The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

T+S West Indies
Gibbs Adj + notched Nacet Blade
Paladin Winston
Myrsol F/Extra

Parle Moi de Parfum - Milky Musk

Bowl lathering seems to be the solution for me. Skin problems have been significantly less, and when I did a face lather last week, it felt itchy again.

I've finally cracked how to trim the Gibbs blades using the hole punch. (Knock on wood) The secret seems to be to use a bit of a gibbing technique, rather than trying to get it right in one punch. I prefer having the notch, it makes it easier to dial the centering in for me, vs cutting off the entire tab.


Personal life is I've entered life in a Kafka novel. My mom has COVID and I'm stuck between agencies that won't tell me what's going on. I can't believe I've been talking to her for the last couple of weeks, not even knowing she had it.

I knew something was off, because I could see something was going haywire with her mentally. Then someone there told me they'd reduced how many cigarettes they were giving her. Here she has COVID and that's the info I get. I made calls to have them let her smoke as much as she wants, not even knowing they reduced them as a precaution due to COVID-19.

Agency 1 gets the cigarette levels back up, but mails me to say they were put down because of COVID. I call agency 1 to say, hey I didn't know that she even had COVID-19, keep them down! They literally refused to talk to me.
I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. And having to deal with an unhelpful bureaucracy on top of it. I'm pulling for both of you.

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I'm sorry about the lack of communication, Cole. Facilities can really suck at keeping families in the loop sometimes, and the situation isn't exactly helping. I hope everything works out just fine.
Strange situation Cole, sorry to hear. Hoping for the best for your mom!

Thanks Chris, me too.

My wife was just telling me that ALFs here are also trying to conceal the info from families, so it seems to be universal. Be vigilant anyone with family in an ALF.
I'm sorry about the lack of communication, Cole. Facilities can really suck at keeping families in the loop sometimes, and the situation isn't exactly helping. I hope everything works out just fine.

Thanks Ben, they changed ownership, part of the service improved, but our liaison was fired and replaced with someone who shouldn't be in public service.

The lady before was fantastic, she really went the extra mile to take care of my mom. We still take her out to lunch when we are in town.
My wife was just telling me that ALFs here are also trying to conceal the info from families, so it seems to be universal. Be vigilant anyone with family in an ALF.
The same issues are present here as well. We had a lot of problems with one of my grandmothers’ facilities when she was still alive. Not only stonewalling but a lot of neglect and things that could be seen as abusive once she reached a less cognizant level of life. My mother and her family were pooling together a small fortune for the place but still had to keep a constant eye out and visit regularly for things to be done properly. Ridiculous.
The same issues are present here as well. We had a lot of problems with one of my grandmothers’ facilities when she was still alive. Not only stonewalling but a lot of neglect and things that could be seen as abusive once she reached a less cognizant level of life. My mother and her family were pooling together a small fortune for the place but still had to keep a constant eye out and visit regularly for things to be done properly. Ridiculous.

So sorry to hear that. A society is only as good as it treats it's elders.

First try of T+S Morning Coffee in the Canadian Wilderness

I'm not going to lie, this is one of Ryan's 'challenging' scents, but everyone of them has grown on me over time, and I expect this will as well. It's pretty heavy aromatic woods and castoreum with some vanilla to take the edge off. Supposedly there's coffee too, it's high in the ingredients, but I don't actually smell it at all. I think that's because my body is already saturated with coffee, as part of my integration into Finnish society.

Tbh, the first shave smelt like Ben Gay and ashtray. A very bizarre experience, but just taking a wiff off the puck a few hours later, my nose is already acclimating and starting to want more of this odd mixture.

I'm so used to this with T+S that I'm not even worried, the less I like it the first shave, the more I come to love it, but that's really just me, and I don't think this one if for everyone by a long shot!

One other thing, I don't know what the deal is with his formula, but every batch of T+S I get, the soap is better. The one area where I could ding it for points in in protection, but this lather felt like a suit of armor on my skin. I've noticed the same with Yakushima.

I think at this point, performance wise, this is elite level for me. It's always been my favorite anyway, but now, it's stellar.


I have a minor tweak in my shoulder, so have been taking it easy on the upper body training. Which in a weird way has been a blessing, because I've been having issues with my right knee again, and have used the break to work on it more, and am having the best response to date. It's been a real challenge because up to now, any time I train, the knee swells. Not insane but enough to keep me very cautions.

Thankfully, there's no swelling happening lately (knock on wood, or that soap I used today) and my strength has quickly come back up, so it's not painful to walk up the stairs again and I don't feel wobbly on them.

I talked to my mom last night, she sounded more herself, I'm hoping she's out of the woods. The info situation is extremely frustrating. I don't want to get more into that publicly though. It's a long story, but if anyone thinks they have advice, feel free to PM.
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Ben Gay and ashtray hm? :unsure: T&S has always had super strong, punch your face scents but you’re right, one usually does pick up more of the intricacies over time...that particular scenting would definitely be a challenge though lol.

Good shave...old man 😜 Hope a little rest mends you!
I have no advice for you Cole but I'm glad that she sounds more like herself. I've often been curious of Tallow and steel but from what you've described I think it's probably a hard pass for me. I'm glad it works for you and you got to get another scent in the arsenal.
I have no advice for you Cole but I'm glad that she sounds more like herself. I've often been curious of Tallow and steel but from what you've described I think it's probably a hard pass for me. I'm glad it works for you and you got to get another scent in the arsenal.

Not all the scents are like that Dave. West Indies is very accessible, and I hear the new Indian Bay is even more so for example.

I'll admit I'm odd in that I don't always want soaps to smell like perfumes, so it's a great match for me and I love the performance more than any other.
Not all the scents are like that Dave. West Indies is very accessible, and I hear the new Indian Bay is even more so for example.
I'll keep my eyes open for those. Another thing with their soaps and aftershaves is I don't like getting into the rush to buy before it's gone type of soaps
I'll keep my eyes open for those. Another thing with their soaps and aftershaves is I don't like getting into the rush to buy before it's gone type of soaps

I 100% agree with you on that! This is the only one I'll do that with, but I've got a really good relationship with Ryan, I've been buying his soaps for so long now, so cut him a little more slack.