The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Another week of nice shaving in the books!

I need to make way for an order of Tallow and Steel Classic 2 so have been pretty much sole soaping an old tub of Morocco which needs to be finished anyway as it's getting long in the tooth.
Hey all, just a quick note that I requested a few posts about my personal life be deleted since they involved other people who would prefer their privacy.
Whew another week done.

I'm still working on killing what's left of T+S Morocco, almost there now! Got to make room for Classic 2, though with the speed things are moving now, I probably have to after the New Year!

I started the week using a Gillette New Short comb, and it just clicked for me, so I used it all week, until yesterday. Today a great shave with the RFB.

Sorry for lack of pics, it's just all been a bit much of late, and have to take the slack from somewhere.


I started this new coaching program, and there's a lot of recording to do, how much I eat and all the macros, the actual training, recording a set of every exercise, video report on the training and diet etc.... It's a full time job I tell you!

Thankfully that will clam down as the program gets moving but being used to controlling my own program and diet, it's a change, but good to break out from time to time.

Of course, as per the norm these days, there enough stress to go around as well. We had a COVID scare here, was pretty freaked out for a couple fo days, but thankfully, testing was negative.
Glad your health is still on track, especially after the scare! Sounds like you’re busier than ever...I’d say that’s pretty good these days!

Morocco is getting close to done! At this stage I generally transfer the little bit remaining into a small lather bowl, as pictured.

Haven’t used the Old Type in a while, put in a Brown Box Wizamet, and it really helped, generally it’s a so so shave without a shim, since it sooo mild. Today just right, and I really love the feel of the Old Type, so WIN!

T+S Classic 2 arrived late last week.

This is one of Tallow and Steel's best efforts. Amazingly good aromatic fougere type scent, inspired by the classic YSL Rive Gauche.
Soap itself seems better with each new release, this reminds me a lot of Grooming Dept's FrankenLime which IMO is the best soap I've tried, but not one I want to use daily. This one however I do.

Nothing but good here, except that for some reason it's an LE. This is too good, too useable to be an LE, everyone should have it if they want it.
Very cool! Never heard of this soap set before when it comes to Rive Gauche. Big fan of the scent profile. Sounds like a good one to me!

Another great shave! Great combo of barbershop scents, and I feel like a real gent.

I've been using the blue box Wizamet Super Iridiums, and they rate for sure. I'm not quite sure they are as good as the Brown box version, but they are easier to find, and more than adequate.

The week before last was a rough one for me, too much time following news, issues with work, COVID worries etc....

I realized it was getting out of hand for me, and had to reach out, and make a couple of decisions on the spot, which caused even more problems temporarily at least, but I feel I'm getting control over my life, and time again, and it's good.

Great to come out of that kind of phase, and enjoy a clean fresh barbershop scent, the smell of optimism, of better times right around the corner!

Have a great one everyone, thanks for taking the time to read.
I understand you needing to keep those issues close to the vest...all I can say is that I’m glad you realized the need for changes, to save your own sanity, and carried through. Sometimes we’ve got to take care of ourselves first to be useful to others. 👍
I understand you needing to keep those issues close to the vest...all I can say is that I’m glad you realized the need for changes, to save your own sanity, and carried through. Sometimes we’ve got to take care of ourselves first to be useful to others. 👍
Thanks Chris, I appreciate that :)
I haven't post in a while. I'll be honest, some of the stuff that happened last year put me off, but time moves on.

I recently picked up a Smart Helix Apollo Light razor and thought I'd document some of my exploration with it.

It's a lovely razor, the design is stunning, the handle not only looks great but, as I get sued to it, find to be exceptionally functional.

But I'm still getting the hang of this razor, and have had some less than close shaves so far.

One thing that sort of irks me in the review community is giving reviews after using something only once or twice. It takes me a lot more than that to get the hang of a razor.

Some things I'll note, the head is ver thin, and it gives a sense of total precision with the shave, there are a couple of places I've always had trouble with, one being the corner of my lips. This is the first razor I've used that totally eliminates that issue.

The razor is also exceptionally smooth, especially with the milder head, even beating the RFB for smoothness.

Now the downside, so far is, I'm finding it harder than expected to get a close shave, especially on my neck. I've been experimenting with the two heads ('mild' & 'aggressive') which I'd call closer to very mild and somewhat aggressive.

It's early days though, the razor is so nice to use, that it's worth the trouble to work it out. Today was my best shave so far.

One other odd thing, what got me looking for other razors was a bad patch I had with my Gillettes. When the growth came back in, it was extremely itchy. I wound up ditching them, and just using a Gibbs adjustable, and Fatip Gentile and Grande.

With this razor, though there is stubble, it's not irritating my skin at all, and as it grows back in, it's extremely even feeling, vs a path here and there. I don't know if anyone else has this issue, but it's a big one for me, and a lot of why I started with DE shaving in the first place.

Anyway, that's enough rambling, but I think it's good to give some honest thoughts on the process.
Great update buddy! Glad the new razor is chuggin along for ya. Thinner razors are soooo nice, that’s one of the reasons I like the Tech - it very maneuverable, mild, and still can get me BBS.
Great update buddy! Glad the new razor is chuggin along for ya. Thinner razors are soooo nice, that’s one of the reasons I like the Tech - it very maneuverable, mild, and still can get me BBS.
Somehow I lost my tech mojo when I had that bad spell. But this is like a tech on steroids, especially the mild plate.
The experiment continues with the Smart Helix, such a strange beast for me. The shave is close, I can get areas I have a hard time with better than any other razor I've used, it's not even close. BUT I've yet to be truly happy with my neck, always feels like there's just the tiny bit of stubble preventing a true BBS shave.

Today I used just the more aggressive head, felt more comfortable with a more clean up, buffing, but not really getting where I'd like to. I'll play with combos of the two heads for a bit and see where we go from there. Being such a different razor to any of my others, I want to give this a fair trial, there's too much that I really love about it. It did take me a while to feel totally comfortable with my Gibbs was well, so let's see if this is the same.