The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

New Horizons in Shaving

What's the trick to getting the framing right?
Did you use it in selfie mode so you could see what you were videoing while it was happening? Looking forward to watching this with coffee this morning.
Did you use it in selfie mode so you could see what you were videoing while it was happening? Looking forward to watching this with coffee this morning.
I didn’t. It seemed like a good idea to use the good lenses. I thought I had lined it up right, but the results speak for themselves.

Thanks for watching.
Great selection of favorites in that video. I really like B&M Behold the Whatsis as well. based a shave soap on Amouage Sunshine Man?! I really need to spend more time on his vendor threads.
Hey Cadre. it's been awhile since my last post, for all sorts of reasons, some I'll lay out after the shave talk.

Shave Talk



Gibbs Adjustable w/ @Clouds handle
Nacet Blade
Paladin Winston Graphite
T+S Yakushima soap & AS

Well after the last couple months of only using a couple of things I've come to some realizations.
I think it's been a good thing to do, even if it means less pics and posting, because after all, who wants to see the same thing everyday?

One, I have a soap I like better than all others, and will probably just use mostly that this year. After coming back to the maker I just find it agrees with me best in every way.

Two, I don't need a million razors either.
Especially after adding the handle to the Gibbs, which really took it to the next level for me. It really completes the razor. It feels like a premium razor now, the plastic handle I had before cheapened it. The balance is far superior, and though I generally don't like a heavier razor, it's just right here. Plus there's nice feature built into the new handle. You can adjust on the fly, no need to loosen it first. I'll tell you it just makes the whole experience feel so much better. The razor no longer feels fiddly, other than the need to notch the blades.

Three, I'd rather spend my extra funds on fragrances this year. I'm totally satisfied with the shave situation, but the frag one is only just beginning to grow and needs a cash infusion to keep it alive.

Personal Talk

Boy the last months have been something. We've been building a new program over the last 4 months, which has taken a lot of my free mental bandwidth. But the good news is we launch this Friday and it's essentially in the bag as of today.

Anyone who's read my personal comments before knows I've had issues with my partners, but that's completely reversed. Building this has been totally frictionless, other than just the enormity of the task.

The other big and really frustrating thing for me, is I started having more knee issues early last December. It's been one step forward and two back with recovery. There have been a few points recently where trying to walk up the stairs was virtually impossible.

I've seen a highly respected guy here, who, thankfully, thinks rehab is enough. I started that last Friday, and then the following day the rehab made the other knee worse! So it's been really frustrating, since as you all know I'm a gym guy on top of taking ballet classes.

Thankfully I've been able to continue both of those, with various tweaks so I don't make matters worse.

Finally, there's one thing that's probably weighing us all down (that's not politically related, I do my damnedest not to mention that stress here.)

The freaking COVID-19 pandemic. I'm sure you all know that Itally has been hit hard, and as of today, hospitals there are on the verge of collapse. All over the course of a few short weeks.

You probably don't know that Italy and Finland have a close connection, there's a lot of traffic back and forth, so I knew it was a matter of time. We got our first cases, via Italy, a couple of weeks ago. And as it's been playing out everywhere, the cases are doubling and we are now over 60, mostly in the area I live in.

My daughter has been doing a university exchange program in Madrid. She had a little time off, and came home last week. She was due to go back tomorrow, but as of today the university has shut down, due to COVID-19. Projections are they open again in two weeks, but with the situation here, she may not be able to get back.

They say she'll be able to make it up somehow though. I hope so, it's a big deal for her.

I'll stop there for now, other than to say, stay safe, wash your hands, don't touch your face, all the best Cadre!
Great to see you pop in and post Cole! Man, you’ve got a lot on your plate! Great news on the business project, sorry to hear about your knee, and praying your family can avoid the pandemic!
The H Man has returned. What's this program you've put together? I've been waiting to hear about the podcast release. Is it part of that?

I find it interesting all this stuff closing for 2 weeks. Around here all the Catholic schools just closed for 2 weeks. And then what? Are they assuming this is going to blow over in two weeks? I can tell you it ain't. We're going to throw up our emergency tent behind Emergency to have space to screen all the people that will be coming for COVID testing.
Great to see you pop in and post Cole! Man, you’ve got a lot on your plate! Great news on the business project, sorry to hear about your knee, and praying your family can avoid the pandemic!

Thanks on all accounts @GearNoir!

The H Man has returned. What's this program you've put together? I've been waiting to hear about the podcast release. Is it part of that?

I find it interesting all this stuff closing for 2 weeks. Around here all the Catholic schools just closed for 2 weeks. And then what? Are they assuming this is going to blow over in two weeks? I can tell you it ain't. We're going to throw up our emergency tent behind Emergency to have space to screen all the people that will be coming for COVID testing.

We have a small online fitness company, Lab Coat Fitness, that specializes in gymnastic strength training/street workout type stuff. I personally haven't been doing podcasts, I use the equipment for our program guide, walking students through the program etc.

I hear you on that two week thing, I was wondering the same. I don't know what they are going to do in my daughter's case, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just decide to extend that timeline. Like you said it's not going to be over in two weeks. Two months, maybe, you probably have a better feel for that than me.
@NurseDave this article sheds light on why the 2 week closing may be a good idea.

Basically it's about lowering the spike in cases all at once, which reduces the strain on the hospital system and has a strong impact on the total number of people who eventually take sick.
Shave Report

A great shave was had with the Gibbs. I'm totally in love after adding the Clouds handle. T+S Orangella Soap and Paladin Chief rounded out the shave.

Scent of the day is HdP Rosam.

Life Report


Last night I made the decision to stop going to the gym. And then as I watched the reports fly in, it's clear it was the right choice.
My wife's gym has closed. A surgeon at a hospital here contracted the disease in Austria and has spread it throughout the hospital. Denmark began lockdown last night and so on...... Finland took weak measures, banning events over 500 people. But things are moving fast here, I suspect that will change very soon.

I guess there will be plenty of time to post here now, which is only going to make this harder for all of you ;)

Stay safe Cadre friends.

Another great shave and fragrance -

The love affair continues.



We released the new program today, which is a wonderful though bittersweet feeling with everything that happening in the world.

We decided we'd create a simple program that people can do at home are release it for free, so I'm busy with that today.

Ballet classes are cancelled and next week at latest Finland will be in full epidemic status. Helena is planning to start working from home. Can't happen soon enough for me.

Great shaves my cadre friends!
I think I would like the scent of that soap!

Good luck with the program release
Great photo today Cole!

Great idea with the program release. I’m sure it’ll be greatly appreciated for those who’ve decided to keep home.