The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

New Horizons in Shaving


Today's shave pic needed a duck if it ever has.

As mentioned in the COVID thread, Finland declared a State of Emergency today. I was hoping it would happen, but feared they may delay it longer.

So many thoughts and emotions, as I'm sure many of us are having.

“Maturity, one discovers, has everything to do with the acceptance of ‘not knowing.”
― Mark Z. Danielewski, House of Leaves

“You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”
― Max Ehrmann, Desiderata: A Poem for a Way of Life

“But nothing is solid and permanent. Our lives are raised on the shakiest foundations. You don't need to read history books to know that. You only have to know the history of your own life.”
― Ron Rash, One Foot in Eden

“Normal, in our house, is like a blanket too short for a bed--sometimes it covers you just fine, and other times it leaves you cold and shaking; and worst of all, you never know which of the two it's going to be.”
― Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper
If anyone is interested we put up a free stay at home fitness program today.

Keep in mind our customers are younger and into a lot of hard bodyweight exercises, but the actual program is quite solid and can be done at any level. I'm happy to help in any way I can.

Working out is what keeps me sane, maybe it'll help someone else keep it together too.
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Getting ready to give a lecture on advanced training concepts.
Sheer ingenuity of workspace!

I was going to joke that you had a weight issue because a dumbbell was missing, but I see it now...thereby rendering my joke ineffective. Well played sir. Well played. You’re more on top of your game this morning than you knew.
Nice try @GearNoir but I've been around long enough to know your tricks.

It's there to keep the mic from falling over, I do have a real desk, but with Helena working at home, it was easier to record there, and the background is cool.

Tallow and Steel Orangeilla Soap and AS
Zenith 507 Dark Synthetic
Gibbs Adjustable w/ Clouds handle
Sputnik blade

Talk about floppy brushes and forgetting to soak my badger while I took a shower led me to using the Zenith today.
Dang if I won't start using it more. I really enjoyed how well it built lather. It's perfect paint it on brush and for some reason seems to be under the radar. The handle is outstanding, very ergonomic and the resin used has a bit of natural stick to it. The fibers are soft and gave my skin no issues while splaying which is what kills a lot of synths for me.

I finally, fingers crossed, worked out a system for punching the slots in the razor blade. It turned out to be simpler than I anticipated. I was loosing blades by mispunching for a while, but this one is perfect, hence being photo worthy.

The technique is super simple. The hole punch that I got with the razor is the same width as a blade, so I put tape on the sides to center it well enough. In the past I've just eyeballed the punching through the view port. But this time I simply marked where the hole should go with a sharpie. Get the whole mark in the view port no more no less and viola perfect punch.

Since getting an iPhone Pro Max for Christmas, I've been playing with my pics settings and adjustments a lot more. Some are hit, some are miss, but I like this one.
Beautiful setup today! The Gibbs looks great!
Dang if I won't start using it more. I really enjoyed how well it built lather. It's perfect paint it on brush and for some reason seems to be under the radar. The handle is outstanding, very ergonomic and the resin used has a bit of natural stick to it. The fibers are soft and gave my skin no issues while splaying which is what kills a lot of synths for me.
Synths are boss! Just have to find the right ones!

Ariana and Evans So Cal Hipster
Gillette Raised Flat Bottom
Paladin Winston 26mm
Myrsol Aqua de Limon

FOTD: Histoires de Parfums Outrecuidant (Think Incensey Adventist’s)

Nice shave, spring is in the air here, and we’ve been having a streak of sunny though albeit cool days. Not that the cool matters when I’m indoors all day.
This time of year one starts to crave the summery scents a little ahead of time and this one really hits the spot. Beachy, suntan lotion perfection. I find A&E soaps to have a lot of face food, boarding on too greasy, which should be perfect for winter, but I find that i like them more outside of winter for some reason, I hardly touched it this winter anyway, but now am craving this type of soap. To me A&E and Declaration are cut from the same cloth and I’m reaching for both more now.

I’ve had the RFB for a number of months now, and am starting to appreciate it more every shave. Whatever it may look like, this is seriously smooth, I’m not even sure it’s possible to have a smother razor.

I’ve organically pared my rotation down to just a few razors that I feel are just great to use, this in one, and deservedly has is held in high regard. I feel really lucky to have it.


The internet went out today for a few hours, and it was blissful. It’s amazing how the siren is always calling and I don’t even realize it until quiet descends.

Outside of that, my work is there, but I had a slow week, having a hard time getting my head on the next lecture I’m working on, but have to put it out next week.

That in part is due to reorganizing my diet and training, doing twice a day just to get myself up throughout the day. Even taking some online ballet, but that’s not the same. However I like lifting weights at home just as much as at the gym maybe more. I don’t feel anyone breathing down my neck to hurry up, or doing the same to the person using the station I need.....

Oh the skateboard, a Gravity Larry Bertlemann swallowtail. Super fun carver board. I haven’t been on a board in years, but picking this up gave me the itch.
Nice photo and setup today Cole!

I have been tempted for a while to pick up at least a penny board and try to learn...but I’m just fooling myself I think, I’d never actually get out to do it. The boards that really catch my eye though come from Arbor, they’re like works of art! One of my old coworkers is super into 80s skateboarding memorabilia...he’s got a wall full of mounted boards, many hard to find; it’s cool!
Oh man you should do it. The thing with a cruiser type board is they are fun and not nearly as hard to learn to ride as the popsicle type.
It's one of those things where you just go out in front of the house for a few minutes have some fun and come back in.
That's the beauty of it.

Arbor makes some great boards and great shapes. That pocket rocket looks fun.
Skateboards + adult = cast on some body part

That's true at any age! It's a crazy sport.

But you can be an adult and learn to ride a board. Longboards and cruisers to skateboarding what stand up paddle boarding is to surfing.
Great shave yesterday Cole! And you certainly are a renaissance man when it comes to fitness and activities!