The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

@HMan Cole, how do you like the Myrsol Lemon? I have some set aside for when I break out my Shannon's Lavender Lemongrass, which is very lemon-forward.
@HMan Cole, how do you like the Myrsol Lemon? I have some set aside for when I break out my Shannon's Lavender Lemongrass, which is very lemon-forward.

I like it, it's more a a candied lemon, and has a just right menthol kick. Otherwise, it's the usual Myrsol goodness, my go to AS brand by far.

A beautiful sunny Sunday here and I went with some cheerful favorites.
I haven't used AV in a while, it's sunny and warm only for me, but man I really do love the stuff even if it's a drug store cheapy.
Though I have to say that for me, it's only the Williams that is good, I can't stand the US version, smells cheap and like chemicals vs the Williams that has that nice bitter citrus scent I love.

The DG has been grabbing my attention again as well, I sort of wish I had some other scents but will get by fine with the two I have.

Otherwise, it was a good week overall. I did another talk on sport science, and really enjoy trying to make the science understandable and applicable to people. There's a lot of misinformation and BS out there in the fitness world, well I guess the whole world, but that's my little corner of it.

This worldwide timeout has been getting me in a more philosophical/spiritual mode, one benefit for me, of the lockdown, is there are a lot of live streams from where I used to attend classes and services back home. That always gives me a good feeling. may have explained this before...but is this "sports science" a podcast, video stream, live airing? Just curious. I might be a little interested.

Great shave Cole...

It's interesting how a lot of products that are made for American and European markets are made differently. I know that a lot of ingredients that companies use in the US are banned in European Countries and the EU. Take Kraft Mac and cheese for instance. In the US it is colored with Yellow 5 and Yellow 6. In the UK version (and other European countries) the Mac and Cheese is colored with paprika and Beta Carotene. These artificial colors have been linked to hyperactivity in children and possibly cancer (I can source if you want).

My point is that the Aqua Velva that you are splashing on your face is likely to be better for you than the stuff we splash on our face her in the US. It's crazy how different the same product can be in two different countruies.
Great points @dangerousdon food regs here are a lot stricter, and IMO for the better. Chemical additives are labeled here by EU code, and if you want to know more about them, the info isn't hard to find. Of course sometimes it goes overboard, but I'm of the better safe than sorry school of thought.

Unfortunately the talks I'm doing are behind a small paywall, and I don't want to be a shill here. But seriously if you have anything you're wondering about in particular just let me know.

I'm doing a series on basic principles behind building a training program now, one of my favorite topics, besides aftershaves of course.
Unfortunately the talks I'm doing are behind a small paywall, and I don't want to be a shill here. But seriously if you have anything you're wondering about in particular just let me know.
Nope...nothing that I am specifically interested in. I am just generally interested in...well...everything!
If anyone is interested we put up a free stay at home fitness program today.

Keep in mind our customers are younger and into a lot of hard bodyweight exercises, but the actual program is quite solid and can be done at any level. I'm happy to help in any way I can.

Working out is what keeps me sane, maybe it'll help someone else keep it together too.
Thanks for the inspiration Cole.
Great shave Cole! I’m not a AV lover much either, at least of the American version, which is the only I’ve tried; I got along much better with Barbasol PR and Skin Bracer as classics.

Congrats on scoring that barbell bar!
It's been awhile since posting, but in this time warp time, it feels like yesterday, or last year, not sure which?

Not that there's anything exciting to post on the shave front. The only new shave items I have purchased have been for one of my best friends 60th Birthday. Namely and repeated FatTip a la @Techichi and this year's TSC anniversary package, since no one knows how long it will be until it could have been sent here. Not that I feel bad about it, I'm happy to support TSC, it's a refuge of tranquility, and my friend was really stoked about the gift.

I haven't been posting many SOTD pics, in part because it gets boring posting the same stuff, but also because I've been getting some skin irritation lately and consequently, cutting back on shaving and only doing a pass or two when I do. I think it may have been due to the heat, since it's cooled down a bit, and the irritation has as well. Fingers crossed there, I've had atopic dermatitis, with a continuous, rash for about 3 years, and thankfully that went away earlier this year. I credit that to eating lots of Greek olives, but that's not medical advice.

It's funny, obviously no one thinks of Finland as being hot (especially me) but when the temps get over 25° C it actually feels disproportionally hot. I think it's for a couple of reasons. One is, it never cools down thanks to the sun staying up so long. In fact it often feels the hottest around 11 pm. The other thing is that buildings here are made to keep the heat in, so once it gets hot inside it stays hot inside.

I'm still waiting on my home gym. I've managed to piece a few essentials together by being lucky. When things come in stock they sell out immediately, it's like trying to get a tub of Talbot soap I tell you! The latest acquisition was a pair of 12.5 kg dumbbells.

I've had an order for a bench and rack, etc placed at our local dealer. It was supposed to arrive 4 weeks ago, then delayed to this week, and of course this week it was delayed to the beginning of August. So it goes.... thankfully I'm creative but man it would be nice to get the real stuff and not have to jury rig everything. I got pretty burnt out on that, and took a planned break thinking I'd be able to start up again next week. Silly me!

Finally, my business is getting ready to make a break out. I've complained in the past, but my partner has really grown and become very impressive.
He's actually learned how to program and made an absolutely incredible app which we are on the verge of releasing. We've got a lot of people testing it now, and they are all really happy with it.

I'm an old dude, I still do all my personal stuff with paper and a pen, and spreadsheets, but apps are where it's at now, and people are begging to get ahold out ours, so I'm really feeling optimistic (wtf Cole optimistic??). I've actually been shocked at how much training progress people have been making on the app, and that makes me feel good since I largely designed the training program, it's just cool to see it actually working. Honestly that's been the best part for me so far.

Here's epic of my business partner, doing something very difficult, known as a Victorian or Rodriguez on rings, he's astounded at his progress and this pic warms my heart.


Anyway, I guess that's more than enough update for you guys to skim over, but thanks for checking in if you did.
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Great update Cole! Glad things are going as well as could be expected. Hope you can check in a bit more often, even if it seems boring, our favorite Helsinkian is missed!
Dude, that's an awesome update. I love hearing that your business is going to the next level, and I'm glad you're getting along better with your partner.

Also, to hell with that sun all the time nonsense.
Dude, that's an awesome update. I love hearing that your business is going to the next level, and I'm glad you're getting along better with your partner.

Also, to hell with that sun all the time nonsense.

I hear you on the sun thing, it was really hard for me to get used to, well sort of used to. I love summer nights, camping, star gazing. The first few years here I tried camping, but it's just horrible, can't sleep, campfires are the same when it's not dark etc....

Not that winter is any better lol.

Today was my first full shave in a while, the irritation on my face has cooled down enough. I think it was a combo of heat and using synthetics to face later. The prickly fibers really set me off.

The combo above is definitely my desert island set up. Yakushima is out of this world good for me. With Kyoto being re-released, I'm going to do my best to score another, the T+S Japanese soaps have been superb for me.

Now that the COVID-19 situation is somewhat under control here, Helena and I have been taking weekly Sunday walks. We pretty much go the same route every time, since it's the one with the fewest people and most space to avoid them. Since I've got a torn ACL and half a meniscus, the first walk after a couple of months confined to the flat was a real shock. It's funny to me hat I. can do ballet, squats etc, but walking always feels a bit weird. I d believe it really is the best medicine if you only could do one thing to stay fit.

One feature that I really enjoy is a 300 m long mural. I try to take a pic of a new section of it every time.


Okay...just saw your latest update! Glad you are able to get out and get some walks in. And that mural is very interesting!