The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Back to the 7/8" Barber's Notch BRW, and just an exquisite shave. Two in a row that were darn near grail worthy by my standards, and with two separate razors. Life is good!

We are in a cool spell currently, and I think the dreaded Blacked Legged (Deer) ticks have re-emerged. I had on attached to my back last night, just over the shoulder. SWMBO was asleep on the couch, so I attempted to pull it. It was barely in reach, but was in reach, so I attempted to get it. I failed. Now I have a dead partial tick attached to my back. Will have to go to the clinic today and get it dug out I guess. A few weeks back, I had three ticks attached in 1 week on various parts of the body. Chances are better than average that I will contract Lyme's Disease.
Yikes Walt! Playing with fire a little there, waiting so long.

Good shave at least!
Yikes Walt! Playing with fire a little there, waiting so long.

Good shave at least!

Yes, nothing like a little Russian Roulette Chris. Today I suspect that they will give me a prophylactic dose of antibiotics due to the current attached tick. I should likely get a Lyme's antibody titer performed to see if those attachments a few weeks back caused any problems, then treat if needed.
We are in a cool spell currently, and I think the dreaded Blacked Legged (Deer) ticks have re-emerged. I had on attached to my back last night, just over the shoulder. SWMBO was asleep on the couch, so I attempted to pull it. It was barely in reach, but was in reach, so I attempted to get it. I failed. Now I have a dead partial tick attached to my back. Will have to go to the clinic today and get it dug out I guess. A few weeks back, I had three ticks attached in 1 week on various parts of the body. Chances are better than average that I will contract Lyme's Disease.
Holy Moly Walt! You need a HAZMAT suit for talking walks.
Holy Moly Walt! You need a HAZMAT suit for talking walks.

It should be nothing that a bout of Doxycycline won't take care of as a prophylactic. It gets more complex if I actually have Lyme's Dave as I did not take any prophylactic Ab on the past recent exposures.
Dear Lord, no pun intended, come out West Walt, they explode in the heat, we have some tick problems up north on the rim, but not like that. I pray you do not get the disease
Dear Lord, no pun intended, come out West Walt, they explode in the heat, we have some tick problems up north on the rim, but not like that. I pray you do not get the disease

Thanks Dave, will take my Doxy tonight.

I wanted to get a head start on the lineup for tomorrow. And Wahoo, the TSC brush arrived!!!!!!!!

Well above was the setup for today, sans the Sorrintino TSC brush. We have decided to make Sunday the inaugural TSC brush shave as a group to allow the brushes to arrive, at least across CONUS (Sorry Josh).

Now that I have been at this for some time, it has dawned on me that there is one particular factor, above all others, that helps me to achieve near grail worthy shaves nearly each and every outing with a straight razor. That single factor is spending time here, posting in my journal, reading other's journals and generally hanging out with you guys. 99.9999999% of the world does not give a crap about how good my straight razor shave was, that includes my inner circle of family, friends and colleagues that I interact personally with daily. But you guys care. And because you care, I try to deliver each and every shave when I am hanging with you. When life gets in the way, and I have let this TSC part of my life go by the way side because there are not enough hours in the day, I get very good shaves, but no where near as good as the past five or six I have been able to put together in a row. The equipment, the lather and everything else has been the same for the past 7-8 months. Being active here is the only difference. Spectacular full on BBS ++ shave today, after a near grail worthy shave yesterday where much of my face was still BBS yesterday evening.

Thanks TSC.
Very nice sentiment Walt. And one I think many here share.

My in-laws just came back from a couple weeks in Western PA and actually commented on how bad the ticks are right now. My sis-in-law has some type of device that lets you grab a tick, twist, and the whole critter pops out...head and all. She uses it on her dogs. Not sure the name but I will see if I can find out. Hoping for the best and that Lyme disease isn't an issue .
Very nice sentiment Walt. And one I think many here share.

My in-laws just came back from a couple weeks in Western PA and actually commented on how bad the ticks are right now. My sis-in-law has some type of device that lets you grab a tick, twist, and the whole critter pops out...head and all. She uses it on her dogs. Not sure the name but I will see if I can find out. Hoping for the best and that Lyme disease isn't an issue .

Thanks Don. I think the item is called a Tick Twister, and we do have one. The problem with the last tick that I had was that it was on my back, and it was not visible without a mirror. The attached tick was very small and really dug in. Had my wife been awake, perhaps she could have successfully extracted it with the Tick Twister, but there was no way I was going to get it one handed behind my back. I have successfully used ours on very small ticks on our dog, but he has short hair and they are pretty easy to see on him. Longer haired dogs, you are not aware of attached ticks until they are engorged enough that you really do not need any specialized equipment to extract them.

I got an appointment at the Hershey Clinic here yesterday as they run a residency program, and you get to see a real doc in residence. She took one look and said, "boy, I don't know." She went and came back with a doc my age to have a look. He informed me that studies have shown that there is no difference in outcome in cases like mine where the tick head was extracted, or when they are allowed to stay attached and slough off naturally. So the head is still attached. All I go was the bolus of Doxycycline script for the effort. Had I known this, I probably would not have gone to the clinic. My wife had a similar situation 5 or so years ago, and they extracted the tick head. Who knew?
All caught up, Walt, and some excellent reads. First, I hope that the tick issue turns into a non-issue! Secondly, nice sentiments regarding hangin' with the cadre. I was curious, instead of those utilitarian morning shaves of late, have you considered a nice relaxing shave at night before hitting the rack? If I have to get up early, I do the night shave often, and it works well for me.
All the brushes look great. Great packaging too!

I hear you about no one else really caring, it’s still just shaving to them, right where I was at when it used to be a daily chore.

Well above was the setup for today, sans the Sorrintino TSC brush. We have decided to make Sunday the inaugural TSC brush shave as a group to allow the brushes to arrive, at least across CONUS (Sorry Josh).

Now that I have been at this for some time, it has dawned on me that there is one particular factor, above all others, that helps me to achieve near grail worthy shaves nearly each and every outing with a straight razor. That single factor is spending time here, posting in my journal, reading other's journals and generally hanging out with you guys. 99.9999999% of the world does not give a crap about how good my straight razor shave was, that includes my inner circle of family, friends and colleagues that I interact personally with daily. But you guys care. And because you care, I try to deliver each and every shave when I am hanging with you. When life gets in the way, and I have let this TSC part of my life go by the way side because there are not enough hours in the day, I get very good shaves, but no where near as good as the past five or six I have been able to put together in a row. The equipment, the lather and everything else has been the same for the past 7-8 months. Being active here is the only difference. Spectacular full on BBS ++ shave today, after a near grail worthy shave yesterday where much of my face was still BBS yesterday evening.

Thanks TSC.

I 100% agree with this sentiment. It is exactly the same with me. Being here makes my shaves better.
These procedures change all the time. And from doc to doc. I'm with you...if I would have known that was all they were going to do, I probably wouldn't have gone either .

Praying for a positive outcome.