The Shaving Cadre

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McVeyMac's Straight Razor (and other traditional wet shaving) Adventures

Let's just stop short of a tighty whities pic!

Good idea Dave!

Excellent reads, Walt! I am truly enjoying the honing discussions.

This had me ROLLING!

Plenty of comedians around here Jim!

Catching up. A LOT of great information.

Thanks Don.

WOW! I love it when you get all scientific!

You came to the right place Rich.

Great to be getting to follow your journal again, Walt!

Thanks for stopping buy Brad!
Sorry I was out of pocket for the past few days, but the wedding had us all in a tizzy. On Friday the weather report was pretty much a rain out for all day Saturday, and this was going to be an outdoor affair. As a result, we set the tables up inside my daughter's house for the after wedding/reception stuff. Since I was officiating the wedding, we were flexible with respect to time for the service, so we thought we would be able to find 30 minutes sometime during the day. At about 3:00 AM Saturday morning, we had strong storms the likes of which we have not heard around here for a while, but by 7:00 AM the sun was shining bright. The decision was made to set the tables outside as all of the storms appeared to be staying to our North. It was a risk, but one I am glad we took. We had the service at 1:00 as planned, cooked on the grill and ate outside in the sunshine, and had no more rain until well into the evening after everything was cleaned up. All in all, a huge success! Except my youngest grandson wanted to pick his nose for the picture. Oh well!

Nice to hear that the weather finally cooperated.

Great pic - and I see that someone wore a bow tie - excellent!
Good stuff, glad the weather worked out for ya'll

Thanks Dave

Congratulations to the new couple!

Thanks Chris

The wedding day shave was the 7/8" Barber Notch BRW, and it performed marvelously with an all day BBS. No shave again until this AM. Today I went with the 6/8 Barber Notch BRW, and it did a great job on the 2 day growth. Again, performing maintenance strokes after each shave with about 30 on the 2x8 Black Ark. I am thinking I will give this stone a good soak in the next day or so to see if it changes the way the stone behaves.
Great stuff Walt. I am glad the Wedding went well. Those days are always stressful and it seemed to have went perfectly. Glad the weather cooperated also!
Wonderful shave Walt, and an even bigger congratulations on the wedding going off without too much interference from Mother Nature!
Great stuff Walt. I am glad the Wedding went well. Those days are always stressful and it seemed to have went perfectly. Glad the weather cooperated also!
Great pic. I am glad the wedding was such a success.
Congrats! It looks like a lovely time! Wonderful family!
Wonderful shave Walt, and an even bigger congratulations on the wedding going off without too much interference from Mother Nature!
That's a good looking group of people, Walt. Thanks for sharing .
Congratulations on your daughter's wedding!

Thanks all for the congratulations for the wedding.
Catching up Walt, great reads and you look very happy and fit in that photo, sounded like a wonderful time
Sorry I fell behind a couple of days here guys, work stuff is relentless. I have two proposals due in two weeks with both internal and external collaborators. So I have a lot of cat herding to do.

Yesterday I wend again with the 7/8" BRW Barber's Notch. I never have time for photographs any more, but I always enjoy the photos y'all put in your journals. Below are stock photos of the the two razors I will be discussing today that Brian had of these razors when I bought them. The shave yesterday was a smooth full on BBS, performing the same maintenance as described previously on the 2x8 Black Ark.

Today I got out my tried and true Jade Green 7/8" BRW which has not been used for a week or two (maybe more). I gave it a 30/60 canvas/leather on my Tony Miller Heirloom prior to the save as it has been sitting for a while. Today again a BBS. I have to say that all of these three BRW razors are hitting on all cylinders.

I put the last of the MVM Beta 1.1 soap in my soap dish, so it is time to make some more. Also, my bath and shampoo soap is at the last bar as well, so that has to be replaced soonest. Between the soap making, the Arkansas stone plans and the fact that the grass is growing very rapidly, I might just have to use actual shampoo and body wash, shave with Stirling and break out the DE or SE if I don't get busy on this stuff.
Nice shaves, Walt! At least your fall back soap is doesn't get much better than that!