The Shaving Cadre

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New Horizons in Shaving

Hey all! Things have settled back in after the trip.

Shaving wise, I'm going back to more pure DE shaves for a coupe of reasons. The big one is just the time factor. I'm trying to change my schedule to get to the gym earlier, so I have a bigger chunk of time for working after. The other is after all the straight shaving I noticed last week, doing that Razor Theme thing that my DE technique has really improved, and Im enjoying DE shaving more.

I do think the best results are the straight/DE combo, it seems like the shave lasts longer, I have no idea why that is though.


With that settling it, there's not a lot to report, not new trucks, jury duty, annoying slow bureaucrats. Just hitting the gym 6x a week, ballet 2x and trying to get this company to earn some money.

I am starting a 2nd diet phase. The first one I lost 8kg, and am probably 15-20% body fat. I'd like to get that to 10-15%. I took about 6 weeks of a break. One of the more interesting things I learned from the pros about dieting is that loosing is easy, keeping it off is the hard part. And taking breaks and just maintaining every so often is really important towards being able to avoid the rebound that destroys so many diets.


Oh back to shaving, I've noticed I'm in one of those nice points of contentment. I like everything I have, don't even care if I get any more soap etc for a long time. Razors the same, except that seed Dave planted with the Vector.

Instead, I've gone in on fragrances. Which is why I keep posting on that thread. It's still new to me, and it's fun and interesting trying all the samples I've managed to accumulate.

One thing for sure, reading about frags is kind of pointless if you haven't tried it. So I mostly limit myself to the things I can find and try locally, and thankfully I've found that's not a bad of a selection as I originally thought.

Of course, as I learn more, it's easy to order samples, and not that expensive. Actually being in Europe, that's actually easier for me than it is to get most shave stuff. Which is something I'm not used to and almost feels weird, Wait no customs fees??!!

Alright, that's a enough babbling for today, hope you all have a great one, and thanks for reading. :)
Looks like a lot to report to me! Sounds like things are swimmingly back to normal!

Cool that you’ve been able to find a lot of good, local frag choices!
Initiate evasive maneuvers!

Hey all!

I haven't posted much here lately, in part due to trying to spend less time on the internet, and just as much because my shaving routine is in basic but boring mode. I've been trying to finish off a tub of Tallow and Steel Himalaya so most of my shaves have been with it and occasional weekend forays elsewhere.

For some reason I really love Floid Blue in the fall, I have hardly used it over the year, but once that cold damp dreary weather started to hit, I just started picking it up again, and haven't stopped. I'm glad I have one more bottle in reserve, I really do think this may be the best AS ever made.

Speaking of things I haven't picked up, thanks to that themed razor week we did a bit back I re-discovered my Fatips and have been using the Grande the most in my collection lately. And speaking of razors I miss, I had to call the guy who's doing the handle for the Gibbs adjustable. He's had it for about 4 months and no progress. :(. He's a friend, has had a lot of stuff happen recently so I'm doing my best to be cool about it. But I'm getting itchy to use it again.

And speaking of blades that people disparage but they are really great (yes I'm taking to you Dave and Dave.) I'm totally rocking the Sputnik and since I started using them haven't turned back, even though I have plenty of top rated blades. I just love these things, the best sharp smooth balance for me. I wonder if they changed something with them when they went over to the etched labeling? All I can say, they don't deserve the bad rep, at all.

What else is going on?

Lots of changes in the company, we're totally overhauling our product. Lot's of story behind that, all I can say is it's a good thing, and let's the guys who are actually putting time in on the product take ownership.

And finally I've been in a major get really for crap weather mode, bought a new Arc'teryx jacket, plus new pants, fleece, base layers etc. It's the only way to make the dreaded time bearable. That and stay moving, I've got a month and a half on this diet left, and Ill tell you most of my pants are now too large, even ones that were tight when I was thiner before. So I think that's great. The moving is 6 times a week at the gym, ballet twice a week and lots of walking in crap wether but styling great gear.

Keep up the hard work! I'll be sure to appreciate my "cold" 65°F while you're dealing with negatives and stuff.
:: looking around to see which Daves he's talkin' about ::

You're rocking the health progress there! But wait a minute, what happens with the month and 1/2 is over?
Hey Cadre! It's time for another semi regular New Horizons in Shaving report, woohoo!

On the shaving front, I'm earnestly trying to finish the Tallow and Steel Himalaya, it's on it's last legs now for sure, I think it has to be over next week, but I've said that every week this last month.


I've scooped out the last remnants into the SWK soap bowl, it really comes in handy at times like this.

I've really slacked off on the straight shaving, just once last weekend, and this week has been more in the sprit of get it done. Which has led me to use the Gillette Rocket HD mostly, it's just such a mindless easy shaver.

BUT if all goes well I've got two pristine vintage razors on the way. A buddy in our local Facebook shave group gave me. tip on finding a NOS Gillette RFB. It was on a local auction site, with a low opening bid, and to my total surprise there were no other bidders, so I got if for a steal.

Gillette partahöylä vintage osastossa Kauneudenhoidon pienlaitteet

Then today he mailed me asking if I'd like another razor, and sent pics of a very pristine looking Gillette Old Type.


He offered it for the same low price as the RFB, so I really couldn't say no.

Interestingly both have some auto related text. The RFB had Turku Autohalli (Car dealership) inscribed in the box cover, and the Old has a Goodyear logo etched on the razor head.

I'm pretty excited about getting and trying these. I've wanted an RFB for a long time, and am keen to try the Old and see how it get on with it. I really never thought deals like this would come my way, and am really grateful. Of course I'l be more so when they are actually here.


Someone asked me about ballet in another thread. I guess most of you know, I used to do really high level yoga, sadly I've lost all the pics I had in a hard drive crash, but let's just say I was flexible, really flexible. (If anyone wants to see what I was doing you can Google Ashtanga Yoga 4th Series to get an idea of it.)

When I got in my late 40's I started to loose my interest in yoga, or really not so much yoga, but the yoga scene. It changed, and I realized that I found what I was looking for in yoga, both in terms of what I could do physically, but also in philosophical terms. And where yoga was going didn't jive with that in my mind.

So I decided to just give it up and move on to other things. I'm not interested in preaching to people or trying to change the current of modern yoga, but it just doesn't fit me anymore. So rather than feel like I'm constantly fighting an unstoppable current, it just made more sense to move on.

I got involved with Gymnastics for a while and even was in upper management for what was at that time THE name in gymnastics fitness. (That sounds glamorous, but trust me it wasn't and the pay was worse.)

Anyway I decided to try ballet because I wanted to strengthen my hips and legs, I've always had kind of weak leg.. My wife was also interested, so we took an intensive course, every night for two weeks. The teacher was very cheerful and nice and it made me feel comfortable with the idea of doing more. So I started taking classes, Helena did too, but decided it wasn't for her and it hurt her lower back to do.

The thing is, it was really hard, not only physically as more so as mentally. Remembering all the combinations was impossible and holding the positions correctly was very difficult too. It made me so frustrated in fact that I just couldn't quit, because I'd be a quitter. (In my mind it's fine to quit if you don't like something, but if it's just because it's too hard, that's no reason without really trying your best first.)

It also triggered some stuff from way back when I was in first grade, in Key West Florida, and we had to square dance, which totally traumatized me, I know lol! So that also made say I have to stick with it until I'm past that dumb little kid feeling.

Well, along the way something weird and totally unexpected happened, I started to actually love to do it. I started to enjoy the music and this odd form of dance that ballet class is. (This ain't no disco!) When that day came that the music just got in my head, that was it for me.

Anyway, I was iirc 52 when I started and even though I'm in fairly ramshackle condition, I'm going to keep doing it as long as I can.
Ok Cole, so now I'm caught up on the whole ballet thing. Very cool how you migrated into it. Trying new things is so good for the mind and body. I feel pretty alive when learning something new.

It made me so frustrated in fact that I just couldn't quit, because I'd be a quitter. (In my mind it's fine to quit if you don't like something, but if it's just because it's too hard, that's no reason without really trying your best first.)

Glad to see someone with the same mindset I have. It's lacking today.

It also triggered some stuff from way back when I was in first grade, in Key West Florida, and we had to square dance, which totally traumatized

Ah yes, I remember so well getting on my stinky gym clothes in the locker room and running to the gym wondering what awesome thing we were going to do that day and.....................then.....................seeing the dreaded record player sitting on the metal folding!!'s square dancing for several weeks. I think our gym teacher loved to see the look on our faces that first day.
Ah yes, I remember so well getting on my stinky gym clothes in the locker room and running to the gym wondering what awesome thing we were going to do that day and.....................then.....................seeing the dreaded record player sitting on the metal folding!!'s square dancing for several weeks. I think our gym teacher loved to see the look on our faces that first day.

So I'm not the only one with Square Dance Trauma.

Maybe we should form a support group!