The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Cool mural! Glad you’ve been able to get out for some fresh air...and especially that your virus situation is under control. We’ve got a long ways to go here :censored:

I had the best shave I’ve had in a while today. This week I tried a few changes to my routine to help deal with the irritation I’ve been getting, one is to start to bowl lather again. So I can remove one thing scrubbing on my face from the equation.

Bowl lathers tend to be much wetter for me, and it’s been a big surprise how much that seems to improve the shave’s closeness. With my face lathers, it’s about creamy cushion. That cushion is traded off for incredible glide and moisture that seems to lift those hairs right up out of their follicles.

In addition I’m washing my face with a quality bar soap after and putting a light moisturizer on. The first couple of times using the moisturizer made the itching worse for an hour or two but then it calmed right down. Now I’m not noticing it much at all, so I think we’re on the right track here.

I’m writing today from the home gym, doing some typing between sets.

I managed to get a neat set of add on plates for dumbbells, which is great when they make 2.5 kg jumps. I have a set so I can gradually work up to that 2.5 kg jump, and it’ actually made a much bigger difference in my enjoyment than I ever expected.

I’ve had that experience with balms as well after a rough shave. With it calming down and being fine after a while. But that’s one reason I switched to using the 2:1.
Glad you’ve found some ways to get your shaves back on track to enjoyment!

How often do you up the weight on your dumbbells?
Glad you’ve found some ways to get your shaves back on track to enjoyment!

How often do you up the weight on your dumbbells?

Thanks Chris!

Now that I can go up in small increments Iv'e been adding every time. Part of the trick to making it sustainable is to drop the weight down every so often and build up again.

I've been wanting to use a straight again after a long hiatus. I actually think the break was a good thing, I felt much more comfortable with the blade today and didn't wast half the day using it. I really like the results of the combo shave, and think I'll stick with it for a bit now that I've started.


It's been a heavy week, loosing a cousin to COVID and finding out that the assisted living facility my mother is in has 36 cases. I think there's maybe 200 residents so it's significant.

Work wise, I'm working on upping my video skills, and just downloaded Final Cut Pro, got a few bits and bobs to make recording easier.

I realized my work station sucks, I don't actually even use it, I do most of my work from the couch, but that's not going to wrk for video editing. I had an office chair, years ago, but it was a cheapo and broke. I got a serious bug up my butt this week that I needed to get the work area somewhat functional, starting with an actually useable chair.

Lots of google, and looking on our versions of Craig's list. I found one that was nice but about 2 hours away, which is much further in practical terms here, since we don't have a car.

I was about to give up for a bit, when I did one last late night check and viola.


We found this top brand chair, much cheaper than they normally go for used, and to top it off, it was only a few blocks away!

Gotta take the good with the bad, right guys!
Nice getting back to the straight razor and nice snag on the chair Cole. Sorry to hear about the cases where your mom is and hope that she is able to stay free of it all.
As a post note, the listing said the chair was on the other side of town, so I spent the morning trying to sort out transportation.

My daughter was going to pick it up, so she called the guy. It turned out to be a couple of blocks away. The listing had the wrong part of town. She called my wife, who was having lunch in the center with a friend.

So since it was so close, I went out to get it, and as I go out the front gate, there she is carrying the chair down the street. She'd carried the thing the whole way.
I guess the training program I'm giving her is working!

Watch All 6 Seasons of Xena: Warrior Princess on ! – Xena ...

Decided to break out the Fatip today, and glad I did, had a great shave with it, and then did something smart. The Grande is a great smooth shaver, but getting my trouble spots is a pain, don't know why I hadn't thought of this before, and I think it was some SOTD pics that inspired me, but just getting that last bit with a more aggressive razor, in this case a Slim at 9, really did the trick. Best of both worlds.


Nothing special this week, Helena's been on holiday, which sucks for her, because she wants to not be stuck at home.

Ordered a pair of 17,5 kg dumbbells last night when they suddenly popped back up in stock. That should keep me in good steed for a while. Fingers crossed that the gym stuff will be coming soon.
Interesting that a Slim should be able to get a trouble spot over a Fatip, given the bulk of the head. If anything I’d have thought the opposite. You’re a conundrum today Cole! 🤷‍♂️:ROFLMAO: