow + Steel Classic 2 Soap
Paladin Chief Brush
Floid Blue Aftershave

Stunning shave today, no tricks or gimmicks involved. Something @GearNoir said about the Vector last week struck me, the thing about using only part of the blade. I tried that today in the areas that Im not getting as well, and it seemed to help a lot. Anyway, this was the best shave I've gotten out of the razor so far. I'd put it up there with a good shave from my Gibbs in smooth face feel.

Now, when I went to put my AS on, I noticed it was more opaque than I remembered, and that the scent was off a bit, a little musty. I'm feeling a bit relaxed today, so I hunted up my back up bottle, and indeed, it's 100% clear. So it looks like the bottle has somehow gone off. How does that even happen with an AS? No idea, but tbh I'd been thinking for a while the scent was off, but didn't take the time to investigate further. Well maybe I just didn't want to know, considering the stuff is rare as hen's teeth now.

Just glad I have a back up, I decided to decant it into an empty Myrsol Blue bottle, it felt fitting, and I was wondering if that rubber spray tube could have been part of the problem Idk!?
I’m wondering myself about the AS - because the alcohol should preserve it. I could understand an AS that is water or glycerin dominant
I keep telling my self to use another razor, yet somehow the Smart Helix winds up in my hand. I guess that means it's a keeper. I'm what 3 eek in and still feel like I'm getting more out of it each shave. I've never had a razor that felt so technical to use, almost makes me feel similarly to how I was approaching straight shaving. (Before I gave up, due to crap shaves, that took longer than 2 @GearNoir shaves to complete)

Went with the mild base today, and man, I really had a great shave with it, I think I enjoy it more than the aggressive, but don't take that for gospel.
The other big plus is my neck is definitely less irritated, and especially with the mild plate, I'm starting to get myself to call it 'good enough'. That's really hard to do! But the benefits are worth it.

I've been on a bit of a fragrance jag, and that's the most bottomless of bottomless pits. The hunt for the perfect fougere will continue, but I found a lot of interesting stuff to put on the try list. I should break down and buy some classics like Paco Rabanne pH and Azzaro pH, but I always feel like Im going to be bummed out, because they smell cheap, and last no longer than an aftershave, due to reformulations. Next time I see them IRL, I have to test them.
The most frustrating thing with the frag game, is how hard it is to get samples of what you want. I'm trying to avoid blind buys, though I've been lucky so far, I just don't want to buy more unless it's a love. Another thing that hard to do! A lot of houses plain don't offer them, or only offer them in sets, where you're only interested in a fraction of what's in the set. But I did find that Lorenzo Villoresi offers samples for any of their frags, though you have to order in sets of 3, so I have 6 on the way.
I discovered a new house, thanks to YouTube reviewer Wafts from the Loft. Le Galion, they have sets but sensible ones' so that's on order.

Looking at my collection, houses with samples get my money. That's a big part of why I have a lot of Histoires de Parfums and Parle Moi de Parfums, samples were really easy to get, and when you order a bottle you get more for free. Why they all don't do this, idk.

Ok, sorry for the frag detour, have a good one cadre!
I missed posting for a few days.


Shaving highlights, using D.R. Harris Sandalwood Cream, it’s my travel soap, so it’s been sitting for a while now. Lovely stuff, the old classics are still excellent, even in the face of the mighty artisans. I’ll likely get more when it’s done. The slickness and creaminess were way way better than remembered. I think my getting way way better at bowl lathering helps there too. I’m at the point where it’s a skill I can hold my head high over. I’ll have to document my secret technique some day, lol.

The other highlight was finally using my last Gillette Minora blade. Reding reviews, it seems to have a very spotty reputation of having a large variance between batches. I must have a box made on a good day, they are the best blades I’ve used, and I’m getting great shaves. The only question is if it’s worth taking a risk on buying more, especially at what they can be had for.

I’ve had this happen with the Brown Box Polsilvers. The first box I had was in my top 3 blades ever, and then I ordered 100 more, and they just weren’t the same. Who knows why. Of course it could just be that I*m getting better all the time with the Smart Helix, I’ll know when I have to change blades.

What I know now Is, today’s shave was spectacular, used the aggressive plate, T+S Kyoto, but taking a trick from the lotion-y feel of D.R. Harris, is shot a dollop of lotion in the mix, and wow, super slick, super body, turning the dial to 11 on today’s shave.
Had a variety Wednesday shave, Williams soap and a Gillette Rocket HD.

Soap was great, especially with that dollop of hand lotion. The razor, well darn, that Smart Helix seems to have spoiled me. The HD used to be one of my favorites, today it felt ramshackle, rough, and yes, it even bit me pretty good accidentally.
To top it off, lots of redness on my neck, even though I really didn't push it hard at all.

Oh well, but to the Apollo tomorrow.