The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

New Horizons in Shaving

Well, you have a new custom title I see. I have no idea what that means, but it’s there.
Well, you have a new custom title I see. I have no idea what that means, but it’s there.
lol, I didn't even notice, and have no idea either, I guess I'm no doften savant savant.

But my motto for life is take what you can get, I'll take it, thanks to the TSC powers at be.

Oh I Googled it, something to do with smell, I guess I need to up my deodorant game!
Ah ha, I had to translate from Swedish to Finnish, it means scent! (touoksu in Finnish) Yay! Although I think I rank pretty far down there compared to a lot of guys here.
Great late (for me) shave

T+S Yakushima (The best T+S ever made IMHO)
Paladin Winston
Gillette Raised Flat Bottom
Gillette Sputnik
Myrsol Don Carlos 1972 / Yakushima

Bowl lathering is my thing again, getting really great results, and I think it saves soap as well.
Did they make better Gillette razors in the UK? I think so.


Had a nice relaxed Saturday, while still recovering from ’the coffee incident’ yesterday.

Training this week has been purposefully light. Getting set for really getting back to it now that the majority of the home gym is here.
My back got a bit annoyed with me for carrying it all up the stairs, so did a really nice rehab session today and feels much better, knock on wood.

Plan is to start a 12 week diet as all this doing nothing hasn’t done my waist line any favors, and I think that contributes to my back getting annoyed.

I’m trying to play the long game, so aim to do my best to not go out of the gate too hot and train like it’s 1999. Which is my usual mistake. Other than that it’s just cutting the carbs down and hoping not to get too grumpy in the process.
Yea...I’ve added and kept about 8 lbs in the last 6 months...not too happy about that.
Did they make better Gillette razors in the UK? I think so.
England/Britain at least, not sure about elsewhere over there.
Good day and a good shave.
The Ultimate Hot Day combo:
Arriana and Evans SoCal Hipster
Floid Black
Parle Moi de Parfum Chypre Mojo
Gillette Roacket HD
Paladin Chief

My daughter and her boyfriend dropped by to drop of a littel souvenir they picked up while in the Finnish Archipelago. We met them downstairs in the yard and had a nice chat. Man I miss people in real life.

We took our Sunday walk but this time with masks on. It felt 100% more comfortable/safe this way. When it’s warm and sunny out so are the people and most of them have no Clue what year it is apparentlY.

Finland finally did issue a pretty week mask recommendation, but it’s just that weak, recommended in public transport. Today when walk-in by the bus stop compliance was less than 50%. But at least I did see a few masks out there today besides us.

Chicken is in the oven and the buzzer is about to go off, so I’ll leave it at that. Have a good Sunday all!
Glad you had a good walk and visit with family Cole! Hope the remainder of the day was just as nice!
Another great shave,

S: Tallow + Steel Kyoto
B: Paladin Chief
R: Gibbs Adjustable
B: Wizmet Polsilver (Brown Box)
P: Tallow + Steel Kyoto
F: Parle Moi de Parfum Woody Perfecto

Secret sentence of the day: Seamen bring ropes, Brigadiers play frisbee.

Kyoto, what to say about this spectacular soap. Today’s shave was a delight, best left to memory so no picture was taken. (Ok I’ve posted so many pics of the same stuff that I’m not always inspired.)

Week one of the diet is done, just 10 more to go! Using the same app I’ve been using to make it easier to set up meals. I’m trying something that feels a bit crazy, 6 meals a day. Not sure I’ll be able to keep it up, but giving it a try. the deficit isn’t that much yet, so it’s been easy so far. But still lost a pound or so.

I managed to keep training easy for the most part, and will start to bump it up next week. Full steam ahead!
The diet is working it’s magic already, nice!

Interesting secret it from something?

Another great shave.

S: Declaration Grooming Harmony
De: Gillette NEW short comb
B: Paladin Winston

Secret Sentence: Slow down brother!

Harmony smells exactly like walking into a spiritual bookstore. As a young man I spent many an hour in such places, and enjoy anything that brings back the memory of those times. I associate that heavily with fall as well, and today it feels like fall is on the way, so it was the perfect shave. This was the time of year when I seriously started studying yoga philosophy and getting into teaching. Though life has moved on and I don't teach anymore, for a lot of reasons, the ideas remain and they were always the important part of that phase of my life.

Earlier in the week I was trying to notch the blade for the Gibbs and split two Nacets in a row, got frustrated and grabbed an old box of what I call the Brown Polsilvers. I just cut the tabs to avoid wasting another blade. I'm really sparing with those blades since I only had the one pack. I actually found them to be a so so blade in the past. I have to assume that my technique has really improved, because the blade came to life, and was seriously the smoothest blade I've ever used.

So much so, that even though they cost dearly, I ordered 100 today.

Have a good weekend Cadre! I'm planning to try to take Sunday's away from the internet, as an homage to those more tranquil times.
Nice photo today Cole! I do love incense/meditative type scents! Enjoy your quiet time tomorrow!
Another nice shave -

B: Barrister and Mann Spice
K: Fatip Grande
T: Paladin Winston
A:Mrysol Don Carlos 1972
C: Parle Moi de Parfum Cedar Woodpecker

Secret Sentence: Be kind to all creatures

Idk, how it is for others but this may be the hardest soap I have to later just right. Will at B&M makes a big deal about the low volume high density and that it eats water for breakfast.
Tbh, I always think this and add too much water. I think it's just tricker than most to get just right and the other B&M bases are all easier to use and perform better for me, but got to love that classic old spice and the post is very good on my skin.


The cut and training are in week 2 now, and picking up the pace a little, feels great. It's good to be able to start working, reminds me of my younger days.

That's about it for today, have a good one all!
I found the secret sentence. Where do I apply for the raffle?
Nice shave Cole! I’m enjoying the secret sentences now lol. Wisdom from the shave spirits.
It's good to be able to start working, reminds me of my younger days.
Just don’t act like your younger days and over do it! :ROFLMAO:
Broke out the infamous T+S campfire ashtray soap today, and guess what? It's really started to blend and I'm digging it now. I actually think this could be an ultimate cool weather soap. A guy in our local group mentioned it smelt like winter in the forest somehow, and he nailed it.

I'm still in awe of these Polsilver blades. And always love how a meh product can turn to a wow one with more time and experience. This is really a huge wow.

Pretty wiped out so going to turn this one in early.

Have a good day, and stay away from that hurricane folks!